Node module that converts Markdown files to PDFs.
The PDF looks great because it is styled by HTML5 Boilerplate. What? - Yes! Your Markdown is first converted to HTML, then pushed into the HTML5 Boilerplate index.html
. Phantomjs renders the page and saves it to a PDF. You can even customise the style of the PDF by passing an optional path to your CSS and you can pre-process your markdown file before it is converted to a PDF by passing in a pre-processing function, for templating.
npm install markdown-pdf
var markdownpdf = require("markdown-pdf")
, fs = require("fs")
// --- OR ---
markdownpdf().from("/path/to/").to("/path/to/document.pdf", function () {
Pass an options object (markdownpdf({/* options */})
) to configure the output.
Type: String
Default value: Path provided by phantomjs module
Path to phantom binary
Type: String
Default value: ../pdf.css
Path to custom CSS file, relative to the html5bp directory
Type: String
Default value: A4
'A3', 'A4', 'A5', 'Legal', 'Letter' or 'Tabloid'
Type: String
Default value: portrait
'portrait' or 'landscape'
Type: String
Default value: 1cm
Supported dimension units are: 'mm', 'cm', 'in', 'px'
Type: Number
Default value: 1000
Delay in millis before rendering the PDF (give HTML and CSS a chance to load)
Type: Function
Default value: function () { return through() }
A function that returns a through stream that transforms the markdown before it is converted to HTML.
Type: Function
Default value: function () { return through() }
A function that returns a through stream that transforms the HTML before it is converted to markdown.
Create a readable stream from path
and pipe to markdown-pdf. path
can be a single path or array of paths.
Create a readable stream from string
and pipe to markdown-pdf. string
can be a single string or array of strings.
Create and concatinate readable streams from paths
and pipe to markdown-pdf.
Create and concatinate readable streams from strings
and pipe to markdown-pdf.
Create a writeable stream to path
and pipe output from markdown-pdf to it. path
can be a single path, or array of output paths if you specified an array of inputs. The callback function cb
will be invoked when data has finished being written.
Create a concat-stream and pipe output from markdown-pdf to it. The callback function cb
will be invoked when the buffer has been created.
Create a concat-stream and pipe output from markdown-pdf to it. The callback function cb
will be invoked when the string has been created.
var markdownpdf = require("markdown-pdf")
var md = "foo===\n* bar\n* baz\n\nLorem ipsum dolor sit"
, outputPath = "/path/to/doc.pdf"
markdownpdf().from.string(md).to(outputPath, function () {
console.log("Created", outputPath)
var markdownpdf = require("markdown-pdf")
var mdDocs = ["", "", ""]
, pdfDocs = (d) { return "out/" + d.replace(".md", ".pdf") })
markdownpdf().from(mdDocs).to(pdfDocs, function () {
pdfDocs.forEach(function (d) { console.log("Created", d) })
var markdownpdf = require("markdown-pdf")
var mdDocs = ["", "", ""]
, bookPath = "/path/to/book.pdf"
markdownpdf().concat.from(mdDocs).to(bookPath, function () {
console.log("Created", bookPath)
var markdownpdf = require("markdown-pdf")
, split = require("split")
, through = require("through")
, duplexer = require("duplexer")
function preProcessMd () {
// Split the input stream by lines
var splitter = split()
// Replace occurances of "foo" with "bar"
var replacer = through(function (data) {
this.queue(data.replace(/foo/g, "bar") + "\n")
return duplexer(splitter, replacer)
markdownpdf({preProcessMd: preProcessMd})
.to("/path/to/document.pdf", function () { console.log("Done") })
To use markdown-pdf as a standalone program from the terminal run
npm install -g markdown-pdf
Usage: markdown-pdf [options] <markdown-file-path>
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
<markdown-file-path> Path of the markdown file to convert
-p, --phantom-path [path] Path to phantom binary
-s, --css-path [path] Path to custom CSS file
-f, --paper-format [format] 'A3', 'A4', 'A5', 'Legal', 'Letter' or 'Tabloid'
-r, --paper-orientation [orientation] 'portrait' or 'landscape'
-b, --paper-border [measurement] Supported dimension units are: 'mm', 'cm', 'in', 'px'
-d, --render-delay [millis] Delay before rendering the PDF (give HTML and CSS a chance to load)
-o, --out [path] Path of where to save the PDF