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TYPO3 Extension gdpr


This extensions makes it easier for website owners and agencies to have the site compatible to the GDPR (German "DSGVO").


It costs € 1450 excl. taxes and a special price before 25th of May 2018 of € 990 excl. taxes. Contact me - Georg Ringer via mail, TYPO3 slack or twitter.

Costs are per installation - discounts possible, ask me directly.


Be aware that this extension does not cover every area of the GDPR - especially the frontend part is not covered!

Overview Record fields Search Configuration Help


  • TYPO3 CMS 8 LTS & 9 LTS


The limitation of the implementation is that only records having a TCA configuration are covered. Furthermore direct access to the database without using the QueryBuilder of TYPO3 will still deliver every record.


Hide sensitive data

The General Data Protection Regulation requires that people can revoke access to their data. The extension makes it possible to exclude any record by activating a checkbox. After that, the record won't be accessible and available anymore, no matter if backend or frontend, editor or admin.

A new administration module gives editors the possibility to handle those flagged records and react with one of the following options:

  • Completely remove the record from the database
  • Reactivate the record
  • Randomize content of the record (see below)

Every action regarding those flags is logged on a central place.

As additional security layer, this module must be explicitly enabled for every user - even for administrators.

Randomize data

Records can be randomized by using the fzaninotto/faker. By providing a mapping per table, is possible to exchange the data with dummy information which looks still ok and can be used in exports. An example would be

    [username] => martens.conny
    [email] => [email protected]
    [password] => 94n3ifyp($+%u#
    [zip] => 33781
    [address] => Hans-Jürgen-Sauer-Weg 21
86788 Oberursel (Taunus)
    [city] => Pfungstadt
    [first_name] => Miriam
    [last_name] => Sander
    [telephone] => +8747861395322
    [fax] => +5484337015644

Using a CLI command

By using a CLI command, all data with a specific age can be randomized: ./web/typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 gdpr:randomize

Result can look like this

Randomize data

Starting with table "be_users"

 // Randomization skipped as not enabled!

Starting with table "fe_users"

 // find all fields where value of field "tstamp" is older than 360 days

 [OK] 3 records randomized


A search, similar to the one in the DB Check module allows to search within sensitive records.


See and filter any action of GDPR related actions

Anonymize IP logging

IPs inserted into the table sys_log and index_stat_search are now anonymized.

Anonymize existing data

By using a CLI command, existing IPs can be anonymized. Example:

# parameters: <tableName> <ipFieldName> <ageFieldName> <ageInDays>
./web/typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 gdpr:anonymizeIp sys_log tstamp IP 365
./web/typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 gdpr:anonymizeIp index_stat_search tstamp IP 180

Report for report module

A report shows a short information about potential actions.

Force privacy for youtube & vimeo videos

The ViewHelper <f:media> which is used by the core to show videos of youtube and vimeo embeds those videos directly via iframe. The rendering for those 2 is changed to ask the user explicitly to render the iframe.

An additional improvement of this is an increased performance of the page as the iframe is not loaded with the page.


Use the argument additionalConfig to provide the path to the template. By default the mentioned file is in EXT:fluid_styled_content/Resources/Private/Partials/Media/Rendering/Video.html

    <html xmlns:f="" data-namespace-typo3-fluid="true">
    <f:media additionalConfig="{gdpr-template:'EXT:gdpr/Resources/Private/Templates/Rendering/Youtube.html'}" class="video-embed-item" file="{file}" width="{dimensions.width}" height="{dimensions.height}" alt="{file.alternative}" title="{file.title}" />


  1. Install the extension
  2. Enable the users who are allowed to work with the module in the be_users table.
  3. By default, the table fe_users is defined as the one having sensitive information, therefore there is a checkbox to hide this record.

Add restriction to custom tables

Example call how an own record can be added.

$tca = \GeorgRinger\Gdpr\Service\Tca::getInstance('fe_users');
    ->addRandomization('gdpr_randomized', [
        'dateField' => 'tstamp',
        'expirePeriod' => 360,
        'mapping' => [
            'username' => 'userName',
            'email' => 'email',
            'password' => 'password',
            'zip' => 'postcode',
            'address' => 'address',
            'city' => 'city',
            'first_name' => 'firstName',
            'last_name' => 'lastName',
            'telephone' => 'e164PhoneNumber',
            'fax' => 'e164PhoneNumber',

Technical background

The implementation is based on the RestrictionContainers of the TYPO3 core.