A quick start guide to get KubeVirt up and running inside our container-based development cluster.
Note: Docker is used as default container runtime. If you want to use podman see PODMAN.md.
First, point the Makefile
to the Docker registry of your choice:
export DOCKER_PREFIX=index.docker.io/myrepo
export DOCKER_TAG=mybuild
Then build the manifests and images:
make && make push && make manifests
Finally, push the manifests to your cluster:
kubectl create -f _out/manifests/release/kubevirt-operator.yaml
kubectl create -f _out/manifests/release/kubevirt-cr.yaml
The Bazel build system does not support the macOS keychain. Please ensure that
you deactivate the option Securely store Docker logins in macOS keychain
the Docker preferences. After restarting the Docker service, log in with docker login
. Your $HOME/.docker/config.json
should look like:
"auths" : {
"https://index.docker.io/v1/" : {
"auth" : "XXXXXXXXXX"
"credSstore" : ""
The KubeVirt build system runs completely inside Docker.
In order to build KubeVirt you need to have docker
and rsync
You also need to have docker
running, and have the
to access it.
Note: For running KubeVirt in the dockerized cluster, nested virtualization must be enabled - see here for instructions for Fedora. As an alternative software emulation can be allowed. Enabling nested virtualization should be preferred.
Runs master and nodes containers. Each one of them runs virtual machines via QEMU.
In addition it runs dnsmasq
and Docker registry containers.
The minimum compatible Kubernetes version is 1.15.0. Important features required for scheduling and memory are missing or incompatible with previous versions.
To build all required artifacts and launch the
dockerized environment, clone the KubeVirt repository, cd
into it, and:
# Build and deploy KubeVirt on Kubernetes in our vms inside containers
# export KUBEVIRT_PROVIDER=k8s-1.20 # uncomment to use a non-default KUBEVIRT_PROVIDER
make cluster-up
make cluster-sync
This will create a virtual machine called node01
which acts as node and control-plane. To create
more nodes which will register themselves on control-plane, you can use the
environment variable. This would create a control-plane and one
export KUBEVIRT_NUM_NODES=2 # schedulable control-plane + one additional node
make cluster-up
variable to increase memory size per node. Normally you do not need it,
because default node memory size is set.
export KUBEVIRT_MEMORY_SIZE=8192M # node has 8GB memory size
make cluster-up
Note: If you see the error below, check if the MTU of the container and the host are the same. If not, try to adjust them to be the same. See issue 2667 for more detailed info.
# ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get pods --all-namespaces
cdi cdi-operator-5db567b486-grtk9 0/1 ImagePullBackOff 0 42m
Back-off pulling image "kubevirt/cdi-operator:v1.10.1"
To destroy the created cluster, type:
make cluster-down
Note: Whenever you type make cluster-down && make cluster-up
, you will
have a completely fresh cluster to play with.
Note: The following is meant for allowing faster iteration on small changes to components that support it. Not every component is that simply exchangable without a full re-deploy. Always test with the final SHA based method in the end.
In situations where you just want to work on a single component and rollout updates without re-deploying the whole environment, you can tell kubevirt to deploy using tags.
After this any make cluster-sync
will use the DOCKER_TAG
for pulling images instead of SHAs.
This means you can simply rebuild the component that changed and then kill the respective pods to
cause a fresh pull:
PUSH_TARGETS='virt-api' ./hack/bazel-push-images.sh
kubectl delete po -n kubevirt -l kubevirt.io=virt-api
Once the respective component is back, it should be using your new build.
Based on the used cluster, node names might be different. You can get the names from following command:
# cluster-up/kubectl.sh get nodes
node01 Ready control-plane,worker 13s v1.18.3
Then you can execute the following command to access the node:
# ./cluster-up/ssh.sh node01
[vagrant@node01 ~]$
Some of the code in our source tree is auto-generated (see git ls-files|grep '^pkg/.*generated.*go$'
On certain occasions (but not when building git-cloned code), you need to regenerate it
make generate
Typical cases where code regeneration should be triggered are:
- When changing APIs, REST paths or their comments (gets reflected in the API documentation, clients, generated cloners...)
- When changing mocked interfaces (the mock generator needs to update the generated mocks)
We have a check in our CI system so that you do not miss when make generate
needs to be called.
- Another case is when kubevirtci is updated, in order to vendor cluster-up run
and thenmake generate
After a successful build you can run the unit tests:
make test
They do not need a running KubeVirt environment to succeed. To run the functional tests, make sure you have set up a dockerized environment. Then run
make cluster-sync # synchronize with your code, if necessary
make functest # run the functional tests against the dockerized VMs
If you would like to run specific functional tests only, you can leverage ginkgo
command line options as follows (run a specified suite):
FUNC_TEST_ARGS='-focus=vmi_networking_test -regexScansFilePath' make functest
In addition, if you want to run a specific test or tests you can prepend any Describe
and It
statements of your test with an F
and Ginkgo will only run items
that are marked with the prefix. Remember to remove the prefix before issuing
your pull request.
For additional information check out the Ginkgo focused specs documentation
Congratulations, you are still with us and you have built KubeVirt.
Now it is time to get hands on and give it a try.
Finally start a VMI called vmi-ephemeral
# This can be done from your GIT repo, no need to log into a VMI
# Create a VMI
./cluster-up/kubectl.sh create -f examples/vmi-ephemeral.yaml
# Sure? Let's list all created VMIs
./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vmis
# Enough, let's get rid of it
./cluster-up/kubectl.sh delete -f examples/vmi-ephemeral.yaml
# You can actually use kubelet.sh to introspect the cluster in general
./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get pods
# To check the running kubevirt services you need to introspect the `kubevirt` namespace:
./cluster-up/kubectl.sh -n kubevirt get pods
This will start a VMI on control-plane or one of the running nodes with a macvtap and a tap networking device attached.
$ ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh create -f examples/vmi-ephemeral.yaml
vm "vmi-ephemeral" created
$ ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get pods
virt-launcher-vmi-ephemeral9q7es 1/1 Running 0 10s
$ ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vmis
vmi-ephemeral 11s Running node02
$ ./cluster-up/kubectl.sh get vmis -o json
"kind": "List",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {},
"items": [
"apiVersion": "kubevirt.io/v1alpha2",
"kind": "VirtualMachine",
"metadata": {
"creationTimestamp": "2016-12-09T17:54:52Z",
"labels": {
"kubevirt.io/nodeName": "master"
"name": "vmi-ephemeral",
"namespace": "default",
"resourceVersion": "102534",
"selfLink": "/apis/kubevirt.io/v1alpha2/namespaces/default/virtualmachineinstances/testvm",
"uid": "7e89280a-be62-11e6-a69f-525400efd09f"
"spec": {
First make sure you have remote-viewer
installed. On Fedora run:
dnf install virt-viewer
Windows users can download remote-viewer from virt-manager.org, and may need
to add virt-viewer installation folder to their PATH
Then, after you made sure that the VMI vmi-ephemeral
is running, type:
cluster-up/virtctl.sh vnc vmi-ephemeral
This will start a remote session with remote-viewer
is a wrapper around virtctl
. virtctl
brings all
virtual machine specific commands with it and is a supplement to kubectl
Note: If accessing your cluster through ssh, be sure to forward your X11 session in order to launch virtctl vnc
You may encounter merge conflicts in BUILD.bazel
files when creating pull
requests. Normally you can resolve these conflicts extremely easy by simply
accepting the new upstream version of the files and run make
again. That will
update the build files with your changes.
In case you work on two or more branches, make generate
for example might fail,
the reason is there is a Bazel server in the background, and when the base image changes,
it should be auto restarted, the detection does not always work perfectly.
To solve it, run docker stop kubevirt-bazel-server
, which will stop the Bazel server.