Tested on UChicago RCC.
- Edit
to update the JupyterLab session resource. Current setup is that the server will be created on partitionbroadwl
, 1 node, 1 CPU, 2G memory and is good for 24 hours. - Submit the job script from the login node
sbatch jupyterlab.sbatch
- Wait for the job to get started. That is, you should find a non-empty
file yet does not contain any errors. That should indicate your server is up and running. Only until then can you attempt to connect to it. For example:
cat nb-log-{jobid}.err
[I 11:26:07.126 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /home/gaow
[I 11:26:07.126 NotebookApp] 0 active kernels
[I 11:26:07.126 NotebookApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at: http:// ...
- After the server starts, you should see under the directory the log file of the job you just submitted:
cat nb-log-{jobid}.out
It should read like:
Copy & paste the following to your local computer's terminal to tunnel
to the remote server:
ssh -N -L 9279: <your username>@<the remote url> -v
Then use a web browser on your local computer to open the following
You may be asked to provide a token (a string of 48 letters + digits).
Please find it in the `nb-log-*.err` file under your current directory.
Just follow the prompts: run ssh -N -L ...
command on your local computer, then open your faviorate web browser, eg, google-chrome
, on your local computer and type in localhost: ...
in the address bar.
- The browser window will prompt you to type an access
to it. The information is innb-log-{jobid}.err
. In that file you should see a line that says:
Copy/paste this URL into your browser when you connect for the first time,
to login with a token:
Copy & paste the token part xxxxx
to the dialog box on your browser asking for the token, hit "enter", you should be directed to the Jupyter Lab server you created a moment ago.
- To shut down the server, simply cancel the job
scancel {jobid}