Memento is a single-tenant, personal aggregator for information you “save” on different platforms, making that content searchable and partially backed up. Aggregation is automatic every 5 minutes.
It currently supports:
- Twitter favourites
- Instapaper articles
- Pinboard bookmarks
- GitHub starred repositories
All data gets saved in a single Postgresql table (for easy search and backup).
The application scope is small, but one of the goals is to make it extremely robust, with all bells and whistles you need for production code.
Memento has four main components:
- a capture supervision tree, where every source of content is monitored via a feed process
- permanent storage powered by Ecto and Postgresql
- a very simple http api to serve and search stored content
- a UI (written in Elm)
- a CLI-based UI written in Elixir
The capture workflow is structured around two ideas: Memento.Capture.Feed and Memento.Capture.Handler.
The Feed (implemented as a state machine via gen_statem) represents all common steps used to get data from any source:
- Initial authentication (where needed)
- Try to fetch the latest changes
- On success, store the data, wait 5 minutes and try again
- On failure, wait 30 seconds and try again
What changes between two sources is how some specific steps are performed and this where the Handler comes in: defined as a behaviour, it’s implemented by every source in their own way, as all APIs are different.
All entries are stored on Postgresql. For search, we define a entries_search_index
materialized view where we use Postgresql's full text search functionality. This view is updated via a database trigger (all of this is defined as database migrations, see the migrations folder for more details.
This is implemented via Plug, defined in Memento.API.Router.
The UI is contained in the frontend folder and uses for compilation/watch. It's served via the parent Elixir application.
Please check config/config.exs
, configuration options are documented there.
You will need a series of environment variables (for authentication against the sources APIs).
The project is setup with Nanobox. Once you have it installed, you can:
- use
nanobox evar
to setup the environment variables - use
nanobox run
to open a shell session to the container - call
nanobox dns add local memento.local
so that you can visit http://memento.local to access the UI
Once inside the container you can:
- call
mix do deps.get, ecto.migrate
to fetch elixir dependencies, compile and setup the db. - call
iex -S mix
to open an iex session with the running project (and then open http://memento.local) - call
MIX_ENV=test mix do ecto.create, ecto.migrate, test
to run tests for the first time (after that, it's onlymix test
To work on the UI, open another container session in a different terminal, cd frontend
and make watch
. Any change on frontend files will trigger a build, so you just need to refresh the browser to see your changes.
Assuming you have Nanobox setup for deployment, you just need to call nanobox deploy
. Note that the project is also setup for Note that Travis needs the same environment variables you setup locally to function.
Running mix
will build a memento
cli executable in ./bin
(which requires, to be executed, a working Erlang installation on the host machine) that can be used to browse a Memento instance from the command line.
Once built, you can call:
./bin/memento --base-url
For the full range of options, please call ./bin/memento --help
Please note that the file can be safely moved and dropped in your $PATH
For ease of using, it's recommended to pipe the command to less -r
, which will paginate the results in glorious full colour.
./bin/memento --base-url | less -r