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File metadata and controls

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The CLI allows you to sync your databases through a command line interface, without coding anything.
The CLI will be added as a package to the dotnet command.
Once installed, the command line will be then called like this : dotnet sync [command] [--arguments].

Installing the CLI

Installing the Dotmim.Sync CLI use the same technic as the Entity Framework CLI.
First of all, create a .csproj file in any folder. It allows you to restore the rights packages and call the CLI, from the folder.
Be careful, the CLI won't be available outside this folder !

In your .csproj file, just copy / paste / save this xml:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
    <DotNetCliToolReference Include="Dotmim.Sync.Tools" Version="0.1.6" />

Once this file saved, you have to restore the packages. Open your favorite prompt and launch the restore command:

$ dotnet restore

  Restoring packages for /mnt/c/Sync cli/synccli.csproj...
  Restoring packages for /mnt/c/Sync cli/synccli.csproj...
  Generating MSBuild file /mnt/c/Sync cli/obj/synccli.csproj.nuget.g.props.
  Generating MSBuild file /mnt/c/Sync cli/obj/synccli.csproj.nuget.g.targets.
  Restore completed in 825,56 ms for /mnt/c/Sync cli/synccli.csproj.
  Installing System.Data.Common.
  Installing System.Reflection.TypeExtensions.
  Installing System.Text.Json.
  Installing Dotmim.Sync.Core.
  Installing YamlDotNet.
  Installing Dotmim.Sync.Web.
  Installing Dotmim.Sync.SqlServer.
  Installing Dotmim.Sync.Sqlite.
  Installing Dotmim.Sync.Tools.
  Restore completed in 27,54 sec for /mnt/c/Sync cli/synccli.csproj.

Once this operation is done, it's not necessary to restore it every times you use the CLI inside this folder

You can now use the CLI. Try this command:

$ dotnet sync
PROJECT                         SERVER PROVIDER         CLIENT PROVIDER         TABLES

If you want to know more about dotnet extensibility, you may have a look on those links:

How Dotmim.Sync CLI works

Firs of all, the donet sync CLI works with a project, called CLI Project, containing everything related to the sync processus (a name, a server provider, a client provider, some tables, and some optional configurations options)
No sync process can be launched if no CLI Project where previously created.

Here is the most straightforward steps to launch a sync process:

  • Create a project (called projectsync01 in our sample)
  • Add a server provider (SqlSyncProvider in our sample)
  • Add a client provider (SqliteSyncProvider in our sample)
  • Add two tables to synchronize (Product & ProductCategory in our sample)
  • Launch the Sync process.
$ dotnet sync -n syncproject01
Project syncproject01 created.

$ dotnet sync syncproject01 provider -p sqlserver -c "Data Source=(localdb)...." -s server
Server provider of type SqlSyncProvider saved into project syncproject01.

$ dotnet sync syncproject01 provider -p sqlite -c "adWorks.db" -s client
Client provider of type SqliteSyncProvider saved into project syncproject01.

$ dotnet sync syncproject01 table --add ProductCategory
Table ProductCategory added to project syncproject01.

$ dotnet sync table --add Product
Table Product added to project syncproject01.

$ dotnet sync -s
Sync Start
Begin Session.
Ensure Configuration
	Configuration readed. 2 table(s) involved.
Selecting changes...
	Changes selected : 0
Applying changes...
	Changes applied : 1234
End Session.

CLI Project

The CLI will create a CLI Project stored in a datastore. Actually, a Sqlite database is used to store CLI projects. A CLI Project is mandatory to be able to launch a synchronization beetween two databases.

A CLI Project is defined by :

  • A project name.
  • Two providers : One server and One client.
  • At least one table defined by its name, schema (optional and only used on SQL Server) and direction (optional, default is bidirectional)
  • A configuration defined with several key-value (as shown in the yaml sample below).

A CLI Project can be represented by a yaml file also to describe itself (see section on YAML bellow).

CLI Commands

Integration within dotnet command line

Since we are called from the dotnet command, and to be compliant with the dotnet command extensibility, each command will begin like this :

$ dotnet sync [command] [--arguments]

Create, Get, Delete CLI Project

All projects commands are available directly with arguments :

$ dotnet sync [arguments]

Arguments available :

  • -v or --verion : Get the current CLI & Dotmim.Sync version.
  • -h or --help : Get the help informations.
  • -n or --new : Creating a new project with a unique name.
  • -i or --info : Load an existing project by its unique name and write all its informations.
  • -r or --remove : Delete an existing project by its unique name.
  • -ls or --list : List all projects created and saved within CLI.
  • -s or --sync : Launch the sync process on the actual loaded project.

Getting the CLI project list:

$ dotnet sync -ls
PROJECT                         SERVER PROVIDER         CLIENT PROVIDER         TABLES
p0                              SqlServer               Sqlite                  7
advworkspj                      SqlServer               Sqlite                  2
contoso                         SqlServer               Sqlite                  2
proxy                           Web                     Sqlite                  -

Creating a CLI project called "syncproject01":

$ dotnet sync -n "syncproject01"
Project "syncproject01" created

Getting an existing CLI Project informations:

$ dotnet sync -i "syncproject01"
PROJECT                          syncproject01
SERVER PROVIDER                  SqlServer
SERVER PROVIDER CS               data source=(localdb)\mssqllocaldb; initial catalog=adventureworks; integrated security=true;
CLIENT PROVIDER                  Sqlite
CLIENT PROVIDER CS               c:\users\johndoe\.dmsync\advworks.db
CONF CONFLICT                    ServerWins
CONF BATCH DIR                   C:\Users\johndoe\AppData\Local\Temp\DotmimSync
CONF BATCH SIZE                  0
CONF SERIALIZATION               Json

TABLE                           SCHEMA                  DIRECTION       ORDER
ProductCategory                                         Bidirectional   0
ProductDescription                                      Bidirectional   1
ProductModel                                            Bidirectional   2
Product                                                 Bidirectional   3
Address                                                 Bidirectional   4
Customer                                                Bidirectional   5
CustomerAddress                                         Bidirectional   6

Deleting an existing CLI Project :

$ dotnet sync project -r "syncproject01"
Project "syncproject01" deleted.

Adding Sync providers

Once you have loaded your CLI project, you can add providers. You must add one server and one client provider.

All providers commands are available through the [command] provider :

$ dotnet sync provider [arguments]

Arguments available :

  • -p or --providerType : Adding a provider type, like sqlserver, mysql, sqlite or web.
  • -c or --connectionString : Adding the provider connection string (or uri if provider type is set to web)
  • -s or --syncType : Adding the provider sync type : could be server or client

Adding providers of type SqlSyncProvider as server side and SqliteSyncProvider as client side :

$ dotnet sync provider -p sqlserver -c "Data Source=(localdb)...." -s server;
Server provider of type SqlSyncProvider saved to project syncproject01

$ dotnet sync provider -p sqlite -cs "adWorks.db" -s client;
Client provider of type SqliteSyncProvider saved to project syncproject01

Adding Sync tables

One you have loaded your CLI Project, you can add tables. At least one table is mandatory to be able to launch the sync processus All tables commands are available through the [command] table :

$ dotnet sync table [arguments]

Arguments availables:

  • -a or --add : Adding a table identified with its name.
  • -o or --order : Specify table order.
  • -s or --schema : Set the schema name for the current table. Only used with the SqlSyncProvider.
  • -r or --remove : Remove the specfied table from the sync process.
  • -d or --direction : Set the sync direction for the current table. Could be bidirectional (or b), uploadOnly (or u), downloadOnly (or d)

Adding tables to the current project :

$ dotnet sync table --add ProductCategory
Table ProductCategory added to the project syncproject01.

$ dotnet sync table -a Product -d downloadonly
Table Product [DownloadOnly] added to the project syncproject01.

$ dotnet sync table -a Employee -d downloadonly -s Sales
Table Sales.Employee [DownloadOnly] added to the project syncproject01.

Adding configuration options

You can specify several options for your current CLI Project through the configuation command.
All configuration options are available through the [command] conf :

$ dotnet sync conf [arguments]

Arguments availables:

  • -c or --conflict : can be serverwins or clientwins. Default is ServerWins.
  • -s or --batchSize : set the batch size. Default is 1000.
  • -d or --batchDirectory : Set the batch directory. Default is your environment temp folder.
  • -f or --format : Set the serialization format. Can be json (JSON Format) or bin (BINARY Format). Default is json
  • -o or --bulkOperations : Set if you want to use bulk operations when using the SqlSyncProvider is used. Default is true.

Adding configuration to the current loaded CLI Project:

$ dotnet sync conf -c ClientWins -f dm -o true

YAML Format

Working with a yml file could be easier. All YAML options are available through the [command] yaml :

$ dotnet sync yaml [arguments]

Arguments availables:

  • -f or --file: Set the file name to load.

Loaded a CLI Project stored in a YAML file :

$ dotnet sync yaml -f "projectsync.yml"
YAML file "projectsync.yml" correctly loaded. Project "syncproject01" with 2 table(s) loaded.

YAML File sample

Example of what we can have in such way :

project: projectsync01

	- providerType:	SqlSyncProvider
	  connectionString : "Data Source=(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB; Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;Integrated Security=true;"
	  syncType: Server	
	- providerType:	SqliteSyncProvider
	  connectionString : "adWorks.db"
	  syncType: Client	
	- name : ProductCategory
	  schema : dbo
	  syncDirection : bidirectional

	- name : Product
	  schema : dbo
	  syncDirection : bidirectional

	- conflictResolution : ServerWins
	- downloadBatchSizeInKB : 1000
	- batchDirectory : "C:\\tmp"
	- serializationFormat : json
	- useBulkOperations : true