Jams is powerful and elegant music player for Android.
Note: Changelogs will no longer be updated in this README file. Check the individual commit comments for all further update descriptions.
- Fixed crashes when trying to rebuild music library.
- Pinning songs now checks for local audio files and skips them.
- Fixed issue where editing album/artist/song tags with special chars would crash the app.
- Fixed issue where editing album tags with special chars wouldn't update the database.
- Removed kinks with retrieving/deleting album art.
- Removed thumb for seekbar.
- Fixed playback kinks with widgets.
- Large Widget now uses the UniversalImageLoader library to display ListView album art.
- Fixed issue where Large Widget wouldn't refresh current queue.
- Tapping on a widget's album art opens up NowPlayingActivity.
- Fixed Issue #63618 with KitKat. See https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=63618
- Slimmed down borders in FoldersFragment's list view.
- Fixed Enqueue issues where only the first song would be enqueued after a fresh enqueue operation.
- The app's main logo is now used as the default album art.
- Fixed ArtistsFlippedFragment's header image.
- Fixed AlbumArtistsFlippedFragment's header image.
- Fixed issue where album art wouldn't disappear after deleting it from ArtistsFlippedFragment.
- All Access songs are now excluded when building the music library.
- Simplifed Google Play Music options in Settings.
- Removed streaming progressbar for local audio files.
- Empty fields for GMusic songs are now repalced with "Unknown xxx".
- Fixed NoSuchMethod exceptions (.setDrawable() was added in API 16).
- initializeDatabaseCursor() is now executed asynchronously.
- Added dummy UI elements to NowPlayingActivity to disguise the execution of initializeDatabaseCursor().
- Fixed lag issue when scrolling quickly through songs in NowPlayingActivity.
- Widget updates are now executed asynchronously.
- Notification updates are now executed asynchronously.
- Fixed issue where controlling playback from the notification wouldn't update controls in NowPlayingActivity.
- FLAC support (with album art).
- Support for fetching folder art.
- Album art/track info scrolling is now animated.
- Redesigned folder playback content/logic.
- Playing songs from folder view is now light years faster.
- Fixed issues where the wrong track would sometimes be displayed on the player screen.
- Fixed issues where the wrong track would sometimes be displayed on the current queue screen.
- Fixed issues with enqueuing folder tracks and regular library tracks.
- Fixed issues with headset buttons.
- Fixed crashes when the current queue is accessed while the cursor is still being built (folder view).
- Fixed seekbar crashes.
- Added trial time limit (7 days).
- Integrated Google Play In-App Billing to unlock the full version ($2.99).
- Fixed Notification loophole for the 7 day trial.
- Added open source licenses.
- Added Upgrade option to Settings screen.
- Fixed contact button.
- Added "how-to" overlays to the player screen.
- Upgraded the "how-to" overlay for the main screen.
- The trial version dialog can no longer be closed by tapping outside the dialog.
- Fixed issue where All Access tracks were being included in music library.
- Pinning songs now takes place on a background service instead of a killable AsyncTask.
- Added option to migrate pinned songs from the official Google Play Music app.
- Fixed issue with enqueuing a song when no music is playing.
- Blocked tag editing for Google Play Music songs (will be added in a future update).
- Added equalizer toggle in Settings.
- Fixed issue where player screen wouldn't update if a GMusic song failed to load.
- Updated ActionBar theme.
- Holo Card themes have a slick, new look.
- Minor bug fixes when playing from Folder view.
- Hitting the back button goes back to the parent directory in Folder view.
- Lyrics are now larger and more legible.
- Fixed "Reset Blacklist" option in Settings.
- Added scrobbling support via Simple LastFM Scrobbler and ScrobbleDroid.
- Added lockscreen controls/fixed AudioFocus issues.
- Fixed issue where the wrong widget was being loaded.
- Fixed equalizer issues.
- The trial dialog is only shown every 5 startups now.
- Current song in queue is now highlighted.
- Fixed issue with shuffle.
- Added two new track change animations. You can configure them in Settings.
- Added option to set default (starting) folder in Folders view.
- Fixed issues where .midi and .m4a weren't being added to the library.
- Notification is no longer cut off when collapsed.
- Temporary KitKat scrollbar fix.
- Fixed Welcome screen crash (when picking folders).
- Fixed crash when backing out of a playlist.
- Fixed back button crash when the user is already in the root directory (/).
- Fixed player crash when playing from Folders view.
- Fixed issue where app opens up Chrome on startup.
- Fixed issue where some ID3 tags weren't being read properly.
- Fixed HTC One volume control issue.
- Updated scan process UI. App can now be closed during scan.
- Restructured Album Artists browser: Album Artists > Albums > Songs.
- Fixed random track skips when streaming from Google Play Music.
- Fixed playlist pinning.
- Added new "On This Device" library.
- Fixed library scan crashes.
- Fixed playlist CRUD operation Toast messages.
- Fixed issue with playlist names with apostrophes.
- Play all/Enqueuing an artist, album artist or a genre now sorts by album and then track number.
- Restructed Genres: Genres > Albums in Genre > Songs in Album in Genre
- Fixed 00:00 issue in Artists view.
- Fixed crash when picking a music folder.
- Fixed crash when trying to get all pinned songs from official GMusic app.
- Fixed small widget.
- Fixed crash when trying to play a song (4.0.x devices).
- Fixed issue where music playback would start again after a notification came in.
- Fixed widget play/pause button issues.
- Fixed small widget's issue where tapping album wouldn't open up the app.
- New "Show more by/in this artist/album artist/album/genre" in player screen.
- Fixed crashes in Folders view.
- Fixed equalizer issue.
- Switched to official Google navigation drawer.
- Improved overal app performance.
- New layout for inner browsers.
- Bug fixes.
- Fixed v1.4 startup crash.
- Playlists from other music players can now be imported (Settings > Rebuild Music Library).
- Added option to select default startup screen (Settings > Default Startup Screen).
- Added option to pick between a grid or a list for artist, album artists, and albums.
- Minor bug fixes.
- New layout for tablets and phones.
- Transitioned from context menus to popup menus.
- Shuffle glitches fixed.
- Performance enhancements.
- Fixed background color issues with "Light Theme" and "Dark Theme".
- Fixed bugs that were reported.
- Fixed crash when batch editing album tags.
- Improved tag editing performance.
- Added more widget themes.
- Trial engine redesigned.
- Library building process is more stable.
- Local playlists are now synced with Android's MediaStore database.
- Added option to edit genre in tag editor dialogs.
- Bug fixes.
- Added new "Play Next" feature.
- "Show lyrics" option added to player screen overflow menu.
- Bug fixes.
- Minor visual tweaks.
- NEW! Save current position for any track. Useful for audiobooks/podcasts (Player overflow menu > Save current position/Clear saved position).
- NEW! DashClock extension added.
- NEW! Option to toggle lockscreen player controls (Settings > Lockscreen Controls).
- Folder view items (files and folders) are now sorted by name.
- Fixed issues with lockscreen controls not updating.
- Fixed issues with current queue not updating after resuming player screen.
- Other miscellaneous bug fixes.
- Fixed a couple of crashes when trying to play songs.
- Fixed issue where some songs' album art wouldn't be detected/displayed.
- Fixed issues with songs not playing when they have apostrophes in their file names.
- Other bug fixes with a whole bunch of technical lingo, so I'll leave out the details.
- Minor UI tweaks.
- Bug fixes for crash reports that were sent to me in the past 1-2 days.
- Hidden files are no longer included during scanning process.
- Minor UI tweaks.
- Bug fixes.
- New player screen layout with access to current queue.
- New "Color Accent" option in Settings. Replaces old "Player Color Scheme" option.
- Equalizer now disabled by default for all HTC devices, due to known Android bug. You can re-enable the equalizer by going to Settings.
- Better organization for player screen overflow menu.
- Better touch feedback on player screen controls.
- Bug fixes.
- NEW! Share Jams with your friends on Facebook and you could get 50% off your upgrade price! Check app for more details.
- Updating the color accent reflects the new changes across the whole app.
- Fixed folder view crash.
- Fixed equalizer issue with bass boost/virtualizer.
- Integrated Google Analytics.
- Updated Facebook promo: Everyone gets 30% off when they share the app with their Facebook friends. No more lottery system.
- Fixed issues with songs not playing if they have weird characters in their file names (#, %, ^, &, @, etc).
- Moah bug fixes.
- Added service tracking for GAnalytics.
- Added campaign tracking for GAnalytics (Facebook, 30% off campaign).
- Removed Now Playing footer and added playback controls to current queue drawer.
- Transparent navigation bar and status bar for KitKat users (Android 4.4+).
- Improved/fixed music library scanning process.
- Playback volume lowered (ducked) for driving directions, notifications, etc.
- Added option to adjust crossfade duration.
- Added "Play All" and "Shuffle All" options to main screen overflow menu.
- Equalizer no longer locked to landscape mode.
- Bug fixes.