Github clone. you can install portable github system into unix/linux.
- Github clone
- Perl 5.8.7+ only needed
At first create gitprep user. This is not nesessary, but recommended.
useradd gitprep
su - gitprep
cd ~
Download tar.gz archive and exapand it and change directory.
curl -kL > gitprep-0.02.tar.gz tar xf gitprep-0.02.tar.gz cd gitprep-0.02
You execute the following command. Needed moudles is installed.
perl cpanm -n -l extlib Module::CoreList
perl -Iextlib/lib/perl5 cpanm -n -L extlib --installdeps .
You can start application start. Application is run in background, port is 10020 by default.
You can access the following URL.
If you change port, edit gitprep.conf.
You can stop application by --stop option.
./gitprep --stop
If you want to do operation by root user, you must do some works for security.
You add user and group to hypnotoad section in gitprep.conf.
[hypnotoad] ... user=gitprep group=gitprep
If you are developer, you can start application development mode
You can access the following URL.