The building block for Bigcommerce theme developers to get started quickly developing premium quality themes on the Bigcommerce platform.
Stencil-utils is our supporting library for our events and remote interactions. It is a module that is managed by JSPM and requires installation. Stencil-utils is located in a private repo for now, so ensure you follow the next section.
- Ensure that
is installed. - Open a terminal and run
npm install -g jspm
this will install JSPM globally. - Have Fun!
Create an access token here that will be used by JSPM to access the private Github repos.
Once you have your token run jspm registry config github
and input your credentials. This will create a Github jspm configuration.
Once this is complete you are ready for the next step.
##JS API When writing theme javascript there is an API in place for running javascript on a per page basis. To properly write JS for your theme you will have the following page types available to you.
- "pages/account/addresses"
- "pages/account/add-address"
- "pages/account/add-return"
- "pages/account/add-wishlist"
- "pages/account/recent-items"
- "pages/account/download-item"
- "pages/account/edit"
- "pages/account/return-saved"
- "pages/account/returns"
- "pages/auth/login"
- "pages/auth/account-created"
- "pages/auth/create-account"
- "pages/auth/new-password"
- "pages/blog"
- "pages/blog-post"
- "pages/brand"
- "pages/brands"
- "pages/cart"
- "pages/category"
- "pages/compare"
- "pages/errors"
- "pages/gift-certificate/purchase"
- "pages/gift-certificate/balance"
- "pages/gift-certificate/redeem"
- "global"
- "pages/home"
- "pages/order-complete"
- "pages/page"
- "pages/product"
- "pages/search"
- "pages/sitemap"
- "pages/subscribed"
- "page/account/wishlist-details"
- "pages/account/wishlists"
And these page types will correspond to the pages within your your theme. Each one of these page types map to an ES6 modules that extends the base PageManager
abstract class.
export default class Auth extends PageManager {
constructor() {
//Set up code goes here, attach to internals and use internals as you would 'this'
Within PageManager
you will methods that are available from all your classes, but there are three really important methods. The following methods have the signature
func (callback)
and the callback takes callback(err)
if error.
When this method is implemented in your class the code contained will be executed after the constructor but before the loaded()
method. This will provide
a shim for your code before your main implementation logic could run.
export default class Auth extends PageManager {
constructor() {
//Set up code goes here
before(callback) {
//code that should be ran before anyother code in this class
//Callback must be called to move on to the next method
This method will be called when the constructor has ran and before()
has executed. Main implementation code should live in the loaded method.
export default class Auth extends PageManager {
constructor() {
//Set up code goes here
loaded(callback) {
//Main implementation logic here
//Callback must be called to move on to the next method
This method is for any cleanup that may need to happen and will be executed after before()
and loaded()
export default class Auth extends PageManager {
constructor() {
//Set up code goes here
after(callback) {
//Main implementation logic here
//Callback must be called to move on to the next method
Occasionally you may need to use dynamic data from in the template context within your clientside theme application code.
Two helpers are provided to help achieve this.
The inject helper allows you to compose a json object with a subset of the template context to be sent to the browser.
{{inject "stringBasedKey" contextValue}}
To retrieve the parsable json object, just call {{jsContext}}
after all of the {{@inject}}
For example, to setup the product name in your clientside app, you can do this if you're in the context of a product.
{{inject "myProductName" product.title}}
// Note the lack of quotes around the jsContext handlebars helper, it becomes a string automatically.
var jsContext = JSON.parse({{jsContext}}); //jsContext would output "{\"myProductName\": \"Sample Product\"}" which can feed directly into your javascript
console.log(jsContext.myProductName); // Will output: Sample Product
You can compose your json object across multiple pages to create a different set of clientside data depending on the currently loaded template context.
The stencil theme makes the jsContext available on both the active page scoped and global PageManager objects as this.context
Some static assets in the Stencil theme are handled with Grunt if required. This means you have some dependencies on grunt and npm. To get started:
First make sure you have Grunt installed globally on your machine:
npm install -g grunt-cli
and run:
npm install
Icons are delivered via a single SVG sprite, which is embedded on the page in
. It is generated via a grunt task grunt svgstore
The task takes individual SVG files for each icon, in assets/icons
and bundles
them together, to be inlined on the top of the theme, inside a handlebars partial.
Each icon can then be called in a similar way to an inline image via:
<svg><use xlink:href="#icon-svgFileName" /></svg>
The ID of the SVG icon you are calling is based on the filename of the icon you want,
with icon-
prepended. e.g. xlink:href="#icon-fabeook"
Simply add your new icon SVG file to the icons folder, and run grunt svgstore
or just grunt