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241 lines (166 loc) · 9.91 KB

File metadata and controls

241 lines (166 loc) · 9.91 KB



New features:

  • Add support for "imagestack" assets, parallax images used on AppleTV (@chillpop)


Fixed issue:

  • Use new version of R.swift.Library to avoid Swift 2.2 warnings
  • This version is not compatible with Swift 2.1 and therefore a breaking change, use 1.4.2 if you need Swift 2.1 compatibility.


Fixed issue:

  • Make this version compatible with Swift 2.1
  • This release is exactly the same version as 1.4.0


Note: Do not use this version, use version 2.0.0 or 1.4.2 instead.

Fixed issue:

  • Use new version of R.swift.Library to avoid Swift 2.2 warnings


New features:

  • Added support for CLR color lists (@tomlokhorst)
  • SwiftDoc comments are generated in the R.generated.swift file (@tomlokhorst)
  • R.swift is made available on Homebrew (maintained by @tomasharkema)
  • Synthesizing let accessors for storyboard identifiers (@JaviSoto)
  • New NSData(resource: R.file.someFile) constructor is now available (@tomlokhorst)

Fixed issues:

  • Breaking: R.file.someFile() as String is removed to prevent ambiguity errors, use R.file.someFile.path() instead (@tomlokhorst)
  • Generated variable/function names will never be empty anymore (@tomlokhorst)
  • If the first view in a nib is a standard Apple Interface Builder class it will now typecast correctly instead of falling back to UIView
  • NSBundle now falls correctly back on the main bundle, this was documented as such but did not always happen
  • Swift keyword list updated to avoid generation of invalid variable/function names


New features:

  • R.file.*.path() and R.file.*.url() are now available

Fixed issues:

  • It was possible to invoke segues that didn’t match the source view controller, this is fixed now by restricting some types
  • Support UICollectionReusableView as root view in a nib


New features:

  • Unwind segues are now supported

Fixed issues:

  • Avoid creation of empty validate methods


Fixed issues:

  • Validate methods could have invalid code in their body
  • Help exited with code 1, should be 0
  • Also; Improved compile time by 7 seconds with some small code changes


New features:

  • Storyboard references are now supported

Fixed issues:

  • Segues from views did crash R.swift


Fixed issues:

  • Validateable was not written out as Rswift.Validateable in all cases


Fixed issues:

  • Validatable collision, since it's quite a common name R.swift now states explicitly it means the one in the R.swift.Library
  • Imports where missing when the module was only used in the generated code in a inferred way
  • The code to call the _R.validate() function was always generated, it's now conditional and only generated when needed


Breaking changes:

  • iOS 7 support is dropped, use R.swift 0.13 if you still have to support it.
  • Generated code now depends on the R.swift.Library, CocoaPods users don't need to do anything. Manual installation users need to include this library themselves, see the readme for instructions.
  • In general; properties that created new stuff are now functions to represent better that they actually create a new instance.
  • R.image.settingsIcon changed to R.image.settingsIcon()
  • R.file.someJson changed to R.file.someJson()
  • R.storyboard.main.initialViewController changed to R.storyboard.main.initialViewController()
  • R.storyboard.main.someViewController changed to R.storyboard.main.someViewController()
  • In general; Where you needed to use .initialize() to get the instance, a shorter function is available now:
  • R.storyboard.main.initialize() changed to R.storyboard.main()
  • R.nib.someView.initiate() changed to R.nib.someView()
  • Nib root view loading changed from R.nib.someView.firstView(nil, options: nil) to R.nib.someView.firstView(owner: nil)
  • Typed segue syntax changed from segue.typedInfoWithIdentifier(R.segue.someViewController.someSegue) to R.segue.someViewController.someSegue(segue: segue)
  • Runtime validation changed:
  • R.validate() now throws errors it encounters
  • R.assertValid() asserts on errors and only performs action in a debug/non-optimized build
  • For regular use cases using R.assertValid() is recommended

Major features and fixes:

  • Writing extensions for R.swift generated code is possible by using the types from the new R.swift.Library
  • Improved importstatements, R.swift will detect modules that you use and import them in the generated file.
  • Improved error reporting, on incorrect calls to the rswift binary as well as during project parsing
  • UITraitCollection can be specified when loading images
  • The String based path as well as the NSURL of a file can now easily be accessed thanks to an overloaded function
  • Constructors are available for all types to provide more flexibility and late initialization (eg. passing a ImageResource around and only creating the image with the special UIImage constructor when you need it)
  • Information about resources is now accessible, a few examples:
  • returns the name of the image
  • R.nib.myCell.identifier returns the reuse identifier string of the cell
  • returns the name of the storyboard


New typed segues

  • iOS 7 compatible image loading
  • Upgrade notice:
  • The new R.segue.* structure is a breaking change, upgrading will give you compile errors because the structure has changed.

Old: R.segue.mySegue New: R.segue.myViewController.mySegue

This enables you to reuse segue identifier names between different source view controllers. Segues now also contain type information. See the documentation on how you can leverage from that.


Fixes use of a R.generated.swift-file in a different than the main bundle:

  • Loading of assets now use a specific bundle instead of the main bundle
  • Mentioning of the bundle name in types is now only done when it's not the bundle the R-file is generated for


  • Correct @2x/3x loading for non-PNG files and device specific suffixes like ~ipad and ~iphone
  • Use correct product name during build (Thanks @kylejm)
  • Support tvOS in podspec (Thanks @tomlokhorst for testing basic tvOS support)
  • Better cleanup of invalid characters in filenames when converting to variable names, also preserve capitals for better readability


  • Support for images outside of an asset folder (like jpeg images: R.image.gradientJpg)
  • Support for resource files in your project (like video files: R.file.myVideoMov)
  • Reads projectfile instead of scanning folders (Thanks to Xcode.swift)
  • Ability to take flags in the call to R.swift like: rswift --target MyApp ./outputFolder (Thanks to OptionKit)
  • Improved documentation and Readme


  • Swift 2 support
  • Duplicated identifier detection
  • A few other small improvements


Fixes incorrect handling of Nib names with a space in them, see issue #56.


When using the assistant editor Xcode will not sugged the R.generated.swift file as a good place to add outlets and such.


Fixes lowercase issue in previous release


  • Spaces in image names are now supported
  • Introduced registerNibs to register multiple nibs at once


This release adds features to use typed overloads of table- and collectionview methods:

  • registerNib with R.nib.*
  • dequeueSomethingSomething(R.reuseIdentifier.*) and get an object of the correct type returned


  • R.swift now support asset catalog folders/groups
  • Fix when using assets that have names that are Swift keywords, they are now properly escaped


  • Rewrote codebase to Swift 1.2
  • Added R.storyboard.[name].initialViewController to get the initial view controller from a storyboard
  • Added missing newline if using multiple storyboard


Fixed a bug where some files where skipped during search and not included in the R-struct. This is now fixed.


  • Added support for nibs(/xibs) use R.nib.[name].firstView to get the first view in your nib fully typed!
  • All reuse identifiers in your project (nibs and storyboards) are available under R.reuseIdentifier.[name]
  • We now leave the generated file untouched if there are no updates
  • Errors in executing R.swift will now appear in between you Xcode build errors/warnings
  • UIViewController subclasses in your storyboard (like UINavigationController or UISplitviewController) are now correctly typed
  • Internal rewrite in the way we generate the R-struct


This release fixes an issue where not importing UIKit import can sometimes give compile errors.


Now you also can load view controllers from a Storyboard without using strings. You can access them with R.storyboard.[name].[viewControllerIdentifier]. They are even validated when you call R.validate()!


In this release a serie of improvements in the codebase as well as in the generated struct. The new resources can be accessed through:

  • UIImage: R.image.[imageName]
  • UIStoryboardSegue identifier: R.segue.[segueIdentifier]
  • UIStoryboard: R.storyboard.[storyboardName].instance
  • Validate images used in the given storyboard: R.storyboard.[storyboardName].validateImages()
  • Validate all images in all storyboards: R.validate()


R.swift now generated strongly typed segues and provides methods to validate if the images used in your storyboard do exist.

  • R.[storyboardName].[segueIdentifier] to get the identifier of a segue
  • R.validateStoryboardImages() to validate images in all storyboards
  • R.[storyboardName].validateStoryboardImages() to validate images in a single storyboard


Better structure, better name, lots of breaking changes!

  • Renamed from TypedImages via Strongly to R.swift
  • Refactored about all of the code
  • Now use R.[assetFolder].[imageName] instead of the UIImage.* approach


  • First public release