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Declarative RESTful JSON service controllers to use with AngularJS, Ember, etc. with less code


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Irie - Inherited Resources Including Extensions

Extend Inherited Resources actions with an awesome package of extensions.

To specify request parameter-driven filtering, sorting, pagination, etc. with defaults, just use extensions:

class PostsController < ApplicationController

  actions :index
  extensions :count, :distinct, :limit, :offset, :paging

  respond_to :json, :html

  can_filter_by :author, through: {author: :name}
  default_filter_by :author, eq: 'anonymous'

  can_filter_by :posted_on, using: [:lt, :eq, :gt]
  default_filter_by :posted_on, gt: 1.year.ago

  can_filter_by :company, through: {author: {company: :name}

  can_order_by :posted_on, :author, :id
  default_order_by {:posted_on => :desc}, :id


Then set up your routes and views.

Now here are some of the URLs you can hit:,-id

You can also define a query to allow only admins to see private posts:

index_query ->(q) { @current_user.admin? ? q : q.where(:access => 'public') }

and change the query depending on a supplied param:

can_filter_by_query \
    status: ->(q, status) {
      status == 'all' ? q : q.where(:status => status)
    color: ->(q, color) {
      if color == 'red'
        q.where("color = 'red' or color = 'ruby'")
        q.where(:color => color)

Similar Projects

A comparison with Inherited Resources:

  • Irie was developed to solve the problem of needing a flexible JSON service controller for applications intended to be used with JavaScript frameworks such as AngularJS and Ember, but evolved into a set of concerns you can include to build your controller easily.
  • Inherited Resources was primarily developed for handling HTML forms in Rails, but supports other formats as well.
  • Irie supports flexible request param based filtering and ordering, both with defaults, quick to write lambda queries and filters, and a relational param syntax.
  • Inherited Resources has some finder options by request param value, and relies more heavily on fat models to handle behavior.


In your Rails app's Gemfile:

gem 'irie'


bundle install

Application Configuration

Each application-level configuration option can be configured one line at a time:

Irie.number_of_records_in_a_page = 30

or in bulk, like:

Irie.configure do
  # Default for :using in can_filter_by.
  self.can_filter_by_default_using = [:eq]
  # Delimiter for values in request parameter values.
  self.filter_split = ','

  # Use one or more alternate request parameter names for functions, e.g.
  # `self.function_param_names = {distinct: :very_distinct, limit: [:limit, :limita]}`
  self.function_param_names = {}
  # Delimiter for ARel predicate in the request parameter name.
  self.predicate_prefix = '.'

  # You'd set this to false if id is used for something else other than primary key.
  self.id_is_primary_key_param = true

  # Used when paging is enabled.
  self.number_of_records_in_a_page = 15

  # When you include the defined action module, it includes the associated modules.
  # If value or value array contains symbol it will look up symbol in 
  # Irie.available_extensions in the controller (which is defaulted to 
  # `::Irie.available_extensions`). If value is String will assume String is the
  # fully-qualified module name to include, e.g. `index: '::My::Module'`, If constant,
  # it will just include constant (module), e.g. `index: ::My::Module`.
  self.autoincludes = {
    create: [:query_includes, :render_options, :resource_path_and_url],
    destroy: [:query_includes, :render_options, :resource_path_and_url],
    edit: [:query_includes, :render_options, :edit_path_and_url],
    index: [:index_query, :order, :param_filters, :query_filter, :query_includes, :collection_path_and_url],
    new: [:new_path_and_url],
    show: [:query_includes, :resource_path_and_url],
    update: [:query_includes, :render_options, :resource_path_and_url]

  # By default, it sets the instance variable, but does not return entity if request
  # update, e.g. in JSON format.
  self.update_should_return_entity = false

You may want to put your configuration in an initializer like config/initializers/irie.rb.

Controller Configuration

The default controller config may be fine, but you can customize it.

In the controller, you can set a variety of class attributes with self.something = ... in the body of your controller.

All of the app-level configuration parameters are configurable in the controller class body, e.g.:

  self.can_filter_by_default_using = [:eq]
  self.filter_split = ','
  self.function_param_names = {}
  self.predicate_prefix = '.'
  self.number_of_records_in_a_page = 15
  self.id_is_primary_key_param = true
  self.update_should_return_entity = false

Though it will try to determine them implicitly from the controller name, if you need to override one or more pieces of info about the model, you can do that from a defaults method which is partially-similar to the one in inherited_resources:

defaults resource_class: Barfoo, instance_name: 'barfoo', collection_name: 'barfoos'

About Extensions

As you may have noticed in autoincludes, some concerns are included as a package along with the action include.

The following assumes that you are using the default autoincludes and included the relevant action.

Filtering by Attribute(s)

can_filter_by filters the index action the request parameter name as a symbol will filter the results by the value of that request parameter, e.g.:

can_filter_by :title

allows you to filter by title:


If you do Arel::Predications.public_instance_methods.sort in Rails console, you can see a list of the available predicates:

:does_not_match, :does_not_match_all, :does_not_match_any, :eq, :eq_all, :eq_any, :gt,
:gt_all, :gt_any, :gteq, :gteq_all, :gteq_any, :in, :in_all, :in_any, :lt, :lt_all,
:lt_any, :lteq, :lteq_all, :lteq_any, :matches, :matches_all, :matches_any, :not_eq,
:not_eq_all, :not_eq_any, :not_in, :not_in_all, :not_in_any

:using means you can use those ARel predicates for filtering:

can_filter_by :seen_on, using: [:gteq, :eq_any]

By appending the predicate prefix (. by default) to the request parameter name, you can use any ARel predicate you allowed, e.g.:


And can_filter_by can specify a :through which (inner) joins and sets the deepest symbol in the hash as the key for the parameter value, then does a where, e.g.:

can_filter_by :name, through: {company: {employee: :full_name}}

If a MagicalUnicorn has_many :friends and a MagicalUnicorn's friend has a name attribute:

can_filter_by :magical_unicorn_friend_name,
              through: {magical_unicorns:{friends: :name}}

and use this to get valleys associated with unicorns who in turn have a friend named Oscar:


Use can_filter_by_query to provide a lambda:

can_filter_by_query a_request_param_name: ->(q, param_value) {
  q.joins(:some_assoc).where(some_assocs_table_name: {some_attr: param_value})

The second argument sent to the lambda is the request parameter value converted by the convert_param_value(param_name, param_value) method which may be customized. See elsewhere in this document for more information about the behavior of this method.

The return value of the lambda becomes the new query, so you could really change the behavior of the query depending on the request parameter provided.

Customizing Request Parameter Value Conversion

Implement the convert_param_value(param_name, param_value) in your controller or an included module.

Default Filters

Specify default filters to define attributes, ARel predicates, and values to use if no filter is provided by the client with the same param name, e.g. if you have:

  can_filter_by :attr_name_1
  can_filter_by :production_date, :creation_date, using: [:gt, :eq, :lteq]
  default_filter_by :attr_name_1, eq: 5
  default_filter_by :production_date, :creation_date, gt: 1.year.ago,
                    lteq: 1.year.from_now

and both attr_name_1 and production_date are supplied by the client, then it would filter by the client's attr_name_1 and production_date and filter creation_date by both > 1 year ago and <= 1 year from now.



In the controller:

includes_extension :distinct



In the controller:

include_extension :count



That will set the @count instance variable that you can use in your view.

Use include_extension :autorender_count to render count automatically for non-HTML (JSON, etc.) views.

Page Count

In the controller:

include_extension :paging



That will set the @page_count instance variable that you can use in your view.

Use include_extension :autorender_page_count to render count automatically for non-HTML (JSON, etc.) views.

Getting a Page

In the controller:

include_extension :paging

To access each page of results:


To set page size at application level:

Irie.number_of_records_in_a_page = 15

To set page size at controller level:

self.number_of_records_in_a_page = 15
Offset and Limit

In the controller:

include_extensions :offset, :limit



You can combine them to act like page:



You can allow request specified order:

can_order_by :foo_date, :foo_color

Will let the client send the order parameter with those parameters and optional +/- prefix to designate sort direction, e.g. the following will sort by foo_date ascending then foo_color descending:


The default_order_by specifies an ordered array of ascending attributes and/or hashes of attributes to sort direction:

default_order_by :posted_at => :desc, :id => :desc


default_order_by {:this_is_desc => :desc}, :this_is_asc,
                 {:no_different_than_a_symbol => :asc},
                 :this_is_asc_also, :id => :desc

Custom Index Queries

To filter the list where the status_code attribute is 'green':

index_query ->(q) { q.where(:status_code => 'green') }

You can also filter out items that have associations that don't have a certain attribute value (or anything else you can think up with ARel/ActiveRecord relations), e.g. to filter the list where the object's apples and pears associations are green:

index_query ->(q) {
  q.joins(:apples, :pears)
  .where(apples: {color: 'green'})
  .where(pears: {color: 'green'})

To avoid n+1 queries, use .includes(...) in your query to eager load any associations that you will need in the JSON view.

Specifying Rendering Options

If you wanted to specify the serializer option in the index:

render_options :index, serializer: PostSerializer

(You can use more than one action and more than one option.)

Also available are render_valid_options and render_invalid_options (when record/collection respond to .errors and has more than one error) that are merged into any render_options you provide. (Please see the Exception Handling section for information about handling exceptions.)

For more control, you can either implement options_for_render(record_or_collection), or both options_for_collection_render(records) for index, and options_for_render(record) for other actions. Or, implement any action's render_*(...) method (where * is the action name).

Avoid n+1 Queries

# load all the posts and the associated category and comments for each post
query_includes :category, :comments


# load all of the associated posts, the associated posts’ tags and comments, and every comment’s guest association
query_includes posts: [{comments: :guest}, :tags]

and action-specific:

query_includes_for :create, are: [:category, :comments]
query_includes_for :index, :show, are: [posts: [{comments: :guest}, :tags]]

Customizing Parameter Permittance

Each Irie-implemented action method except new calls a corresponding params_for_* method. For create and update this calls (model_name)_params method expecting you to have defined that method to call permit, e.g.

def post_params

But, if you need action-specific permittance, just override the corresponding params_for_* method, e.g. if you'd like to override the params permittance for both create and update actions, you can implement the params_for_create and params_for_update methods, and you won't even need to implement a (model_name)_params, since those two method are what call that:

def params_for_create
  params.require(:post).permit(:name, :color)

def params_for_update

Using define_params vs :through option

The :through option in can_filter_by and can_order_by just uses define_params to set the attribute name alias and options (which is parsed into a joins hash and attribute name internally). So, if you don't mind a little more typing, it might make the intent clearer, e.g.

define_params name: {company: {employee: :full_name}},
              color: :external_color
can_filter_by :name
default_filter_by :name, eq: 'Guest'
can_order_by :color
default_filter_by :color, eq: 'blue'

Path and Url Helper Extensions

You may or may not need these, but each of the following are autoincluded with the relevant actions in the default configuration.

  • :collection_path_and_url - implements collection name path and url methods on include and revised values when subclass from class that includes.
  • :edit_path_and_url - implements edit resource name path and url on include and revised values when subclass from class that includes.
  • :new_path_and_url - implements new resource name path and url on include and revised values when subclass from class that includes.
  • :resource_path_and_url - implements resource name path and url on include and revised values when subclass from class that includes.

Path and URL methods should "just work" if you follow the Rails convention of the controller name being the plural form of the model followed by "Controller", e.g. Namespace::Does::Not::Matter::Here::FoosController manages model Foo. If you must a different collection name/resource name/model class name, be sure to call resource_definition_updated which should update these.

Other Extensions

The following concerns, which you can include via include_extension ... or via including the corresponding module, might also be of use in your controller:

  • :authorizing - integrates with CanCan-compatible authorizer.
  • :nil_params - convert 'NULL', 'null', and 'nil' to nil when passed in as request params.
  • :autorender_errors - renders validation errors (e.g. @my_model.errors) for non-HTML (JSON, etc.) formats without a view template.
  • :rfc2616 - use RFC 2616 RESTful status codes for create and update.

Writing Your Own Extensions

Extensions are just modules. There is no magic.

The somewhat special thing about Irie extensions if that you can @action_result = ...; throw(:action_break) in any method that is called by an Irie action and it will break the execution of the action and return @action_result. This allows the ease of control that you'd have typically in a single long action method, but lets you use modules to easily share action method functionality. To those unfamiliar, throw in Ruby is a normal flow control mechanism, unlike raise which is for exceptions.

Some hopefully good examples of how to extend modules are in lib/irie/extensions/* and the actions themselves are in lib/irie/actions/*. Get familiar with the code even if you don't plan on customizing, if for no other reason than to have another set of eyes on the code.

Here's another example:

# Converts all 'true' and 'false' param values to true and false
module BooleanParams
  extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern

  def convert_param_value(param_name, param_value)
    case param_value
    when 'true'
    when 'false'
      super if defined?(super)


If you are just doing regular include's in your controllers, that's all you need. If you'd like to use the include_action/include_extension method of doing includes, which lets you include bundles of includes, a good place to register the custom concerns is in a shared module, e.g.

in app/controllers/concerns/service_controller.rb:

module ServiceController
  extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern

  included do
    include ::Irie::Controller
    respond_to :json

    # note: Referencing as string so we don't load the concern before it is used.
    ::Irie.available_actions[:my_custom_action] = '::MyCustomAction'
    ::Irie.available_extensions[:boolean_params] = '::BooleanParams'


Now you could use this in your controller:

include ServiceController

include_action :my_custom_action
include_extension :boolean_params

Doing that doesn't make as much sense when you just have modules in the root namespace, but it might if you have longer namespaces for organization and to avoid class/module name conflicts.

Primary Keys

Supports composite primary keys. If resource_class.primary_key.is_a?(Array), show/edit/update/destroy will use your two or more request params for the ids that make up the composite.

Exception Handling

Rails 4 has basic exception handling in the public_exceptions and show_exceptions Rack middleware.

If you want to customize Rails 4's Rack exception handling, search the web for customizing config.exceptions_app, although the default behavior should work for most.

You can also use rescue_from or around_action in Rails to have more control over error rendering.



If you get missing FROM-clause entry for table errors, it might mean that query_includes/query_includes_for you are using are overlapping with joins that are being done in the query. This is the nasty head of AR relational includes, unfortunately.

To fix, you may decide to either: (1) change order/definition of includes in query_includes/query_includes_for, (2) don't use query_includes/query_includes_for for the actions it affects (may cause n+1 queries), (3) implement apply_includes to do includes in an appropriate order (messy), or (4) use custom query (if index/custom list action) to define joins with handcoded SQL, e.g. (thanks to Tommy):

index_query ->(q) {
  # Using standard joins performs an INNER JOIN like we want, but doesn't
  # eager load.
  # Using includes does an eager load, but does a LEFT OUTER JOIN, which
  # isn't really what we want, but in this scenario is probably ok.
  # Using standard joins & includes results in bad SQL with table aliases.
  # So, using includes & custom joins seems like a decent solution.
  q.includes(:bartender, :waitress, :owner, :customer)
    .joins('INNER JOIN employees bartenders ON bartenders.employee_id = ' +
    .joins('INNER JOIN waitresses shift_workers ON = ' +
    .where(bartenders: {certified: 'yes'})
    .where(shift_workers: {attitude: 'great'})

# set includes for all actions except index
query_includes :owner, :customer, :bartender, :waitress

# includes specified in index query
query_includes_for :index, are: []

Debugging Includes


If you enabled Irie's debug option via:

Irie.debug = true

Then all the included modules (actions, extensions) will use logger.debug ... to log some information about what is executed.

To log debug to console only in your tests, you could put this in your test helper:

::Irie.debug = true
ActionController::Base.logger =
ActionController::Base.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG

However, that might not catch all the initialization debug logging that could occur. Instead, you might put the following into the block in config/environments/test.rb:

::Irie.debug = true
config.log_level = :debug

If there is a problem with class load related to includes, add this to the class body of your controller:

require 'irie/controller_debugging'
extend ::Irie::ControllerDebugging

ActionController::Base.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG

# Ensure this comes after all relevant includes.

If there is a problem with instance methods/behavior related to includes, add this to the class body of your controller:

require 'irie/controller_debugging'
include ::Irie::ControllerDebugging

ActionController::Base.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG

def initialize(*args)

That will output all include registration information including the ordered controller's registered includes and method inheritance order for registered includes.


The project was originally named restful_json, but was renamed to Irie when it no longer was meant to be JSON-service specific. If you need the old tags, they can be found in legacy.

Release Notes

See changelog and git log.


Please fork, make changes in a separate branch, and do a pull request. Thanks!


This was written by FineLine Prototyping, Inc. by the following contributors:


Copyright (c) 2013 FineLine Prototyping, Inc., released under the MIT license.


Declarative RESTful JSON service controllers to use with AngularJS, Ember, etc. with less code







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