- obc.js SDK Doc - utils/obc-js
- Tutorial for SimpleStuff App 1 - here (start here)
- Tutorial for SimpleStuff App 2 - coming
- JS sdk -
- SimpelStuff App1 (marbles demo) - http://localhost:3000
- Chaincode Investigator (tool) - http://localhost:3000/cci
- User can create a marble and store it in the chaincode state
- User can read all marbles in the chaincode state
- User can transfer marble to another user
- See block stats
- User can delete a marble
- Deployable on bluemix
- New block events trigger a marble page update
- Can transfer/delete multiple marbles at once
- User's can advertise to trade their marbles (ie willing to trade large red for large blue/yellow/green)
- User identity (fake login as bob or leroy)
- Ability to see past blocks details and some sort of animation on new blocks
- User autentication (crypto signing of transactions)
- User registration
- Transacation privacy
Write("name", "val", cb);
check permissions of requesting user in cc
verify user identity, ie public private key stuff
website to test cc, real basic
demo app website
make sdk proper npm module
custom custom function on UI
load json in UI
structured error reponse
mocha test for sdk
browsify sdk and tie cci into it (not sure if i want to)
change downloading zip to git clone
follow redirect on zip download
auto deploy, correctly!
get delete to update marbleIndex
sdk, check inputs on load if they dne, error
[o] poll after chain deploy for cc up in peer [can't, future auth will prevent]
add block stats to sdk
write tutorial on phase 1
move to socket.io (unsure, postpone)
change test var "a" to "test" in cc
make advanced link in cci and hide ip/port fields, hide all things under tool like categories
make CCI work for multiple apps, pick which cc to load (even custom functions)
block history UI
CCI video
CCI screens with filled out info
restyle marbles to match new design
multi marble on willing list
remove named marble argument on perform_trade message/golang func, replace with color/size thing
check requirments of trade before exe, in CC
error checking on arguements before invoking... do not let e blank named marble in
I changed a if(e != null) to if(e == null) and it didn't create a new hash...?
- Due to performance issues, we probably want resuable chaincode contracts. ie 1 chaincode describe/constrains multiple people assets. ie ie many people and cars exist in 1 chaincode
- Any functionality that parties need to agree on should be in the chaincode. ie do not move it to the application b/c this then the moving parts become unenforceable.
- Chaincode should keep track of all key's that get their state saved. Have init clear these
- npm install git+ssh://[email protected]:openblockchain/obc-js.git
- phase two changes websocket msg structure!
- UI no longer tracks ledger updates and sets a local timer to request the new marble states
- backend will send a clear msg and then the new marble states whenever a request was made that would touch the ledger