A simple and swift MongoDB abstraction layer for PHP5.3+
- An easy API to get connections, databases and collection.
- A filter builder that doesn't make your mind go nuts.
- All sorts of handy update functions.
- An abstraction for sorting single results.
- GridSF support for a Mongo filesystem.
Monga was created with the acknowledgement of the MongoDB PHP package already being pretty awesome. That's why in a lot of cases Monga is just a simple wrapper around the MongoDB classes. It provides some helpers and helps you set up queries using a query builder. Which you cal also choose not to use! All will still works accordingly. During the development a lot of planning has gone into creating a nice streamlined API that closely follows the MongoDB base classes, while complementing existing query builder for SQL-like database.
- Indexing
- Geospatial helpers
- Docs
If you need any help, come find me in the IRC channels (#fuelphp/#cabinet/#mongodb by the nick of: FrenkyNet)