Helper scripts and programs for trajectories to be used on UAVs
Parts of this software are based on [mav_trajectory_generation]:, a software package developed at ETH Zurich, implementing a trajectory optimization approach developed at MIT. When using this work academically, follow their instructions on how to cite their work. We use the provided library in that package, but do not require ROS for execution.
Tested on Ubuntu 16.04. Install additional dependencies using:
sudo apt install libnlopt-dev libgoogle-glog-dev
Clone and build this repository:
git clone --recursive
mkdir uav_trajectories/build
cd uav_trajectories/build
cmake ..
This program takes a sequence of waypoints and dynamic quadrotor limits as inputs, and produces a smooth trajectory (with 0 derivatives at the beginning and end) that can be executed safely.
./genTrajectory -i ../examples/waypoints1.csv --v_max 1.0 --a_max 1.0 -o traj1.csv
A python script can be used to visualize a trajectory csv-file (3D plot, velocity, acceleration, angular velocity, yaw).
python3 ../scripts/ traj1.csv