The Pharos OOAnalyzer tool uses the Prolog files in this directory to reason about the facts extracted from the executable. Because the Prolog step is executed automatically, there is no reason for a typical user to concern themselves much with the contents of this directory and these files have been considered to be mostly for developers of OOAnalyzer. Recently however, several users of OOAnalyzer have tried analyzing rather large object-oriented programs, and there are known deficiencies in the completely-automated one-step approach represented by simply running OOAnalyzer with default settings.
The OOAnalyzer developers often use a multi-step process that separates various stages of analysis. This provides for easier recovery from failures, slightly reduced resource requirements, and most importantly, dramatically better performance in some cases. One of the key differences is based on the recent development that SWI Prolog's tabling support is now sufficient to run the OOAnalyzer Prolog analysis stage, and that it performs much better in general than the XSB implementation that was previously used. Users facing problems associated with the analysis of large object-oriented executables are encouraged to use the following procedure because it breaks the entire process up into smaller steps, so that if one fails, you don't have to restart from the beginning.
If you are building Pharos from source, make sure that you install SWI Prolog and configure Pharos to use it. If you use our Docker image or build scripts, SWI should be available.
The first step is to complete the partitioning phase of analysis, where the Pharos system disassembles the executable, identifies function boundaries, and prepares to begin more detailed function analysis to determine object-oriented properties. There are several reasons why it is important to separate the partitioning step from later steps.
For large files, this stage requires a lot of memory because the entire executable is disassembled in RAM at once, and each instruction becomes several memory objects representing instructions, operands, basic, blocks, and functions. RAM requirements can be 1000 times the size of the input executable, which is typically not a problem for files that are kilobytes in size, but can be a serious difficulty for files that are multiple megabytes. This memory consumption is largely driven by design decisions in ROSE and are not easily correctable in Pharos, but we are discussing the issue with the ROSE developers (where it is also a non-trivial change). One bit of good news here is that due to the memory access patterns, some users have obtained good results by simply increasing their system swap space significantly.
Another problem is that depending on the partitioner options that you use, there can be long execution times for some large input files, where it is unclear how beneficial the additional analysis really is. This aspect of the problem is caused by differences in the partitioning algorithm that is used. By default, OOAnalyzer is configured to produce the most accurate and complete disassembly that it is capable of. For large files, many users many find the less accurate partitioning algorithm produces better results because the partitioning step actually completes.
Most importantly, because this step takes a non-trivial amount of time, and should not need to be repeated if other problems are encountered later, it is important to utilize a Pharos feature for saving the results of this step before proceeding to later stages.
In order to avoid starting later analysis steps automatically, we often use a different Pharos tool to complete the partitioning step, and then save those results to a serialization file.
partition --serialize=ooprog.ser --maximum-memory=128000 --no-semantics ooprog.exe
The primary goal of this command is to create the ooprog.ser
which is a Boost serialization of the partitioning results, and is
enabled with the option --serialize=<filename>
. This file allows us
to perform later analysis without repeating the partitioning step. For
example, a first invocation of this command reported:
OPTI[INFO ]: Function partitioning took 27.7931 seconds.
OPTI[INFO ]: Writing serialized data to "ooprog.ser".
OPTI[INFO ]: Writing serialized data took 38.2657 seconds.
OPTI[INFO ]: Partitioned 654308 bytes, 222289 instructions, 56639 basic blocks, 150 data blocks and 3908 functions.
While running the same command ran a second time reported:
OPTI[INFO ]: Reading serialized data from "ooprog.ser".
OPTI[INFO ]: Reading serialized data took 21.6498 seconds.
While there was no improvement on this relatively small file, using this option with large files can save hours when performing later analysis stages.
The --maximum-memory
option sets the maximum amount of memory before
exiting (in megabytes). This option should be set to as large a value
as possible to prevent premature exits during partitioning. We
recommend choosing a large value like 128000 (128GB). Of course,
specifying a larger value does not give your computer additional
RAM. ;-)
There are two options that can reduce the runtime of the partitioner.
The --no-semantics
option disables the semantic analysis of
instructions during partitioning. This semantic analysis is very
expensive, but may be required to detect certain malicious obfuscations
and non-standard control flow. Assuming that your input program is not
malicious and only has normal control flow, using this option can reduce
partitioning times dramatically. The second option is
, which disables some of the custom behaviors in the
Pharos partitioner, such as more aggressively searching for disconnected
code. As can be seen in the test example below, partitioning without
either of these options took approximately 430 seconds instead of 27
OPTI[INFO ]: ROSE stock partitioning took 400.103 seconds.
OPTI[INFO ]: Partitioned 652519 bytes, 221785 instructions, 57164 basic blocks, 149 data blocks and 3915 functions.
OPTI[INFO ]: Function partitioning took 430.479 seconds.
OPTI[INFO ]: Writing serialized data to "ooprog.ser".
OPTI[INFO ]: Writing serialized data took 38.8095 seconds.
OPTI[INFO ]: Partitioned 718962 bytes, 231603 instructions, 60524 basic blocks, 3389 data blocks and 4492 functions.
As you can see, only a small number of differences in the data blocks
and functions occurred during partitioning, despite taking 15 times as
long! For this reason, we often run large executables with
On our original sample, which uses --no-semantics
, the contribution of
the Pharos partitioning extensions can be seen because --partition=rose
was not specified. These lines first show when the stock ROSE
partitioner completes, and then after the Pharos partitioner has
OPTI[INFO ]: ROSE stock partitioning took 27.0066 seconds.
OPTI[INFO ]: Partitioned 652504 bytes, 221780 instructions, 56534 basic blocks, 148 data blocks and 3909 functions.
OPTI[INFO ]: Function partitioning took 39.2653 seconds.
... and after Pharos partitioning refinement ...
OPTI[INFO ]: Partitioned 718960 bytes, 231603 instructions, 59893 basic blocks, 3388 data blocks and 4485 functions.
Whether the 3240 additional data blocks and the 576 additional functions found by the Pharos partitioner are important is not well understood. The additional functions are often exception handlers, and other functions that do not appear to greatly affect object detection. The additional data blocks are unlikely to affect object detection unless they are global static objects. For large files in particular, the additional 12 seconds required in this example can grow to hours of analysis due to complexity problems in the partitioning.
In general these times are representative of the increases in runtime
that you might experience, but different input executables can result in
dramatically different execution times. In this sample,
was more expensive, but for other input
executables, the relative cost of omitting the two options may be
reversed. We recommend that you start the process with
since it can reduce partitioning time for large files,
but not --partitioner=rose
since it can lead to less accurate results,
although that's an oversimplification of the tradeoffs.
In this step, our goal is to produce object-oriented facts about the executable program by performing the "lightweight" binary analysis we described in our paper. During this phase, we will resolve problems with imports, analyze the functions in the program, and produce a data file containing Prolog facts describing the object-oriented features of the program.
We recommend that you run a command like this:
ooanalyzer --serialize=ooprog.ser --maximum-memory 128000 --no-semantics --threads=16 --per-function-timeout=60 ooprog.exe
The --serialize
option causes OOAnalyzer to read the previously
serialized partitioning results. The --maximum-memory
option is
required because the deserialized partitioning results takes
approximately the same amount of RAM as doing the partitioning.
The --prolog-facts
option instructs OOAnalyzer to only run the fact
generation step, and to write the results out to
This step is one of the few steps in the Pharos system that takes
advantage of multi-threading, so if you have multiple processors, you
should specify --threads=N
, where N is the number of processors. The
functions are analyzed in a bottom-up dependency order, so it is normal
for the parallelization (and overall progress) to slow near the end. On
our sample program, this analysis phase took approximately 122 seconds.
The --per-function-timeout=60
option shows how to control the analysis
time limit per function, and sixty seconds is the default. If you
receive a significant number of errors that look like this:
FSEM[ERROR]: Analysis of function 0x00492DA0 failed: relative CPU time exceeded; adjust with --per-function-timeout
you may need to increase the timeout.
If desired, you may specify --verbose
, which will report more messages
about each function. We do not recommend this in general, because it
produces a lot of spew, but you may find this option informative during
this step.
You may also encounter a few warnings like this:
APID[WARN ]: API database has no data for DLL: DLLNAME
OOAN[WARN ]: No stack delta information for: DLLNAME.dll:FunctionName
These warnings indicate that that the API database does not have the
required information for <DLLNAME>
in general and for <FunctionName>
in particular. While a few such errors are not usually a serious
problem, if you see many of these errors, you should probably correct
them by extending the API database with --apidb dllname.json
, and the
appropriate contents of the JSON file. For non-OO functions, it is most
important to list the "stack delta", which is the number of bytes popped
off the stack in the Windows syscall calling convention (equivalent to
the number of parameters times four).
If near the end of your output you receive these messages:
OOAN[ERROR]: No new() methods were found. Heap objects may not be detected.
OOAN[ERROR]: No delete() methods were found. Object analysis may be impaired.
You may want to manually identify new()
and delete()
methods with
some reverse engineering, and add the options --new-method=0x<ADDR>
and --delete-method=0x<ADDR>
, which can be specified multiple times.
Obviously the correct identification of new()
and delete()
can be
fairly important to correct object detection, so you may need to repeat
this step with those options.
Our experience is that manually identifying new()
and delete()
through reverse engineering is fairly easy after the Prolog step
completes because many constructors and destructors have been
identified, which makes the task easier.
These messages:
OOAN[WARN ]: Unable to find parameter for new() call at 0x004D8F49
Mostly indicate problems in object-oriented analysis that are poorly understood. They can be ignored, although large numbers of them may not bode well for your ultimate results.
It is normal for this phase to complete with the following messages.
OOAN[INFO ]: Exported <xxxx> Prolog facts to ''.
OPTI[WARN ]: OOAnalyzer did not perform C++ class analysis.
OPTI[INFO ]: OOAnalyzer analysis complete.
These simply indicate that that OOAnalyzer did not perform the next step, which is...
When step two has completed successfully, you should have a file containing many Prolog facts about the input program. You can manually inspect this file to get a sense of whether the previous step completed successfully. Obviously a file containing no facts, or a small number of facts means that either your program is not in fact object-oriented or that something went substantially wrong.
For large files we recommend a command like:
awk -F\( '{print $1}' | sort | uniq -c
This command will show the distribution of facts recovered from the
executable, and should contain RTTI facts if your file has RTTI. Other
facts strongly indicating successful object-oriented fact detection
include thisPtrOffset
, thisPtrAllocation
, thisPtrUsage
, and possibleVirtualFunctionCall
If your fact generation failed, you may need to revisit the previous step, or OOAnalyzer may have failed on your input program. If you have a reasonable set of facts, you can proceed with the Prolog phase of object-oriented analysis by running the following command:
ooprolog --facts --results --log-level=6 >ooprog.log
This command runs the Prolog analysis phase in SWI Prolog. Additionally, because the previous function analysis step has exited, we no longer have the partitioning results in RAM when starting a rather expensive new analysis step. (It is difficult to free all the RAM required from partitioning, because we need some of it for later steps in the normal OOAnalyzer execution model.)
This step can be expensive and time consuming as well, and sometimes fails for a variety of reasons that may require restarting. In the traditional OOAnalyzer execution model, a failure during this step would mean going all the way back to partitioning and fact generation again!
The spew written to the log file will let you know how analysis is progressing. It is primarily designed for developer debugging, and a detailed explanation of all of the messages here would be difficult. As a first approximation of how to interpret the results, it is beneficial to be generating lots of new facts. It is also normal for facts to be retracted and asserted, usually because two classes have been merged. It is also normal for "trigger" facts to be processed.
As the analysis progresses, the Prolog analysis code will begin making "guesses". This transition is marked by the message:
Making new hypothetical guesses ...
While this should typically result in new conclusions, it is not uncommon for guesses to occasionally result in failures and retractions due to making incorrect guesses. These two possible outcomes from a guess are marked by one of these two messages:
Constraint checks succeeded, guess accepted!
Constraint checks failed, retracting guess!
In general, if this step is continuing to spew messages, it is still making progress.
When this step completes, hopefully your log contains the message:
No plausible guesses remain, finalizing answer.
This indicates that the Prolog analysis found a consistent solution to the set of input facts. But it may instead contain:
No complete solution was found!
This indicates that the final answer was contradictory in some way, and that the result was in some way incorrect. In is normal for some classes to be discarded as "worthless" near the end of the Prolog phase. These are classes that have only a single method in them (and may not in fact be classes at all).
The final results should be found in the file that was
created. These results should be be nearly identical to the those produced
by the --prolog-results
option on the
OOAnalyzer command. You can inspect this file manually to get a sense
for how well OOAnalyzer did or run the awk
command from earlier to get
a distribution of results. For a successful execution, there should be
a reasonable number of finalClass
Before June 2, 2020, there was no convenient way to convert the Prolog results into the JSON format without invoking the JSON exporting code that was compiled into the OOAnalyzer executable. This was inconvenient for large files because the recommended procedure described above generated Prolog results without generating the JSON file, and there was no way to convert those results into the JSON format which is consumed by the plugins. As the developers of OOAnalyzer, we are often content to review the Prolog results directly, but end-users of OOAnalyzer of course want to reverse-engineer the actual object-oriented executable in IDA Pro or Ghidra.
The new ooprolog
command is also capable of generating JSON results.
This step could have been executed previously by simply adding --json
to the previous ooprolog
command, but we've chosen to show how it can
also be run as a separate step.
ooprolog --results --json ooprog.json
In just a few seconds, this command should produce a JSON file that is
identical to the one that would have been produced using the --json
option of the OOAnalyzer command.
This step is identical to the normal procedure for importing JSON files, so we will not go into more detail here. See the README for IDA Pro or Ghidra for more information.
This multi-step manual procedure is recommended for large object-oriented programs because it increases your ability to diagnose problems, restart failed steps, and generally control the OOAnalyzer process more carefully. We recognize that it is less convenient than simply running the OOAnalyzer command and waiting, but given the number of recent requests to analyze large object-oriented programs, we concluded that we should better document this more complex process. We hope to integrate SWI Prolog directly into the OOAnalyzer tool. In the mean time, we strongly recommend this process for object oriented programs with more than 100 classes or a megabyte in file size.
Since this directory is really about the Prolog rules (and not explicitly about the manual OOAnalyzer process documented above), we should say a few words about the rules themselves.
file documents the facts generated during step two. The
file documents the results generated in step three. The
file implements the JSON generation that occurs in step four.
The remaining files implement the Prolog reasoning in step three.
file implements the "forward" reasoning rules that reach
direct conclusions from existing facts about the input program. This
file is likely to be the most interesting to people wanting to learn
more about step three. The
file implements the "guesses" that
drive learning in the latter part of step three. The
implements consistency checks that determine whether a guess was
consistent with the other facts. The
implement logic related to improving performance of the Prolog phase by
deferring the re-computation of certain conclusions. The
handles final reporting, and the remaining files will mostly make sense
in context once those parts of the system are better understood.