Starred repositories
PartapSBimrah / Hify
Forked from lvamsavarthan/HifySocial network powered by firebase
Accounting @ Hussains is made to be a Double Entry Accounting Software written in PHP with the CodeIgniter Framework using MySQL.
bullheadandplato / search
Forked from lapism/searchMaterial Design Search component for Android
接盘自 🔥 通用,功能全面的自定义标题栏,支持沉浸式标题栏,颜色渐变,miui9
An Android library that encourages users to rate the app on the Google Play.
Mohammedcha / ASO-Google-Play
Forked from youbamj/ASO-Google-PlayASO Google Play Helper tool, it's a tool to simplify and helping in ASO and analyzing Android apps in google play and provide information that's not showing on google play app page. Honorable Menti…
library auto play video with recyclerView like Facebook, Instagram, Magisto..
saytoonz / StoryView
Forked from bxute/StoryViewWhatsApp like story view
A fancy audio recorder lib for Android. Supports WAV format at 48kHz.
rosenpin / TapBarMenu
Forked from michaldrabik/TapBarMenuA fork of the original TapBarMenu. This fork includes several bug fixes and reduced dependency on other libraries
Yuphee / XPopup
Forked from junixapp/XPopup🔥功能强大,UI简洁,交互优雅的通用弹窗!可以替代Dialog,PopupWindow,PopupMenu,BottomSheet,DrawerLayout,Spinner等组件,自带十几种效果良好的动画, 支持完全的UI和动画自定义!(Powerful and Beautiful Popup,can absolutely replace Dialog,PopupWindow,PopupMe…
jiajunhui / ESSocialSDK
Forked from elbbbird/ESSocialSDK社交登录授权、分享SDK,支持微信、微博和QQ。
Optimized UI components for Firebase
[IN DEVELOPMENT - NOT AVAILABLE YET] 📱Flutter package to implement animated, 😍beautiful, 🎨stylish Material Dialog in apps easily.
This library uses OpenGL Shaders to apply effects on ExoPlayer video at Runtime
A stylish music player for android device 16+
A Grace Material Design Music Player
Quick solutions for Floating Action Button,RapidFloatingActionButton(RFAB)
高仿新版58 加载动画
SMask / EasyPhotos
Forked from HuanTanSheng/EasyPhotosandroid自定义相机拍照,相册选择(单选/多选),文件夹图片选择(单选/多选),各界面根据状态栏颜色智能适配状态栏字体颜色变色为深色或浅色,根据使用场景智能适配沉浸式状态栏,内部处理运行时权限,支持Glide/Picasso/Imageloader等所有图片加载框架库的带默认勾选选中图片的能填充自定义广告的自定义Ui相机相册图片浏览选择器;更有拼图/文字贴纸/贴图/图片缩放/Bitmap…
hty527 / StickerView
Forked from wuapnjie/StickerView[No more support] A view which can add sticker and zoom,drag,delete it
hty527 / AgentWeb
Forked from Justson/AgentWebAgentWeb is a powerful library based on Android WebView.
下拉刷新、上拉加载、RefreshLayout、OverScroll,Android智能下拉刷新框架,支持越界回弹,具有极强的扩展性,集成了几十种炫酷的Header和 Footer。
immujahidkhan / RippleEffect
Forked from traex/RippleEffectImplementation of Ripple effect from Material Design for Android API 9+
immujahidkhan / AppIntro
Forked from AppIntro/AppIntroMake a cool intro for your Android app.
Android image background removing library
EngStu / app-ideas
Forked from florinpop17/app-ideasA Collection of application ideas which can be used to improve your coding skills.
nakulpuranik / awesome-android-complete-reference
Forked from amitshekhariitbhu/awesome-android-complete-referenceAwesome Android references for everything like best practices, performance optimization, etc.