Dokploy core is a free and open-source program alternative to Vercel, Netlify, and other cloud services.
Developers of Dokploy do their best to prevent bugs and issues through rigorous testing processes and clean code principles. Dokploy is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
By using Dokploy you agree to Terms and Conditions, and the license of Dokploy.
Dokploy core is an open-source program designed to streamline application deployment processes for personal and commercial use. Users are free to install, modify, and run Dokploy on their own machines or within their organizations to enhance their development and deployment workflows. While Dokploy encourages a wide range of uses to foster innovation and efficiency, it is crucial to note that selling Dokploy itself as a service or repackaging it as part of a commercial offering without explicit permission is strictly prohibited. This ensures that the open-source nature of Dokploy remains intact and benefits the community as a whole.
Dokploy developers will do their best to ensure that Dokploy remains functional and major bugs are resolved quickly. If you have a feature request, you are more than welcome to open a request for it, but the ultimate decision whether or not the feature will be added is taken by Dokploy's core developers.
Dokploy doesn't collect any usage data. It is a free and open-source program, and it is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
Terms of Service / Terms & Conditions may change at any point without a prior notice.