If you're using older version of Gradle, add the following to your build.gradle
repositories {
dependencies {
compile("org.jetbrains.exposed", "exposed-core", "0.24.1")
compile("org.jetbrains.exposed", "exposed-dao", "0.24.1")
compile("org.jetbrains.exposed", "exposed-jdbc", "0.24.1")
If you're using newer versions of Gradle, you can add the following to your build.gradle
implementation "org.jetbrains.exposed:exposed-core:$exposed_version"
implementation "org.jetbrains.exposed:exposed-dao:$exposed_version"
implementation "org.jetbrains.exposed:exposed-jdbc:$exposed_version"
And the version in your gradle.properties
- Note: There are another modules. Detailed information located in [[Modules Documentation|LibDocumentation]] section.
Every database access using Exposed is started by obtaining a connection and creating a transaction.
To get a connection:
Database.connect("jdbc:h2:mem:test", driver = "org.h2.Driver")
It is also possible to provide javax.sql.DataSource
for advanced behaviors such as connection pooling:
More details on [[DataBase and DataSource|DataBase-and-DataSource]]
After obtaining a connection all SQL statements should be placed inside a transaction:
transaction {
// Statements here
To see the actual DB calls, add a logger:
transaction {
// print sql to std-out
Exposed comes in two flavors: DSL (Domain Specific Language) and DAO (Data Access Object).
On a high level, DSL means type-safe syntax that is similar to SQL whereas DAO means doing CRUD operations on entities.
Observe the below examples and head on to the specific section of each API for more details.
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
//an example connection to H2 DB
Database.connect("jdbc:h2:mem:test", driver = "org.h2.Driver")
transaction {
// print sql to std-out
SchemaUtils.create (Cities)
// insert new city. SQL: INSERT INTO Cities (name) VALUES ('St. Petersburg')
val stPeteId = Cities.insert {
it[name] = "St. Petersburg"
} get Cities.id
// 'select *' SQL: SELECT Cities.id, Cities.name FROM Cities
println("Cities: ${Cities.selectAll()}")
object Cities: IntIdTable() {
val name = varchar("name", 50)
More on [[DSL API|DSL]]
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
//an example connection to H2 DB
Database.connect("jdbc:h2:mem:test", driver = "org.h2.Driver")
transaction {
// print sql to std-out
SchemaUtils.create (Cities)
// insert new city. SQL: INSERT INTO Cities (name) VALUES ('St. Petersburg')
val stPete = City.new {
name = "St. Petersburg"
// 'select *' SQL: SELECT Cities.id, Cities.name FROM Cities
println("Cities: ${City.all()}")
object Cities: IntIdTable() {
val name = varchar("name", 50)
class City(id: EntityID<Int>) : IntEntity(id) {
companion object : IntEntityClass<City>(Cities)
var name by Cities.name
More on [[DAO API|DAO]]
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