- Minimum grade of B in CSC 115 (Programming 2)
- Minimum grade of B in CSC 225 (Algorithms and Data Structures)
- Minimum grade of B in SENG 265 (Software Engineering Introduction)
- 3rd or 4th year standing
General Requirements:
- Attendance in all course meetings is mandatory. If you have to miss a meeting, please let us know ahead of time. Doctor’s note will be required in case of illness or appropriate documentation to justify your absence.
Each team is required to do the following:
- Follow the updates on the site.
- Attend all the lectures along the semester.
- Come up with a project and present the idea, scope and architecture to the class (5% of grade).
- Obtain approval for the project.
- Project will include both server side and client side development.
- Project needs to be publicly available (e.g. for mentors and future students).
- Project needs to be scalable - it can not be hosted on your own machine, no manual input of data (automate it), and it should be running after the semester ends.
- Prepare a workplan for the implementation, including at least 3 mid-point milestones (dates will be published on the course schedule).
- Presentation of these milestones will be part of the grade (15%, 25% and 25% of the grade).
- At each milestone:
- Present status and a working demo to the class. All teams are required to attend presentations by the other teams.
- Submit code (please open a GitHub repository).
- Submit presentation files (PPTX / PDF / link to online presentation).
- Provide a link to a demo of the application (link to live application or a demo video).
- Listen to feedback (given by other students and the staff members).
- Setup a web page (using GitHub) containing all the the above docs, presentations, screenshots, videos and download links.
- Have a live working application on the web!
- If web application, must support Firefox and Chrome/Chromium (current stable version of each).
- If mobile application, support a stable version of Android or iOS.
- The application needs to be fully working even after the course has ended.
- Grade will be determined on a combination of the following:
- 70% of your grade will be given for presentation and progress along the semester.
- 30% of your grade will be determined by the course staff reviewing your final project without your presence.
- For each milestone a list of requirements and expectations will be provided.
- Extra points may be given for: challenging projects, original ideas, collaboration with external organizations.