This example shows a typical usage of ActiveJDBC in a Many-to-Many relationship where a join table is also used to record some metadata for each relationship
- Adjust your database connection parameters in file:
- Execute database migrations:
mvn db-migrator:create
mvn db-migrator:migrate
- Build program:
mvn clean install
- Execute:
mvn clean package exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="activejdbc.examples.simple.Main" -Dexec.cleanupDaemonThreads=false
- Examine the output:
Line similar to this at the end:
Model: activejdbc.examples.simple.Person, table: 'people', attributes: {id=4, name=Stephen Spielberg}
If you run this example from an IDE, you will need to instrument models before running. Here is how:
mvn process-classes
another way of doing the same is:
mvn activejdbc-instrumentation:instrument