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165 lines (112 loc) · 8.29 KB

File metadata and controls

165 lines (112 loc) · 8.29 KB

Irie 1.0.3

  • Conditionally monkey patch deep_dup for Rails 3.2 support.

Irie 1.0.2

  • Debug log message fix.

Irie 1.0.1

  • Caches resource in query includes to avoid additional query(ies). Thanks to Tommy for noticing!

Irie 1.0.0

  • Renamed restful_json to Irie. It isn't only about json.

Changes since restful_json v4.5.1:

  • Now assumes Rails 4+ and uses Inherited Resources.
  • Simplification of configuration, usage, and implementation.
  • CanCan/authR support now optional via authorizer module.
  • Removed direct support for Permitters. The controller can define params methods and/or use before_action.
  • Removed direct support for ActiveModel::Serializers. The controller can define serializer(s) in valid_render_options.
  • Removed exception handlers so can use default Rack exception handling or rescue_from.
  • Authorization support handled via separate module using before_action.
  • Added action-specific validation error handling methods.
  • Added can_order_by.
  • Renamed order_by to default_order_by to clarify intent.
  • Removed :with_default option from can_filter_by and replaced with method default_filter_by, because it is unlikely the same default value would be used with multiple predicates.
  • valid_render_options is now the way to specify render options.
  • Split action behavior into more methods to be easily overrideable.
  • Removed query_for index action copying behavior and replaced with index_query.
  • Removed with_query on can_filter_by and replaced with method can_filter_by_query.
  • No longer send (t) into query lambdas. If you need it in the lambda, use resource_class.arel_table.
  • Can rename or alias the request parameter names used for functions to avoid conflicts with attributes.
  • Renamed functions to match relational counterpart: uniq -> distinct, skip -> offset, take -> limit.
  • Predicate prefix is now . instead of !.
  • Must intentionally include action methods, e.g. include_actions :all.
  • supports_functions replaced with intentionally include extension modules, e.g. include_extensions :paging, :order like supports_functions. However, autoincludes allows similar behavior before by automatically including configurable sets of modules for features that don't really do anything unless you call their class methods to configure.
  • Added self.update_should_return_entity to config.
  • Changed model class and name related variables resource_class, collection_name, instance_name methods, similar to inherited_resources.
  • Allow ability to get resource_class, etc. on controller class vs. only instance.
  • Added debug option to enable debug logging in instance methods to help track execution without tracing/debugging.
  • Config errors now Irie::ConfigurationError.
  • Rework of url and path helpers.
  • Support for configuring model-related attributes via default method with options somewhat similar to inherited_resources.
  • can_filter_by delimiting is now specified as an option :split in the can_filter_by.
  • Probably many other changes. See the README.

restful_json 4.5.1

  • Changed render_error method name to render_rj_action_error to avoid Rails conflict.

restful_json 4.5.0

  • Changed config: rescue_handlers -> rj_action_rescue_handlers, rescue_class -> rj_action_rescue_class to avoid conflicts with rescue_from.

restful_json 4.4.0

  • Fix for "The method .includes() must contain arguments." Now does not call includes on the relation if empty.
  • Added clean_backtrace option to not clean backtraces in error_data if using error_handlers.
  • Fixing Strong Parameters support for (model name)_params private method in Ruby 1.9.3/2.0.0.
  • If using Strong Parameters, create/update now defaults to looking for (model name)_params method in controller.

restful_json 4.3.1

  • Fix for including/includes_for
  • No longer building for Rails 3.1.
  • Documented workarounds for errors caused by including/includes_for; in some cases, incorrect SQL generated by Rails/AR when mix with joins for same tables.

restful_json 4.3.0

  • Made serialize_action callable twice; once for array serializer and once for each serializer, for array actions.
  • Added additional_render_or_respond_success_options and default_additional_render_or_respond_success_options to allow custom logic for determination of serializers for an action.
  • Added model_class_scoped method to return @model_class.all or @model_class.scoped to hurdle deprecation.

restful_json 4.2.0

  • Added includes_for class method in controller to help avoid n+1 queries via calling .includes(...) for a specific action.
  • Added apply_includes_to_custom_queries to config.

restful_json 4.1.0

  • Added including class method in controller to help avoid n+1 queries via calling includes(...).

restful_json 4.0.0

  • Extracted permitters into separate gem with some changes. See Permitters project.
  • Added action_to_permitter, actions_that_authorize, allow_action_specific_params_methods, and actions_that_permit to config.

restful_json 3.4.2

  • Removing rescue_from's from DefaultController that would require additional controller methods if default error handling not used.

restful_json 3.4.1

  • Try to require 'active_record/errors' before referring to ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in gem default config.
  • Don't add permitters to autoload path if RestfulJson.use_permitters is false in environment or initializer.
  • Railtie that adds deprecated acts_as_restful_json support now being required.
  • Added activesupport runtime dependency to gemspec.
  • Missing i18n key now defaults to error.message.

restful_json 3.4.0

  • Added rescue_class config option to indicate highest level class to rescue for every action. (nil/NilClass indicates to re-raise StandardError.)
  • Added rescue_handlers config option as substitute for having to rescue, log, set status and i18n message key for sets of exceptions.
  • Added return_error_data config option to also return the exception's, class.message, and class.backtrace (cleaned) in "error_data" in error response.

restful_json 3.3.4

  • If debug config option true, controller/app will now log debug to Rails logger.
  • Fixing bug: will return head: ok with no body on destroy for no errors in formats other than HTML, like it did in versions before restful_json v3.3.0.

restful_json 3.3.3

  • Using .where(id: params[:id].to_s).first in show/update/destroy, .where(id: params[:id].to_s).first! in edit.
  • No more deprecated find(id) in show/edit.

restful_json 3.3.2

  • Removed unnecessary debug logging of permitter class, and now only outputs if can't find when debug on.

restful_json 3.3.1

  • Update and destroy use where instead of find and update 404's for missing record.
  • Important fixes to recommendations around use of modules in doc.
  • Removed unnecessary debug logging of serializer.

restful_json 3.3.0

  • Added avoid_respond_with config option to always use render instead of respond_with.
  • Fixing bug in serialize_action.
  • Consolidated controller rendering.
  • Better isolated controller and model changes, made model changes for Cancan and Strong Parameters something that needs to be done in configuration.
  • Tests for Rails 3.1, 3.2, 4.

restful_json 3.2.2

  • Fixing bug in order_by.
  • Working on travis-ci config and appraisals/specs for testing Rails 3.1/3.2/4.0.

restful_json 3.2.1

  • Important change to README that should not use acts_as_restful_json in parent/ancestor class shared by multiple controllers, because it is unsafe.
  • Fixing bug in delete related to custom serializer when using AMS.

restful_json 3.2.0

  • Made ActiveModel::Serializers, Strong Parameters, Permitters, Cancan all optional.
  • Added support for strong_parameters without Permitters/Cancan, allowing *_params methods in controller.
  • Fixing double rendering bug on create in 3.1.0.

restful_json 3.1.0

  • Added ActiveModel::Serializers custom serializer per action(s) support.
  • Added JBuilder support.
  • Fixing gemspec requirements to not include things it shouldn't.

restful_json 3.0.1

  • Updated order_by, comments.

restful_json 3.0.0

  • Controller with declaratively configured RESTful-ish JSON services, filtering, custom queries, actions, etc. using strong parameters, a.m. serializers, and Adam Hawkins (twinturbo) permitters