- Title
the IntervalTree module using “argumanted tree”
- Author
MISHIMA, Hiroyuki ( github.com/misshie ), 2011
- Copyright
The MIT/X11 license
see also .… description in Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interval_tree
an implementstion in Python by Tyler Kahn forrst.com/posts/Interval_Tree_implementation_in_python-e0K
- Usage
require “interval_tree”
itv = [(0…3), (1…4), (3…5),] t = IntervalTree::Tree.new(itv) p t.search(2) => [0…3, 1…4] p t.search(1…3) => [0…3, 1…4, 3…5]
- note
result intervals are always returned
in the “left-closed and right-open” style that can be expressed by three-dotted Range object literals (first…last)