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Special Tests (ልዩ ምርመራ)
No. | Full Name | ID |
1 | Christina Solomon | UGR/8231/12 |
2 | Habib Gemmechu | UGR/4012/12 |
3 | Hiwot Derese | UGR/2790/12 |
4 | Ruhama Gashaw | UGR/9496/12 |
5 | Zeal Sabir | UGR/0113/12 |
Special tests (ልዩ ምርመራ) is an application that provides information to users, which makes them able to find and then request an appointment to special tests available in different clinical laboratories or hospitals. These special tests may include: Fertility Test, Thyroid Hormone Test etc.
- Create or post available Tests
- Update test information
- Add new tests
- Change status of test
- Approving an appointment
- Removing Tested patient
- Request Appointment
- Cancel Appointment
- Hospital profile/Test Information
- Appointment
As a patient (user), I want to locate clinical laboratories or hospitals that give special tests and also request appointment for the test available, so that I can access and take the test easily.
As a clinical laboratory (administrator), I want to let people know the different tests we offer which might not be available everywhere, so that patient can easily discover about the tests present in our hospital and reserve an appointment. =======
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8ce93c9 (first commit)