AI-eBay-Forcaster Public
Support vector machines Attribute Evaluation Models For eBay
rnn-speech-denoising Public
Forked from amaas/rnn-speech-denoisingRecurrent neural network training for noise reduction in robust automatic speech recognition
MATLAB UpdatedJun 6, 2014 -
woocommerce-plugin Public
Forked from jaafit/bitpayWoocommercePlugin for connecting Woocommerce with Bitpay.com
PHP UpdatedApr 16, 2014 -
SQL-CSV Public
a simple python script that writes all table data to a csv file
ResCan Public
Forked from armageddon421/ResCanResistor ring value scanner
Java GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedMar 25, 2014 -
cardsui-for-android Public
Forked from Androguide/cardsui-for-androidFork of the CardsUI library with more features, including the popular Google Now & Google Play cards views, and an additional MVC implementation
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 3, 2014 -
Acoustic-Authentication Public
An acoustic authentication system based on arduino
Forked from danmandle/JSON2CSVA simple PHP script to convert JSON data to CSV
PHP UpdatedJul 24, 2013 -
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