AWS re:Invent 2017: How Esri Optimizes Massive Image Archives for Analytics in the C (ABD402)
Please read Chapter 10 of Python Scripting for ArcGIS Pro.
These are the slides, notebooks, and demos I will use this week.
Attached Files:
File Unit_6_Rasters.pptx Click for more options (607.033 KB)
File unit_6_lesson_1_working_with_rasters_arcpy.ipynb Click for more options (1.303 MB)
File unit_6_lesson_2_working_with_rasters_numpy.ipynb Click for more options (413.318 KB)
File unit_6_lesson_3_working_with_rasters_in_the_cloud.ipynb Click for more options (1.722 MB)
File working_with_rasters_arcpy.html Click for more options (1.57 MB)
File working_with_rasters_in_the_cloud.html Click for more options (1.987 MB)
File working_with_rasters_numpy.html Click for more options (689.53 KB)
Compete exercises for Chapter 10 of Python Scripting for ArcGIS Pro
- Exercise:
- Data:
- What is a "Raster" object, and why do geoprocessing operations and map algebra expressions using rasters often result in temporary outputs?
- What are the differences between raster datasets and raster bands?
- What is the difference between raster functions in ArcGIS Pro and their equivalent functions in or arcpy.ia?
Attached Files:
File Click for more options (21.075 MB)
Create a script that determines what areas meet the following conditions:
- Moderate slope — between 5 and 20 degrees
- Southerly aspect — between 150 and 270 degrees
- Forested — land cover types of 41, 42, or 43 Be sure to use the map algebra expressions of the module.
Write a script that copies all the rasters in a workspace to a new file geo-database. You can use the rasters in the Exercise09 folder as an example.
If you do Challenge 2, you may get an error:
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Conversion in
AttributeError: 'ToolValidator' object has no attribute 'isLicensed'
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Conversion in
AttributeError: 'ToolValidator' object has no attribute 'isLicensed'
If you get this error, check to see whether the tool worked anyway!