If you have any questions, issues, or just want to let us know where you're using Android Bootstrap tweet us at @BeardedHen or email [email protected]
- Uses min SDK 7 which is Android 2.1 (Tested on a device running Android 2.2)
- Bootstrap buttons as per Bootstrap v3
- Rounded buttons
- Disabled buttons
- Various sized buttons (large to extra small)
- Just text buttons
- Left, right, left and right, or just icon button
- Font Awesome text as per Font Awesome v4
- Animations to Font Awesome Text items
- EditText backgrounds and states
#How to use
Please look at the wiki for help on how to use :
Please find included an AndroidBootstrapTest project. Inside the activity_main.xml layout file is examples of how to achieve each of the following buttons:
Bootstrap Buttons
Rounded Bootstrap Button
Font Awesome Text