The fastest and most memory efficient lattice Boltzmann CFD software, running on all GPUs and CPUs via OpenCL. Free for non-commercial use.
Matlab App for analysis of settling column data and undertaking various sediment property and transport analyses.
Long term 2D morphodynamics of coastal areas. See also:
Python, Matlab, IDL routines to handle HYCOM inputs and outputs
Repository to subset a high-resolution mesh used for storm surge and coastal floods forecasts. The mesh subsetting is based on information such as a forecasted hurricane track. Subsetted meshes are…
Optimization with steepest descent & finite difference (also Hessian calculation)
demonstration MATLAB code for particle tracking with HYCOM model output
CMS is a coastal modeling system that couples a wave, circulation, and morphology model together to get better predictions in the near-shore.
Free falling sphere, Wing in wind tunnel, Ballistics of a spherical projectile,Flight part of Glider and a Rocket, Rolling up of the trailing vortex sheet behind a finite wing, Inverse Method: Supe…
Effect of perturbations by shoal margin collapses on the morphodynamics of a sandy estuary. Matlab-code to add shoal margin collapses in a numerical morphodynamics model (Delft3D) simulation
CoastalApp will be deprecated. Please switch to . CoastalApp is a NUOPC application implemented following UFS best practices to couple coastal ocean mod…
Extreme value analysis using MATLAB
Frequency analysis using frequency factors and the log-Pearson Type III distribution as described in Chow et al. (1988)
This program fits a log-pearson Type III distribution to peak stream flow records using Bayesian methods
A collection of different MATLAB scripts and tools
Python package for the conceptual design of breakwaters and hydraulic engineering
Calibration and validation of hindcast significant wave height
Selection, propagation, reconstruction and validation of wave reanalysis data worldwide
auxiliary functions with basic and essential functionality
Estuarine Mangrove model in Xie et al. Nat Com (2023):
Wind energy library, python and matlab tools for wind turbines analyses
Numerical heat transfer code for external flows
Coupled Boundary Layer Theory / Potential Theory Boundary Element Method solver for the incompressible flow around an airfoil
This repository reflects the fully coupled COASTAL-App NEMS infrastructure that integrates the OWP model components (NWM, DFLOW) with ATMESH, ADCIRC, and WW3 model components. The source code and N…