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clever-tools releases

How is this project built, packaged and published on various repositories?

  • Everything is managed by a multi-branch pipeline job in our Jenkins.
  • The job consists of 3 steps which are configured in the Jenkinsfile: build, package and publish.
  • We kept the Jenkinsfile to a minimum and put most of the build logic in several JavaScript files executed with node.js and prefixed with job-.
  • The job-*.js scripts use some external binaries when it was easier (or when there was no strong JS based solution):
    • tar
    • zip
    • git
    • npm
    • ssh-keyscan
    • fpm (which is a ruby gem)
  • We run this Jenkins job on an agent using this Docker image: clever-tools-builder.
  • The Dockerfile to build this image is here: docker-runner/Dockerfile
  • The job is triggered on each new commit and each new tag via a classic Jenkins git hook setup in the GitHub project.
    • If it's a commit in a branch, we only run the build and package steps, and we archive artefacts afterwards.
    • If it's a commit in a tag, we run the build, package AND publish steps.
    • The version in the publish step uses the git tag.


The first step of the job builds binaries for GNU/Linux, macOS and Windows using pkg. This allows us to release a self-contained binary without having to worry about the inner node.js dependencies etc... and other implementation details of the project.


The second step of the job packages various types of archives and bundles for different needs and computes SHA 256 sums:

  • .tar.gz archive for GNU/Linux
  • .tar.gz archive for macOS
  • .zip archive for Windows
  • .deb bundle for Debian/Ubuntu...
  • .rpm bundle for CentOS/Fedora...


The third step of the job will publish the new version via different method depending on the target.


.tar.gz, .zip, .deb and .rpm (and corresponding .sha256 files) are published on Clever Cloud's Cellar. That's why we need S3_KEY_ID and S3_SECRET_KEY from the credentials.

  • If it's a stable version we publish the files under X.Y.Z but also under latest.
  • If it's a beta version we only publish the files under X.Y.Z-beta.W.

NOTE: The Cellar instance ID is: addon_fc310359-fc4f-4e30-b37c-b34127c4bb75.


.deb, .nupkg and .rpm are published on Clever Cloud's public Nexus instance. That's why we need the NEXUS_PASSWORD and NUGET_API_KEY environment variables.

  • .deb are published on Nexus repo: deb.
    • beta versions are published on a separate Nexus repo: deb-beta.
  • .nupkg are published on Nexus repo: nupkg.
    • beta versions are published on a separate Nexus repo: nupkg-beta.
  • .rpm are published on Nexus repo: rpm.
    • beta versions are published on a separate Nexus repo: rpm-beta.


For Archlinux, a new commit is created and pushed to AUR. That's why we need the CI_CLEVER_CLOUD_SSH_KEY SSH key from the credentials.


For homebrew, a new commit is created and pushed to a homebrew tap on GitHub. That's why we need the CI_CLEVER_CLOUD_SSH_KEY SSH key from the credentials.

  • The new commit updates all files of the given repo using the templates in templates/brew.
  • We use homebrew-tap for stable versions.
  • We use homebrew-tap-beta for beta versions.


We publish new versions on via npm publish. That's why we need NPM_TOKEN from the credentials.

  • This NPM_TOKEN is generated from the clevercloud-ci account.
  • If it's a beta version, we use the npm beta tag so users don't get a beta without explicitly asking for one.

Docker Hub

We publish new versions on Docker Hub using automated builds. They are triggered for new commits created and pushed to a GitHub repo. That's why we need the CI_CLEVER_CLOUD_SSH_KEY SSH key from the credentials.

  • The new commit updates all files of the given repo using the templates in templates/dockerhub.

How do I release a new version?

Here's the guide to create a new release:

  1. Make sure you updated the with all the new features and bugfixes.
  2. Make sure the unit tests all pass (on Travis CI).
  3. Decide if you're doing a major, minor or patch version or event a prerelease according to the semver spec.
  4. Make sure the commit you want to version is on master.
  5. run the npm version command with the right parameters (see details below).
  • This will update package.json and package-lock.json in a new commit.
  • This will create a git tag.
  1. Push the updated master branch with the new tag on GitHub (see details below).
  2. Follow the build on Jenkins and everything should be OK!

npm version for a stable version:

# For a major version, ex: 1.2.3 => 2.0.0
npm version major
# For a minor version, ex: 1.2.3 => 1.3.0
npm version minor
# For a patch version, ex: 1.2.3 => 1.2.4
npm version patch

npm version for a beta version:

# For a premajor version, ex: 1.2.3 => 2.0.0-beta.1
npm version premajor
# For a preminor version, ex: 1.2.3 => 1.3.0-beta.1 
npm version preminor
# For a prepatch version, ex: 1.2.3 => 1.2.4-beta.1
npm version prepatch
# For a pre release, ex: 1.2.3-beta.1 => 1.2.3-beta.2
npm version prerelease

Pushing new master and new tag:

git push origin master --tags

How do I update the docker image?

docker build -t clevercloud/clever-tools-builder docker-runner
docker login
docker push clevercloud/clever-tools-builder