A backend for Hiera that provides per-value asymmetric encryption of sensitive data within yaml type files to be used by Puppet.
More info can be found in this corresponding post.
The Hiera eYaml backend uses yaml formatted files with the .eyaml extension. Simply prefix your encrypted string with the encryption method (PKCS7,) wrap it with ENC[] and place it in an eyaml file. You can mix your plain values in as well or separate them into different files.
--- plain-property: You can see me encrypted-property: > ENC[PKCS7,Y22exl+OvjDe+drmik2XEeD3VQtl1uZJXFFF2NnrMXDWx0csyqLB/2NOWefv NBTZfOlPvMlAesyr4bUY4I5XeVbVk38XKxeriH69EFAD4CahIZlC8lkE/uDh jJGQfh052eonkungHIcuGKY/5sEbbZl/qufjAtp/ufor15VBJtsXt17tXP4y l5ZP119Fwq8xiREGOL0lVvFYJz2hZc1ppPCNG5lwuLnTekXN/OazNYpf4CMd /HjZFXwcXRtTlzewJLc+/gox2IfByQRhsI/AgogRfYQKocZgFb/DOZoXR7wm IZGeunzwhqfmEtGiqpvJJQ5wVRdzJVpTnANBA5qxeA==]
eYaml supports multiple encryption types, and encrypted values can occur within arrays, hashes, nested arrays and nested hashes
$ gem install hiera-eyaml
The first step is to create a pair of keys:
$ eyaml -c
This creates a public and private key with default names in the default location. (./keys)
To encrypt something, you only need the public_key, so distribute that to people creating hiera properties
$ eyaml -e -f filename # Encrypt a file
$ eyaml -e -s 'hello there' # Encrypt a string
$ eyaml -e -p # Encrypt a password (prompt for it)
To decrypt something, you need the public_key and the private_key.
To test decryption you can also use the eyaml tool if you have both keys
$ eyaml -d -f filename # Decrypt a file
$ eyaml -d -s 'ENC[PKCS7,.....]' # Decrypt a string
Once you have created a few eyaml files, with a mixture of encrypted and non-encrypted properties, you can edit the encrypted values in place, using the special edit mode of the eyaml utility
$ eyaml -i filename.eyaml # Edit an eyaml file in place
hiera-eyaml backend is pluggable, so that further encryption types can be added as separate gems to the general mechanism which hiera-eyaml uses. Hiera-eyaml ships with one default mechanism of 'pkcs7', the encryption type widely used to sign smime email messages.
Other encryption types (if the gems for them have been loaded) can be specified using the following formats:
ENC[PKCS7,SOME_ENCRYPTED_VALUE] # a PKCS7 encrypted value ENC[GPG,SOME_ENCRYPTED_VALUE] # a GPG encrypted value (hiera-eyaml-gpg) ... etc ...
When editing eyaml files, you will see that the unencrypted plaintext is marked in such a way as to identify the encryption method. This is so that the eyaml tool knows to encrypt it back using the correct method afterwards:
some_key: DEC::PKCS7[very secret password]!
To use eyaml with hiera and puppet, first configure hiera.yaml to use the eyaml backend
--- :backends: - eyaml - yaml :hierarchy: - %{environment} - common :yaml: :datadir: '/etc/puppet/hieradata' :eyaml: :datadir: '/etc/puppet/hieradata' # If using the pkcs7 encryptor (default) :pkcs7_private_key: /path/to/private_key_file.pem :pkcs7_public_key: /path/to/public_key_file.pem
Then, edit your hiera yaml files (renaming them with the .eyaml extension), and insert your encrypted values:
--- plain-property: You can see me cipher-property : > ENC[PKCS7,Y22exl+OvjDe+drmik2XEeD3VQtl1uZJXFFF2NnrMXDWx0csyqLB/2NOWefv NBTZfOlPvMlAesyr4bUY4I5XeVbVk38XKxeriH69EFAD4CahIZlC8lkE/uDh jJGQfh052eonkungHIcuGKY/5sEbbZl/qufjAtp/ufor15VBJtsXt17tXP4y l5ZP119Fwq8xiREGOL0lVvFYJz2hZc1ppPCNG5lwuLnTekXN/OazNYpf4CMd /HjZFXwcXRtTlzewJLc+/gox2IfByQRhsI/AgogRfYQKocZgFb/DOZoXR7wm IZGeunzwhqfmEtGiqpvJJQ5wVRdzJVpTnANBA5qxeA==] environments: development: host: localhost password: password production: host: prod.org.com password: > ENC[PKCS7,Y22exl+OvjDe+drmik2XEeD3VQtl1uZJXFFF2NnrMXDWx0csyqLB/2NOWefv NBTZfOlPvMlAesyr4bUY4I5XeVbVk38XKxeriH69EFAD4CahIZlC8lkE/uDh jJGQfh052eonkungHIcuGKY/5sEbbZl/qufjAtp/ufor15VBJtsXt17tXP4y l5ZP119Fwq8xiREGOL0lVvFYJz2hZc1ppPCNG5lwuLnTekXN/OazNYpf4CMd /HjZFXwcXRtTlzewJLc+/gox2IfByQRhsI/AgogRfYQKocZgFb/DOZoXR7wm IZGeunzwhqfmEtGiqpvJJQ5wVRdzJVpTnANBA5qxeA==] things: - thing 1 - - nested thing 1.0 - > ENC[PKCS7,Y22exl+OvjDe+drmik2XEeD3VQtl1uZJXFFF2NnrMXDWx0csyqLB/2NOWefv NBTZfOlPvMlAesyr4bUY4I5XeVbVk38XKxeriH69EFAD4CahIZlC8lkE/uDh jJGQfh052eonkungHIcuGKY/5sEbbZl/qufjAtp/ufor15VBJtsXt17tXP4y l5ZP119Fwq8xiREGOL0lVvFYJz2hZc1ppPCNG5lwuLnTekXN/OazNYpf4CMd /HjZFXwcXRtTlzewJLc+/gox2IfByQRhsI/AgogRfYQKocZgFb/DOZoXR7wm IZGeunzwhqfmEtGiqpvJJQ5wVRdzJVpTnANBA5qxeA==] - - nested thing 2.0 - nested thing 2.1
If you do not specify an encryption method within ENC[] tags, it will be assumed to be PKCS7
- Tom Poulton - Initial author. eyaml backend.
- Geoff Meakin - Major contributor. eyaml command.