[update Mon Mar 12 11:07:28 MDT 2012] I have now included some example scripts in php and python that do what I describe here.
- PHP example --
- Python example --
To get the final grade (points and percentage) for the students in a course via the api, you need to do two requests.
Step one, fetch the list of students in a course. Replace everything inside < > with the corresponding value for your account.:
curl https://<subdomain>.instructure.com/api/v1/courses/<course_id>/students.json?access_token=<access_token>
The response will look something like this::
[{ "name": "Sam Hansen", "sortable_name": "Hansen, Sam", "sis_user_id": "samhansen1", "id": 92349, "short_name": "Sam Hansen", "login_id": "[email protected]", "sis_login_id": "[email protected]" }, { "name": "Ryan S Hawley", "sortable_name": "Hawley, Ryan S", "id": 4234986, "short_name": "Ryan", "login_id": "[email protected]" }]
Next, using the list of students returned, create a list of student id's. In my example
above, that list would be 92349
Using that list, request the student submissions for the course including their final score and percentage for the course. For every student_id, add a student_ids[] parameter to the request. Yes, it is a little cumbersome but it is the best way to do it at this point.:
curl https://<subdomain>.instructure.com/api/v1/courses/<course_id>/students/submissions?student_ids[]=92349&&student_ids[]=4234986&grouped=1&include[]=total_scores
The response should look something like this::
[ { "submissions":[ ], "computed_current_score":null, "computed_final_score":null, "user_id":1310040 }, { "submissions":[ { "grade":null, "body":null, "submitted_at":null, "url":null, "attempt":null, "assignment_id":533163, "preview_url":"https://cwt.instructure.com/courses/242844/assignments/533163/submissions/925342?preview=1", "user_id":925342, "submission_type":null, "grade_matches_current_submission":null, "score":null }, ..... . Assignment grades here .. ..... ], "computed_current_score":79.8, "computed_final_score":25.2, "user_id":925342 } ]
Last edited: Mon Mar 12 11:00:04 MDT 2012