jupytext | kernelspec | ||||||||||||||||||
Pallas is an extension to JAX that enables writing custom kernels for GPU and TPU. Pallas allows you to use the same JAX functions and APIs but operates at a lower level of abstraction.
Specifically, Pallas requires users to think about memory access and how to divide up computations across multiple compute units in a hardware accelerator. On GPUs, Pallas lowers to Triton and on TPUs, Pallas lowers to Mosaic.
Let's dive into some examples.
Note: Pallas is still an experimental API and you may be broken by changes!
from functools import partial
import jax
from jax.experimental import pallas as pl
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
We'll first write the "hello world" in Pallas, a kernel that adds two vectors.
def add_vectors_kernel(x_ref, y_ref, o_ref):
x, y = x_ref[...], y_ref[...]
o_ref[...] = x + y
Let's dissect this function a bit. Unlike most JAX functions you've probably written,
it does not take in jax.Array
s as inputs and doesn't return any values.
Instead, it takes in Ref
objects as inputs. Note that we also don't have any outputs
but we are given an o_ref
, which corresponds to the desired output.
Reading from Ref
In the body, we are first reading from x_ref
and y_ref
, indicated by the [...]
(the ellipsis means we are reading the whole Ref
alternatively we also could have used x_ref[:]
Reading from a Ref
like this returns a jax.Array
Writing to Ref
We then write x + y
to o_ref
Mutation has not historically been supported in JAX -- jax.Array
s are immutable!
s are new (experimental) types that allow mutation under certain circumstances.
We can interpret writing to a Ref
as mutating its underlying buffer.
So we've written what we call a "kernel", which we define as a program that will
run as an atomic unit of execution on an accelerator,
without any interaction with the host.
How do we invoke it from a JAX computation?
We use the pallas_call
higher-order function.
def add_vectors(x: jax.Array, y: jax.Array) -> jax.Array:
return pl.pallas_call(
out_shape=jax.ShapeDtypeStruct(x.shape, x.dtype)
)(x, y)
add_vectors(jnp.arange(8), jnp.arange(8))
lifts the Pallas kernel function into an operation that can be called
as part of a larger JAX program. But, to do so, it needs a few more details.
Here we specify out_shape
, an object that has a .shape
and .dtype
(or a list
determines the shape/dtype of o_ref
in our add_vector_kernel
returns a function that takes in and returns jax.Array
What's actually happening here?
Thus far we've described how to think about Pallas kernels but what we've actually accomplished is we're writing a function that's executed very close to the compute units.
On GPU, x_ref
corresponds to a value in high-bandwidth memory (HBM) and when
we do x_ref[...]
we are copying the value from HBM into static RAM (SRAM)
(this is a costly operation generally speaking!).
We then use GPU vector compute to execute the addition, then copy the resulting value
in SRAM back to HBM.
On TPU, we do something slightly different. Before the kernel is ever executed,
we fetch the value from HBM into SRAM. x_ref
therefore corresponds to a value in
SRAM and when we do x_ref[...]
we are copying the value from SRAM into a register.
We then use TPU vector compute to execute the addition, then copy the resulting
value back into SRAM. After the kernel is executed, the SRAM value is copied back into HBM.
We are in the process of writing backend-specific Pallas guides. Coming soon!
In our "hello world" example, we wrote a very simple kernel. It takes advantage of the fact that our 8-sized arrays can comfortably fit inside the SRAM of hardware accelerators. In most real-world applications, this will not be the case!
Part of writing Pallas kernels is thinking about how to take big arrays that live in high-bandwidth memory (HBM, also known as DRAM) and expressing computations that operate on "blocks" of those arrays that can fit in SRAM.
To automatically "carve" up the inputs and outputs, you provide a grid
s to pallas_call
A grid
is a tuple of integers (e.g. ()
, (2, 3, 4)
, or (8,)
) that specifies
an iteration space.
For example, a grid (4, 5)
would have 20 elements:
(0, 0), (0, 1), ..., (0, 4), (1, 0), ..., (3, 4)
We run the kernel function once for each element, a style of single-program
multiple-data (SPMD) programming.
A 2D grid
When we provide a grid
to pallas_call
, the kernel is executed as many times
as prod(grid)
. Each of these invocations is referred to as a "program".
To access which program (i.e. which element of the grid) the kernel is currently
executing, we use program_id(axis=...)
For example, for invocation (1, 2)
, program_id(axis=0)
returns 1
returns 2
Here's an example kernel that uses a grid
and program_id
def iota_kernel(o_ref):
i = pl.program_id(0)
o_ref[i] = i
We now execute it using pallas_call
with an additional grid
def iota(size: int):
return pl.pallas_call(iota_kernel,
out_shape=jax.ShapeDtypeStruct((size,), jnp.int32),
On GPUs, each program is executed in parallel on separate threads. Thus, we need to think about race conditions on writes to HBM. A reasonable approach is to write our kernels in such a way that different programs write to disjoint places in HBM to avoid these parallel writes. On the other hand, parallelizing the computation is how we can execute operations like matrix multiplications really quickly.
On TPUs, programs are executed in a combination of parallel and sequential (depending on the architecture) so there are slightly different considerations.
To call the above kernel on TPU, run:
from jax.experimental.pallas import tpu as pltpu
def iota(size: int):
return pl.pallas_call(iota_kernel,
out_shape=jax.ShapeDtypeStruct((size,), jnp.int32),
TPUs distinguish between vector and scalar memory spaces and in this case the
output must be placed in scalar memory (TPUMemorySpace.SMEM
) since i
a scalar. For more details read {ref}pallas_tpu_pipelining
You can read more details at {ref}pallas_grid
With grid
and program_id
in mind, Pallas provides an abstraction that
takes care of some common indexing patterns seen in a lot of kernels.
To build intuition, let's try to implement a matrix multiplication.
A simple strategy for implementing a matrix multiplication in Pallas is to implement it recursively. We know our underlying hardware has support for small matrix multiplications (using GPU and TPU tensorcores), so we just express a big matrix multiplication in terms of smaller ones.
Suppose we have input matrices
Our strategy is that because
To express this pattern, we use BlockSpec
s. A BlockSpec
specifies a block
shape for each input and output, and an "index map" function, that maps a
set of program indices to a block index.
A visualization of a BlockSpec
For a concrete example, let's say we'd like to multiply two (1024, 1024)
matrices x
and y
together to produce z
, and would like to parallelize
the computation 4 ways. We split up z
into 4 (512, 512)
blocks where
each block is computed with a (512, 1024) x (1024, 512)
matrix multiplication.
To express this, we'd first use a (2, 2)
grid (one block for each program).
For x
, we use BlockSpec((512, 1024), lambda i, j: (i, 0))
-- this
carves x
up into "row" blocks.
To see this see how both program instances
(1, 0)
and (1, 1)
pick the (1, 0)
block in x
For y
, we use a transposed version BlockSpec((1024, 512), lambda i, j: (0, j))
Finally, for z
we use BlockSpec((512, 512), lambda i, j: (i, j))
These BlockSpec
s are passed into pallas_call
via in_specs
and out_specs
For more detail on BlockSpec
s see {ref}pallas_blockspec
Underneath the hood, pallas_call
will automatically carve up your inputs and
outputs into Ref
s for each block that will be passed into the kernel.
def matmul_kernel(x_ref, y_ref, z_ref):
z_ref[...] = x_ref[...] @ y_ref[...]
def matmul(x: jax.Array, y: jax.Array):
return pl.pallas_call(
out_shape=jax.ShapeDtypeStruct((x.shape[0], y.shape[1]), x.dtype),
grid=(2, 2),
pl.BlockSpec((x.shape[0] // 2, x.shape[1]), lambda i, j: (i, 0)),
pl.BlockSpec((y.shape[0], y.shape[1] // 2), lambda i, j: (0, j))
(x.shape[0] // 2, y.shape[1] // 2), lambda i, j: (i, j),
)(x, y)
k1, k2 = jax.random.split(jax.random.key(0))
x = jax.random.normal(k1, (1024, 1024))
y = jax.random.normal(k2, (1024, 1024))
z = matmul(x, y)
np.testing.assert_allclose(z, x @ y)
Note that this is a very naive implementation of a matrix multiplication but consider it a starting point for various types of optimizations. Let's add an additional feature to our matrix multiply: fused activation. It's actually really easy! Just pass a higher-order activation function into the kernel.
def matmul_kernel(x_ref, y_ref, z_ref, *, activation):
z_ref[...] = activation(x_ref[...] @ y_ref[...])
def matmul(x: jax.Array, y: jax.Array, *, activation):
return pl.pallas_call(
partial(matmul_kernel, activation=activation),
out_shape=jax.ShapeDtypeStruct((x.shape[0], y.shape[1]), x.dtype),
grid=(2, 2),
pl.BlockSpec((x.shape[0] // 2, x.shape[1]), lambda i, j: (i, 0)),
pl.BlockSpec((y.shape[0], y.shape[1] // 2), lambda i, j: (0, j))
(x.shape[0] // 2, y.shape[1] // 2), lambda i, j: (i, j)
)(x, y)
k1, k2 = jax.random.split(jax.random.key(0))
x = jax.random.normal(k1, (1024, 1024))
y = jax.random.normal(k2, (1024, 1024))
z = matmul(x, y, activation=jax.nn.relu)
np.testing.assert_allclose(z, jax.nn.relu(x @ y))
To conclude, let's highlight a cool feature of Pallas: it composes with jax.vmap
To turn this matrix multiplication into a batched version, we just need to vmap
k1, k2 = jax.random.split(jax.random.key(0))
x = jax.random.normal(k1, (4, 1024, 1024))
y = jax.random.normal(k2, (4, 1024, 1024))
z = jax.vmap(partial(matmul, activation=jax.nn.relu))(x, y)
np.testing.assert_allclose(z, jax.nn.relu(jax.vmap(jnp.matmul)(x, y)))