Here is a sample postgres signature for a query that takes one input parameter of type Int and returns one resultset with four columns Int Double UTCTime and a String
test0 :: Sql (DBPG a) '[Int] '[Sel (Int,Double,UTCTime,String)]
test0 = mkSql' "select * from mixed where id > ? order by id"
a <- fd $ runSql pgW (I1 1) test0
- fd indicates we want to log this sql query in debug mode
- runSql for typed sql queries that also extract the metadata so we can have nice names for display
- pgW is the connection (in this case uses Postgres database that is writeable)
- (I1 1) is the input parameter for the sql i test0
wprint' a -- display the resultset in ascii (wprint for unicode)
resultset 1 Sel
| id | total | eventdate | description |
| 2 | 212.04 | 2005-03-04 00:00:00 | second row |
| 3 | 0.0 | 1990-10-12 00:00:00 | third row |
| 4 | 10.34 | 2007-01-02 00:00:00 | fourth row |
a sample sql signature for a postgres query that takes 2 input parameters (Int and Text) and returns two resultsets (one is a single row with a text and bool field and an update that must return 1 (ie number of rows updated))
t1 :: Sql (DBPG Writeable) '[Int, Text] '[SelOne (Text,Bool), U1]
t1 = mkSql' [st|
select count(*) as cnt,true from mixed;
update mixed set total = total+1 where id = ? and description = ?
a <- fd $ runSql pgW (I2 2 "second row") t1
wprint' a
resultset 1 SelOne
| cnt | bool |
| 6 | True |
resultset 2 a == 1
UpdN 1
mkdir test1
cd test1
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
cd sqlhandler-odbc
stack ghci
add the odbc connection information in conn.dhall
you will also need to specify the correct name for the odbc drivers that you use
stack ghci
:l test/integration/TestSqlite_TH.hs test/integration/TestConnections
- fd is runs the command in debug mode
- pgW is the postgres db connection that you set up in conn.dhall
- RNil says we dont have any input parameters
- t1 is the sql to run
run the sql
a <- fd $ runSql pgW RNil pgsql1
-- pretty print the result in a table
wprint a
template haskell see test/TestPG_TH.hs
$(genSql "pg9a" pgW (\f -> [st|select * from orders #{f "limit 4"}; select * from agents #{f "limit 3"}|]))
generates the following type signature
>:i pg9a
pg9a ::
(DBPG a)
'['("ord_num", Double), '("ord_amount", Double),
'("ord_date", UTCTime), '("cust_code", String),
'("agent_code", String), '("ord_description", String)]),
'['("agent_code", String), '("agent_name", Maybe String),
'("commission", Maybe Double)])]
- DBPG is postgres
- '[] means no input is required
- Sel means a normal select
- there are two result sets returned a rows of vinyl named records
- the first result set has six fields: ord_num thru ord_description
- the second result set has three fields agent_code thru commision
sqlite should work as long as you have the odbc driver for sqlite3
s3.db holds the test database
run sqlite.sql to create test tables for sqlite just specify the filename that you used to load the above sql
stack ghci
:load test/integration/TestSqlite_TH.hs test/integration/TestConnections.hs
a <- fd $ runSql s3W RNil s3_3
wprint a
run pgsql.sql to create test tables and set the conn.dhall connection information for pgW
stack ghci
:load test/integration/TestPG_TH.hs test/integration/TestConnections.hs
a <- fd $ runSql pgW RNil pgsql1
wprint a
run mssql.sql to create test tables for mssql
stack ghci
:load test/integration/TestMS_SP_TH.hs test/integration/TestConnections.hs
a <- fd $ runSql msW RNil ms1
wprint a
run mssql.sql to create test tables for mssql
stack ghci
:load test/integration/TestMS_TH.hs test/integration/TestConnections.hs
a <- fd $ runSql msW RNil msold1
wprint a
run mysql.sql to create test tables
stack ghci
:load test/integration/TestMY_TH.hs test/integration/TestConnections.hs
a <- fd $ runSql myW RNil my6
wprint a
run oracle.sql to create test tables
stack ghci
:load test/integration/TestOracle_TH.hs test/integration/TestConnections.hs
a <- fd $ runSql orW RNil or1
wprint a
set flags to activate builds for database tests [sqlite is activated by default]
stack ghci --test --flag sqlhandler-odbc:pg
stack ghci --test --flag sqlhandler-odbc:ms
stack ghci --test --flag sqlhandler-odbc:msold
stack ghci --test --flag sqlhandler-odbc:or
stack ghci --test --flag sqlhandler-odbc:my