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CP-REST Proxy Helm Chart

This chart bootstraps a deployment of a Confluent REST Proxy


  • Kubernetes 1.9.2+
  • Helm 2.8.2+
  • A healthy and accessible Zookeeper Ensemble of the Kafka Cluster

Developing Environment

Docker Image Source

Installing the Chart

Install along with cp-helm-charts

git clone
helm install cp-helm-charts

To install with a specific name, you can do:

helm install --name my-confluent cp-helm-charts

Install with a existing cp-kafka and cp-schema-registry release

helm install --set cp-zookeeper.url="unhinged-robin-cp-zookeeper:2181",cp-schema-registry.url="lolling-chinchilla-cp-schema-registry:8081" cp-helm-charts/charts/cp-kafka-rest

Installed Components

You can use helm status <release name> to view all of the installed components.

For example:

$ helm status lolling-chinchilla
NAMESPACE: default

==> v1/Service
NAME                              TYPE       CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP  PORT(S)   AGE
hopping-salamander-cp-kafka-rest  ClusterIP  <none>       8082/TCP  1m

==> v1beta2/Deployment
NAME                              DESIRED  CURRENT  UP-TO-DATE  AVAILABLE  AGE
hopping-salamander-cp-kafka-rest  1        1        1           1          1m

==> v1/Pod(related)
NAME                                               READY  STATUS   RESTARTS  AGE
hopping-salamander-cp-kafka-rest-67b86cff98-qxrd8  1/1    Running  0         1m

==> v1/ConfigMap
NAME                                            DATA  AGE
hopping-salamander-cp-kafka-rest-jmx-configmap  1     1s

There are

  1. A Deployment hopping-salamander-cp-kafka-rest which contains 1 REST Proxy Pod: hopping-salamander-cp-kafka-rest-67b86cff98-qxrd8.
  2. A Service hopping-salamander-cp-kafka-rest for clients to connect to REST Proxy.
  3. A ConfigMap which contains configuration for Prometheus JMX Exporter.
  4. (Optional) A Service hopping-salamander-cp-kafka-restproxy-external for clients to connect to REST Proxy from outside.


You can specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install.

Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example,

helm install --name my-rest-proxy -f my-values.yaml ./cp-kafka-rest

Tip: A default values.yaml is provided

REST Proxy Deployment

The configuration parameters in this section control the resources requested and utilized by the cp-kafka-rest chart.

Parameter Description Default
replicaCount The number of REST Proxy Servers. 1


Parameter Description Default
image Docker Image of Confluent REST Proxy. confluentinc/cp-kafka-rest
imageTag Docker Image Tag of Confluent REST Proxy. 6.1.0
imagePullPolicy Docker Image Tag of Confluent REST Proxy. IfNotPresent
imagePullSecrets Secrets to be used for private registries. see values.yaml for details


Parameter Description Default
servicePort The port on which the REST Proxy will be available and serving requests. 8082

Confluent Kafka REST Configuration

Parameter Description Default
configurationOverrides Kafka REST configuration overrides in the dictionary format {}
customEnv Custom environmental variables {}

Confluent Kafka REST JVM Heap Options

Parameter Description Default
heapOptions The JVM Heap Options for Confluent Kafka REST "-Xms512M -Xmx512M"


Parameter Description Default
resources.requests.cpu The amount of CPU to request. see values.yaml for details
resources.requests.memory The amount of memory to request. see values.yaml for details
resources.requests.limit The upper limit CPU usage for a REST Proxy Pod. see values.yaml for details
resources.requests.limit The upper limit memory usage for a REST Proxy Pod. see values.yaml for details


Parameter Description Default
podAnnotations Map of custom annotations to attach to the pod spec. {}

JMX Configuration

Parameter Description Default
jmx.port The jmx port which JMX style metrics are exposed. 5555

Prometheus JMX Exporter Configuration

Parameter Description Default
prometheus.jmx.enabled Whether or not to install Prometheus JMX Exporter as a sidecar container and expose JMX metrics to Prometheus. true
prometheus.jmx.image Docker Image for Prometheus JMX Exporter container. solsson/kafka-prometheus-jmx-exporter@sha256
prometheus.jmx.imageTag Docker Image Tag for Prometheus JMX Exporter container. 6f82e2b0464f50da8104acd7363fb9b995001ddff77d248379f8788e78946143
prometheus.jmx.imagePullPolicy Docker Image Pull Policy for Prometheus JMX Exporter container. IfNotPresent
prometheus.jmx.port JMX Exporter Port which exposes metrics in Prometheus format for scraping. 5556
prometheus.jmx.resources JMX Exporter resources configuration. see values.yaml for details

External Access

Parameter Description Default
external.enabled whether or not to allow external access to Kafka REST Proxy false
external.type Kubernetes Service Type to expose Kafka REST Proxy to external LoadBalancer
external.port External service port to expose Kafka REST Proxy to external 8082
external.annotations Map of annotations to attach to external Kafka REST Proxy service nil
external.externalTrafficPolicy Configures .spec.externalTrafficPolicy which controls if load balancing occurs across all nodes (value of Cluster) or only active nodes (value of Local) Cluster
external.loadBalancerSourceRanges Configures .spec.loadBalancerSourceRanges which controls a list of source IP ranges permitted access to the load balancer [""]

Deployment Topology

Parameter Description Default
nodeSelector Dictionary containing key-value-pairs to match labels on nodes. When defined pods will only be scheduled on nodes, that have each of the indicated key-value pairs as labels. Further information can be found in the Kubernetes documentation {}
tolerations Array containing taint references. When defined, pods can run on nodes, which would otherwise deny scheduling. Further information can be found in the Kubernetes documentation {}



Parameter Description Default
cp-zookeeper.url Service name of Zookeeper cluster (Not needed if this is installed along with cp-kafka chart). ""
cp-zookeeper.clientPort Port of Zookeeper Cluster 2181

Schema Registry (optional)

Parameter Description Default
cp-schema-registry.url Service name of Schema Registry (Not needed if this is installed along with cp-kafka chart). ""
cp-schema-registry.port Port of Schema Registry Service 8081