.. currentmodule:: jax.numpy
.. automodule:: jax.numpy
Implements the NumPy API, using the primitives in :mod:`jax.lax`.
While JAX tries to follow the NumPy API as closely as possible, sometimes JAX cannot follow NumPy exactly.
- Notably, since JAX arrays are immutable, NumPy APIs that mutate arrays
in-place cannot be implemented in JAX. However, often JAX is able to provide
an alternative API that is purely functional. For example, instead of in-place
array updates (
x[i] = y
), JAX provides an alternative pure indexed update functionx.at[i].set(y)
(see :attr:`ndarray.at`). - Relatedly, some NumPy functions often return views of arrays when possible (examples are :func:`transpose` and :func:`reshape`). JAX versions of such functions will return copies instead, although such are often optimized away by XLA when sequences of operations are compiled using :func:`jax.jit`.
- NumPy is very aggressive at promoting values to
type. JAX sometimes is less aggressive about type promotion (See :ref:`type-promotion`). - Some NumPy routines have data-dependent output shapes (examples include
:func:`unique` and :func:`nonzero`). Because the XLA compiler requires array
shapes to be known at compile time, such operations are not compatible with
JIT. For this reason, JAX adds an optional
argument to such functions which may be specified statically in order to use them with JIT.
Nearly all applicable NumPy functions are implemented in the jax.numpy
namespace; they are listed below.
.. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary ndarray.at abs absolute acos acosh add all allclose amax amin angle any append apply_along_axis apply_over_axes arange arccos arccosh arcsin arcsinh arctan arctan2 arctanh argmax argmin argpartition argsort argwhere around array array_equal array_equiv array_repr array_split array_str asarray asin asinh astype atan atanh atan2 atleast_1d atleast_2d atleast_3d average bartlett bincount bitwise_and bitwise_count bitwise_invert bitwise_left_shift bitwise_not bitwise_or bitwise_right_shift bitwise_xor blackman block bool_ broadcast_arrays broadcast_shapes broadcast_to c_ can_cast cbrt cdouble ceil character choose clip column_stack complex_ complex128 complex64 complexfloating ComplexWarning compress concat concatenate conj conjugate convolve copy copysign corrcoef correlate cos cosh count_nonzero cov cross csingle cumprod cumsum cumulative_sum deg2rad degrees delete diag diag_indices diag_indices_from diagflat diagonal diff digitize divide divmod dot double dsplit dstack dtype ediff1d einsum einsum_path empty empty_like equal exp exp2 expand_dims expm1 extract eye fabs fill_diagonal finfo fix flatnonzero flexible flip fliplr flipud float_ float_power float16 float32 float64 floating floor floor_divide fmax fmin fmod frexp frombuffer fromfile fromfunction fromiter frompyfunc fromstring from_dlpack full full_like gcd generic geomspace get_printoptions gradient greater greater_equal hamming hanning heaviside histogram histogram_bin_edges histogram2d histogramdd hsplit hstack hypot i0 identity iinfo imag index_exp indices inexact inner insert int_ int16 int32 int64 int8 integer interp intersect1d invert isclose iscomplex iscomplexobj isdtype isfinite isin isinf isnan isneginf isposinf isreal isrealobj isscalar issubdtype iterable ix_ kaiser kron lcm ldexp left_shift less less_equal lexsort linspace load log log10 log1p log2 logaddexp logaddexp2 logical_and logical_not logical_or logical_xor logspace mask_indices matmul matrix_transpose max maximum mean median meshgrid mgrid min minimum mod modf moveaxis multiply nan_to_num nanargmax nanargmin nancumprod nancumsum nanmax nanmean nanmedian nanmin nanpercentile nanprod nanquantile nanstd nansum nanvar ndarray ndim negative nextafter nonzero not_equal number object_ ogrid ones ones_like outer packbits pad partition percentile permute_dims piecewise place poly polyadd polyder polydiv polyfit polyint polymul polysub polyval positive pow power printoptions prod promote_types ptp put quantile r_ rad2deg radians ravel ravel_multi_index real reciprocal remainder repeat reshape resize result_type right_shift rint roll rollaxis roots rot90 round round_ s_ save savez searchsorted select set_printoptions setdiff1d setxor1d shape sign signbit signedinteger sin sinc single sinh size sort sort_complex spacing split sqrt square squeeze stack std subtract sum swapaxes take take_along_axis tan tanh tensordot tile trace trapezoid transpose tri tril tril_indices tril_indices_from trim_zeros triu triu_indices triu_indices_from true_divide trunc ufunc uint uint16 uint32 uint64 uint8 union1d unique unique_all unique_counts unique_inverse unique_values unpackbits unravel_index unstack unsignedinteger unwrap vander var vdot vecdot vectorize vsplit vstack where zeros zeros_like
.. automodule:: jax.numpy.fft
.. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary fft fft2 fftfreq fftn fftshift hfft ifft ifft2 ifftn ifftshift ihfft irfft irfft2 irfftn rfft rfft2 rfftfreq rfftn
.. automodule:: jax.numpy.linalg
.. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary cholesky cond cross det diagonal eig eigh eigvals eigvalsh inv lstsq matmul matrix_norm matrix_power matrix_rank matrix_transpose multi_dot norm outer pinv qr slogdet solve svd svdvals tensordot tensorinv tensorsolve trace vector_norm vecdot
The JAX :class:`~jax.Array` (along with its alias, :class:`jax.numpy.ndarray`) is the core array object in JAX: you can think of it as JAX's equivalent of a :class:`numpy.ndarray`. Like :class:`numpy.ndarray`, most users will not need to instantiate :class:`~jax.Array` objects manually, but rather will create them via :mod:`jax.numpy` functions like :func:`~jax.numpy.array`, :func:`~jax.numpy.arange`, :func:`~jax.numpy.linspace`, and others listed above.
JAX :class:`~jax.Array` objects are designed to work seamlessly with Python standard library tools where appropriate.
With the built-in :mod:`copy` module, when :func:`copy.copy` or :func:`copy.deepcopy` encounder an :class:`~jax.Array`, it is equivalent to calling the :meth:`~jax.Array.copy` method, which will create a copy of the buffer on the same device as the original array. This will work correctly within traced/JIT-compiled code, though copy operations may be elided by the compiler in this context.
When the built-in :mod:`pickle` module encounters an :class:`~jax.Array`, it will be serialized via a compact bit representation in a similar manner to pickled :class:`numpy.ndarray` objects. When unpickled, the result will be a new :class:`~jax.Array` object on the default device. This is because in general, pickling and unpickling may take place in different runtime environments, and there is no general way to map the device IDs of one runtime to the device IDs of another. If :mod:`pickle` is used in traced/JIT-compiled code, it will result in a :class:`~jax.errors.ConcretizationTypeError`.
Prior to JAX v0.4.32, you must import jax.experimental.array_api
in order
to enable the array API for JAX arrays. After JAX v0.4.32, importing this
module is no longer required, and will raise a deprecation warning.
Starting with JAX v0.4.32, :class:`jax.Array` and :mod:`jax.numpy` are compatible with the Python Array API Standard. You can access the Array API namespace via :meth:`jax.Array.__array_namespace__`:
>>> def f(x): ... nx = x.__array_namespace__() ... return nx.sin(x) ** 2 + nx.cos(x) ** 2 >>> import jax.numpy as jnp >>> x = jnp.arange(5) >>> f(x).round() Array([1., 1., 1., 1., 1.], dtype=float32)
JAX departs from the standard in a few places, namely because JAX arrays are immutable, in-place updates are not supported. Some of these incompatibilities are being addressed via the array-api-compat module.
For more information, refer to the Python Array API Standard documentation.