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Advent of code solution comparison in

pure python, numba, cuda

About me

  • I'm Roberto Gambuzzi
  • Principal Software Engineer
  • Writing Python since 2007
  • Always learning new languages, but always coming back to Python.
  • If you want to connect

What this talk will be about

  • advent of code solutions
  • python
  • numba
  • cuda

What is advent of code?

If you never did Advent of Code, Advent of code is a code challenge that is published every year in the Christmas period.

There are 24 challenges every year, you can find them on

The problem

2021 Day 20: Trench Map

Longstory Short: you have an initial 1-bit image and you have rules on how to update every pixel of this image. You get a new image. Repeat.

In PART 1 you are asked of doing it 2 times.

In PART 2 you are asked of doing it 50 times.

how do you evolve the image?

You are given an image enhancement algorithm (a string representing 512 bits) and an image.

For each pixel

  • you have to take all the touching pixel and the pixel itself (3x3 = 9 pixels),
  • create a 9 bit number based on these pixels
  • do a lookup to the appropriate bit in the image enhancement algorithm string
  • write the value you get in the pixel position in the new output image

Let's visualize the problem

Advent of code always provides a simple input that serves as example. Then it provides you the real input to use to get the solution, that often contains some edge cases that the example-input lacks intentionally.

The simple input




The first approach, pure python

def parse_input(img):
    # this could possibly be a set, instead of a dict.
    grid = {}

    for y, row in enumerate(img.splitlines()):
        for x, cell in enumerate(row):
            grid[x, y] = 1 if c=='#' else 0
    return grid

the single step

def step(enhancement: AnyStr, grid: Dict[Iterable[int] , AnyStr], default: int=0):
    min_x: int = min([x[0] for x in grid if grid[x]])
    max_x: int = max([x[0] for x in grid if grid[x]])
    min_y: int = min([x[1] for x in grid if grid[x]])
    max_y: int = max([x[1] for x in grid if grid[x]])
    new_grid = {}
    for x in range(min_x-2,max_x+3):
        for y in range(min_y-2,max_y+3):            
            n = 0  # the lookup number
            for dx,dy in (
                (-1, 0),(0, 0),(1, 0),
                (-1, 1),(0, 1),(1, 1),):
                n *= 2
                n += grid.get((x+dx,y+dy),default)
            new_grid[x,y] = 1 if enhancement[n] == '#' else 0
    return new_grid

def part2(img, enhancement):
    grid = parse_input(img)

    for i in range(50):
        grid = step(
            default=i%2 if enhancement[0]=='#' else 0

    return sum(grid.values())

What is the speed of this?

print("part2", part2(img, enhancement))
    "part2(img, enhancement)", 
    "from __main__ import part2, img, enhancement", 
part2 19340

Can numba make it faster?

Spoiler alert: Yes.

Do I need to change my code?

Nope (well, you have to add decorators)

from numba import njit

njit is an alias to @jit(nopython=True)

def parse_input(img):
def step(enhancement: AnyStr, grid: Dict[Iterable[int] , AnyStr], default: int=0):
def part2(img, enhancement):

What is the speed of numba?

print("part2", part2(img, enhancement))
    "part2(img, enhancement)", 
    "from __main__ import part2, img, enhancement", 
part2 19340

6.51s -> 0.70s -> 9.3 times faster

numba take a little while to 'compile' the code on the first run

and now the GPU

With cuda we can use the GPU of our machine (or a colab instance) to work on this problem, that can be parallelized quite well.

Can the GPU make it even faster?


Do I need to change my code?

Yes, quite a bit.

Code changes

  • I will not use a dictionary anymore
  • I will use an array
  • I will use a fixed size array, big enough to contain my final image
  • On the python side I will use a numpy array
  • I will not allocate a new array (previously a dictionary) at every loop
  • To be fair with numba, I will rewrite the numba solution with the same new logic

from numba import njit, cuda
import numpy as np

def parse_input(img):
    ret = np.full((200, 200), False)
    for y, row in enumerate(img.splitlines()):
        for x, cell in enumerate(row):
            ret[50 + x, 50 + y] = cell=='#'
    return ret
  • ret is 200 by 200 array of booleans,
  • 50 is the offset to avoid negative numbers, because the image also expands in negatie directions, one pixel per step

def GPUstep(ingrid, outgrid, enhancement, default):
    x, y = cuda.grid(2)
    if x<ingrid.shape[0] and y<ingrid.shape[1]:
        n = 0
        for dx,dy in (
            (-1, 0),(0, 0),(1, 0),
            (-1, 1),(0, 1),(1, 1),):
            n *= 2
            if (not 0<=x+dx<ingrid.shape[0]) or (not 0<=y+dy<ingrid.shape[1]):
                n += default
                n += 1 if ingrid[x+dx,y+dy] else 0
        outgrid[x][y] = enhancement[n]

def part2GPU(img, enhancement):
    np_grid = parse_input(img)
    d_grid = cuda.to_device(np_grid)
    new_grid = cuda.to_device(
        np.full((np_grid.shape[0], np_grid.shape[1]), False)
    d_enha = cuda.to_device(np.fromiter((x=='#' for x in enhancement), bool))
    threads_per_block = (16, 16)
    blocks_per_grid_x = (np_grid.shape[0] + threads_per_block[0] 
                        - 1) // threads_per_block[0]
    blocks_per_grid_y = (np_grid.shape[1] + threads_per_block[1] 
                        - 1) // threads_per_block[1]
    blocks_per_grid = (blocks_per_grid_x, blocks_per_grid_y)
    for i in range(50):
        GPUstep[blocks_per_grid, threads_per_block] \
            (d_grid, new_grid, d_enha, i%2 if ench[0]=='#' else 0)
        d_grid, new_grid = new_grid, d_grid
    return np.count_nonzero(d_grid)

print("GPU part2", part2GPU(img, enhancement))
    "part2GPU(img, enhancement)", 
    "from __main__ import part2GPU, img, enhancement", 
GPU part2 19340

6.51s -> 0.0088s -> 740 times faster

To be fair, let's rewrite also the numba solution with arrays

def step(enhancement, grid, default=0):
    new_grid = np.full((200, 200), False)
    for x in range(grid.shape[0]):
        for y in range(grid.shape[1]):
            n = 0
            for dx,dy in (
                (-1, 0),(0, 0),(1, 0),
                (-1, 1),(0, 1),(1, 1),):
                n *= 2
                if (not 0<=x+dx<grid.shape[0]) or (not 0<=y+dy<grid.shape[1]):
                    n += default
                    n += 1 if grid[x+dx,y+dy] else 0
            new_grid[x,y] = enhancement[n] == '#'
    return new_grid

def part2(img, enhancement):
    grid = parse_input(img)
    for i in range(50):
        grid = step(enhancement, grid, default=i%2 if enhancement[0]=='#' else 0)
    return np.count_nonzero(grid)    

print("jit part2", part2(img, enhancement))
    "part2(img, enhancement)", 
    "from __main__ import part2, img, enhancement", 
jit part2 19340
compared to pure python

6.51s -> 0.14s -> 46 times faster

compared to numba with dict

0.70s -> 0.14s -> 5 times faster

but not handling any-size-images


