The Antlr4DTarget represents an full featured and tested port of ANTLR 4.
This covers the runtime library, the tool to translate the syntax into D code and the tests for the runtime library. See also ANTLR version 4.8.
Like other language ports, this D runtime library uses UTF-8.
- Download or clone the package
- Change directory to the root of the package and call dub.
- You will find the generated ATLR D runtime library in lib/libantlr-d.a
- The ANTLR tool for D will be generated by make build_examples (./build.ps1 build_examples on windows)
in build/antlr4-4.8/tool/target/antlr4-4.8-2-SNAPSHOT-complete.jar
- java 1.8
- maven
- 7-Zip (Only on windows)
Put the
grammar Expr;
prog: (expr NEWLINE)* ;
expr: expr ('*'|'/') expr
| expr ('+'|'-') expr
| '(' expr ')'
NEWLINE : [\r\n]+ ;
INT : [0-9]+ ;
in the file Expr.g4.
Now call
java -jar -Dlanguage=D build/antlr4-4.7.2/tool/target/antlr4-4.8-2-SNAPSHOT-complete.jar Expr.g4
and the correspondig Lexer, Parser and Listener D-Source files are generated. Use the the -visitor option in cli
java -jar -visitor -Dlanguage=D build/antlr4-4.7.2/tool/target/antlr4-4.8-2-SNAPSHOT-complete.jar Expr.g4
and additional ExprVisitor.d and ExprBaseVisitor.d sources are created.
The data type to store text is Variant. This is handy for the rewriting feature on an indent-based syntax like Python. In this case we need a structure representing the text as well as the number of indents.