Go to your StorSimple Device Manager and select Devices. From the list of devices connected to your service, select and click the device you want to update.
In the Settings blade, click Device updates.
You see a message if the software updates are available. To check for updates, you can also click Scan.
You will be notified when the scan starts and completes successfully.
Once the updates are scanned, click Download updates.
In the New updates blade, review the information that after the updates are downloaded, you need to confirm the installation. Click OK.
You are notified when the upload starts and completes successfully.
In the Device updates blade, click Install.
In the New updates blade, you are warned that the update is disruptive. As virtual array is a single node device, the device restarts after it is updated. This disrupts any IO in progress. Click OK to install the updates.
You are notified when the install job starts.
After the install job completes successfully, click View Job link in the Device updates blade to monitor the installation.
This takes you to the Install Updates blade. You can view detailed information about the job here.
After the updates are successfully installed, you see a message to this effect in the Device updates blade. The software version also changes to 10.0.10288.0.