This state configures a ZNC bouncer. Include znc
on the minion you want it
to run on and add some pillar data:
znc: port: 6667 cert: | -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- here the content of your .pem file for SSL handling. Contains a private key… -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- …and a certificate -----END CERTIFICATE----- users: nickname1: password_hash: sha256#hexdigest#salt# real_name: Your Name vhost: quit_msg: Cool story bro server_host: server_port: 6667 server_password: (optional) buffer: 5000 admin: true chans: - "#django-floppyforms" - "" nickname2: # etc etc
To generate a password hash, use this python snippet:
import getpass import hashlib import string from random import SystemRandom raw_password = getpass.getpass() salt_chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits random = SystemRandom() salt = "".join([random.choice(salt_chars) for i in range(20)]) print("sha256#{hash}#{salt}#".format( hash=hashlib.sha256((raw_password+salt).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest(), salt=salt ))