diff --git a/collab/dk3bg b/collab/dk3bg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd25f6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/collab/dk3bg
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+package "httpd" do
+ action :install
+service "httpd" do
+ action [ :enable, :start ]
+cookbook_file "/var/www/html/index.html" do
+ source "index.html"
+ mode "0644"
+Hello, world!
+template "/etc/motd" do
+ source "motd.erb"
+ mode "0644"
+This server is property of <%= node["motd"]["company"] %>
+<% if node["pci"]["in_scope"] -%>
+This server is in-scope for PCI compliance
+<% end -%>
+----------------Attributes Templates And Variables
+default["apache"]["sites"]["clowns"] = { "port" => 80 }
+default["apache"]["sites"]["bears"] = { "port" => 81 }
+# Disable the default
+execute "mv /etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf.disabled" do
+ only_if do
+ File.exist?("/etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf")
+ end
+ notifies :restart, "service[httpd]"
+# iterates over the apache sites
+node["apache"]["sites"].each do |site_name,site_data|
+#set the document root
+ document_root = "/srv/apache/#{site_name}"
+# Add template for Apache Virtual host configuration
+ template "/etc/httpd/conf.d/#{site_name}.conf" do
+ source "custom.erb"
+ mode "0777"
+ variables(
+ :document_root => document_root,
+ :port => site_data["port"]
+ )
+ notifies :restart, "service[httpd]"
+ end
+# Add a directory resource to create the document_root
+ directory document_root do
+ mode = "0755"
+ recursive true
+ end
+# Add a template resource for the virtual host's index.html
+ template "#{document_root}/index.html" do
+ source "index.html.erb"
+ mode "0777"
+ variables(
+ :site_name => site_name,
+ :port => site_data["port"]
+ )
+ end
+service "httpd" do
+ action [ :enable, :start ]
+<% if @port != 80 -%>
+ Listen <%= @port %>
+<% end -%>
+ ServerAdmin webMaster@localhost
+ DocumentRoot <%= @document_root %>
+ Options FollowSymLinks
+ AllowOverride None
+ >
+ Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
+ AllowOverride None
+ Require all granted
+ Welcome to <%= node["motd"]["company"] %>
+ We love <%= @site_name %>
+ <%= node["ipaddress"] %>:<%= @port %>
+setenforce 0
+service httpd restart
+"id": "bobo",
+"comment": "Bobo T. Clown",
+"uid": 2000,
+"gid": 0,
+"home": "/home/bobo",
+"shell": "/bin/bash"
+"id": "frank",
+"comment": "Frank Belson",
+"uid": 2001,
+"gid": 0,
+"home": "/home/frank",
+"shell": "/bin/bash"
+knife data_bag from file users bobo.json
+knife data_bag from file users frank.json
+ "id": "clowns",
+ "gid": 3000,
+ "members": ["bobo", "frank"]
+search("users", "*:*").each do |user_data|
+ user user_data["id"] do
+ comment user_data["comment"]
+ uid user_data["uid"]
+ gid user_data["gid"]
+ home user_data["home"]
+ shell user_data["shell"]
+ end
+include_recipe "users::groups"
+search("groups", "*:*").each do |group_data|
+ group group_data["id"] do
+ gid group_data["gid"]
+ members group_data["members"]
+ end
+name "webserver"
+description "Web Server"
+run_list "recipe[apache]"
+ "apache" => {
+ "sites" => {
+ "admin" => {
+ "port" => 8000
+name "dev"
+description "For developers!"
+cookbook "apache", "= 0.2.0"
+default["apache"]["indexfile"] = "index1.html"
+Hello, world!
+This is index1.html
+We configured this in the attributes file
+source node["apache"]["indexfile"]
+template "/etc/motd" do
+ source "motd.erb"
+ mode "0644"
+This server is property of <%= node["motd"]["company"] %>
+<% if node["pci"]["in_scope"] -%>
+This server is in-scope for PCI compliance
+<% end -%>
+search("node","platform:redhat").each do |server|
+ log "The CentOS servers in your organization have the following
+FQDN/IP Addresses:- #{server["fqdn"]}/#{server["ipaddress"]}"
+knife node run_list add Node1 'recipe[apache::ip-logger]'
+ "id": "bobo",
+ "comment": "Bobo T. Clown",
+ "uid": 2000,
+ "gid": 0,
+ "home": "/home/bobo",
+ "shell": "/bin/bash"
+knife data_bag from file users bobo.json
+ "id": "frank",
+ "comment": "Frank Belson",
+ "uid": 2001,
+ "gid": 0,
+ "home": "/home/frank",
+ "shell": "/bin/bash"
+knife data_bag from file users frank.json