Official code for CVPR 2021 paper 'Parser-Free Virtual Try-on via Distilling Appearance Flows'
The training code has been released.
[Paper] [Supplementary Material]
pytorch 1.1.0
torchvision 0.3.0
cuda 9.0
cupy 6.0.0
opencv-python 4.5.1
8 GTX1080 GPU for training; 1 GTX1080 GPU for test
python 3.6
conda create -n tryon python=3.6
source activate tryon or conda activate tryon
conda install pytorch=1.1.0 torchvision=0.3.0 cudatoolkit=9.0 -c pytorch
conda install cupy or pip install cupy==6.0.0
pip install opencv-python
git clone
- cd PF-AFN_train
- Download the VITON training set from VITON_train and put the folder "VITON_traindata" under the folder "dataset".
- Dowload the VGG_19 model from VGG_Model and put "vgg19-dcbb9e9d.pth" under the folder "models".
- First train the parser-based network PBAFN. Run scripts/ After the parser-based warping module is trained, run scripts/
- After training the parser-based network PBAFN, train the parser-free network PFAFN. Run scripts/ After the parser-free warping module is trained, run scripts/
- Following the above insructions with the provided training code, the [trained PF-AFN] achieves FID 9.92 on VITON test set with the test_pairs.txt (You can find it in
- cd PF-AFN_test
- First, you need to download the checkpoints from checkpoints and put the folder "PFAFN" under the folder "checkpoints". The folder "checkpoints/PFAFN" shold contain "warp_model_final.pth" and "gen_model_final.pth".
- The "dataset" folder contains the demo images for test, where the "test_img" folder contains the person images, the "test_clothes" folder contains the clothes images, and the "test_edge" folder contains edges extracted from the clothes images with the built-in function in python (We saved the extracted edges from the clothes images for convenience). 'demo.txt' records the test pairs.
- During test, a person image, a clothes image and its extracted edge are fed into the network to generate the try-on image. No human parsing results or human pose estimation results are needed for test.
- To test with the saved model, run and the results will be saved in the folder "results".
- To reproduce our results from the saved model, your test environment should be the same as our test environment, especifically for the version of cupy.
- VITON contains a training set of 14,221 image pairs and a test set of 2,032 image pairs, each of which has a front-view woman photo and a top clothing image with the resolution 256 x 192. Our saved model is trained on the VITON training set and tested on the VITON test set.
- To train from scratch on VITON training set, you can download VITON_train.
- To test our saved model on the complete VITON test set, you can download VITON_test.
The use of this code is RESTRICTED to non-commercial research and educational purposes.
Our code is based on the implementation of "Clothflow: A flow-based model for clothed person generation" (See the citation below).
If our code is helpful to your work, please cite:
title={Parser-Free Virtual Try-on via Distilling Appearance Flows},
author={Ge, Yuying and Song, Yibing and Zhang, Ruimao and Ge, Chongjian and Liu, Wei and Luo, Ping},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.04559},
title={Clothflow: A flow-based model for clothed person generation},
author={Han, Xintong and Hu, Xiaojun and Huang, Weilin and Scott, Matthew R},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision},