Checkout this short introduction video on YouTube!
Install from npm.
npm install
Or use the bundled version.
<script src="[email protected]/bundle/typed-array-buffer-schema.js"></script>
const { BufferSchema, Model } = Schema
const { uint8, int16, uint16, int64, string8,, ...more } Schema
You can easily combine this library with the Snapshot Interpolation library
import { BufferSchema, Model } from ''
import { uint8, int16, uint16, int64, string8 } from ''
const playerSchema = BufferSchema.schema('player', {
id: uint8,
name: { type: string8, length: 6 },
x: { type: int16, digits: 2 },
y: { type: int16, digits: 2 }
const towerSchema = BufferSchema.schema('tower', {
id: uint8,
health: uint8,
team: uint8
const mainSchema = BufferSchema.schema('main', {
time: int64,
tick: uint16,
players: [playerSchema],
towers: [towerSchema]
export const mainModel = new Model(mainSchema)
import { mainModel } from './model'
const gameState = {
time: new Date().getTime(),
tick: 32580,
players: [
{ id: 0, name: 'Mistin', x: -14.43, y: 47.78 },
{ id: 1, name: 'Coobim', x: 21.85, y: -78.48 }
towers: [
{ id: 0, health: 100, team: 0 },
{ id: 1, health: 89, team: 0 },
{ id: 2, health: 45, team: 1 }
const buffer = mainModel.toBuffer(gameState)
// toBuffer() shrunk the byte size from 241 to only 56
// that is -77% compression!
console.log(JSON.stringify(gameState).length) // 241
console.log(buffer.byteLength) // 56
// send the buffer to the client (using or any other library)
import { mainModel } from './model'
onMessage(buffer => {
// access your game state
const gameState = mainModel.fromBuffer(buffer)
A list of all supported dataViews
/** -128 to 127 (1 byte) */
export const int8 = { _type: 'Int8Array', _bytes: 1 }
/** 0 to 255 (1 byte) */
export const uint8 = { _type: 'Uint8Array', _bytes: 1 }
/** -32768 to 32767 (2 bytes) */
export const int16 = { _type: 'Int16Array', _bytes: 2 }
/** 0 to 65535 (2 bytes) */
export const uint16 = { _type: 'Uint16Array', _bytes: 2 }
/** -2147483648 to 2147483647 (4 bytes) */
export const int32 = { _type: 'Int32Array', _bytes: 4 }
/** 0 to 4294967295 (4 bytes) */
export const uint32 = { _type: 'Uint32Array', _bytes: 4 }
/** -2^63 to 2^63-1 (8 bytes) */
export const int64 = { _type: 'BigInt64Array', _bytes: 8 }
/** 0 to 2^64-1 (8 bytes) */
export const uint64 = { _type: 'BigUint64Array', _bytes: 8 }
/** 1.2×10-38 to 3.4×1038 (7 significant digits e.g., 1.123456) (4 bytes) */
export const float32 = { _type: 'Float32Array', _bytes: 4 }
/** 5.0×10-324 to 1.8×10308 (16 significant digits e.g., 1.123...15) (8 bytes) */
export const float64 = { _type: 'Float64Array', _bytes: 8 }
/** 1 byte per character */
export const string8 = { _type: 'String8', _bytes: 1 }
/** 2 bytes per character */
export const string16 = { _type: 'String16', _bytes: 2 }