“We determined that…” with “The authors determined that….”. in order to -> to Rather than describing a result, show the reader what they need to know to come to their own conclusion about it Rather than writing, "Figure 4 shows the relationship between the numbers of species A and species B," write "The abundances of species A and B were inversely related (Figure 4)." present tense, scalability is great prove log dag is crdt limit the use of prepositional phrases at the start of sentences and limit the use of 'the.' http://www.advanced-english-grammar.com/list-of-prepositional-phrases.html examines / analizes reports on / outlines argues / justifies / recommends compares / contrasts descusses / demonstrates shows / refutes highlights / illustrates remove also
TODO BaseFS is a Merkle tree not a DAG! != IPFS and GIT
basefs genkey basefs bootstrap confine -i basefs mount confine /tmp/ola/ -d basefs get confine2 basefs mount confine2 /tmp/rata/ -H rata -d
disable_name_resolution - If enabled, then Serf will not attempt to automatically resolve name conflicts. Serf relies on the each node having a unique name, but as a result of misconfiguration sometimes Serf agents have conflicting names. By default, the agents that are conflicting will query the cluster to determine which node is believed to be "correct" by the majority of other nodes. The node(s) that are in the minority will shutdown at the end of the conflict resolution. Setting this flag prevents this behavior, and instead Serf will merely log a warning. This is not recommended since the cluster will disagree about the mapping of NodeName -> IP:Port and cannot reconcile this.
make basefs to be able to run multiple times on the same machine for esay testing (solve port issuse) cluster discovery: /.cluster <ip, port> tuple WRITE vs WRITE-DELTA
Future work: gossip layer should discard shit stronger logentry validation to avoid shit (read current branch)
GRANT REVOKE operations over dir/file ?? no more keys file, show as extra attributes: unique key name; lookup for first appearance
remove full path, just relative path (filename/basename): needed for GOTO (smaller metadata) mv () implemented like revert() GOTO hash and DELETE origin path on revoke() WRITE-ACK instead of rewriting everything
autodetect logpath based on current filesystem
basefs revisions path basefs ls path // in order to see username and permissions basefs show revisionnumber basefs revert revisionnumber // implemented like mv() GOTO hash
- Represent keys as separated files and create .keys/by_fingerprint virtual directory with emulated symlinks that delete original file when rm-ed
View should be a proxy of view.entry, should have view.content and when view.save() should diff/override view.entry.content and generate multiple entries if needed, view.entry == view.last/current_entry
how hard would be to write offset [EOF] ? Diff patch prevent direct writes to .keys, use view.grant view.revoke touch implementation: provide stat update functionallity and forget about create(), full state sync
use python thread instead of process (FUSE) Philosophy, design decission: fit existing filesystem tools (find, grep, cat, echo, rm) rather than develop new ones for cluster management hash is used instead of uuid to avoid forging, and save some bytes on the process
LINK operation RENAME/MOVE: because its a allways growingg data structure, things can not be moved around, just copied
import hashlib, uuid, lzma, json, operator, marshal, pickle, zlib, random, string hashfunc = lambda: hashlib.md5(uuid.uuid4().hex.encode()).hexdigest() random_ascii = lambda length=5: ''.join([random.SystemRandom().choice(string.hexdigits) for i in range(0, length)]).lower() #a = {hashfunc(): [hashfunc() for i in range(random.randrange(1,10))] for i in range(10000)} #hashfunc = lambda: int(hashlib.md5(uuid.uuid4().hex.encode()).hexdigest(), 16) #b = {hashfunc(): [hashfunc() for i in range(random.randrange(1,10))] for i in range(10000)}
hashfunc = lambda: hashlib.md5(uuid.uuid4().hex.encode()).hexdigest() a = '\n'.join(['%s %s' % (random_ascii(random.randint(5, 100)), hashfunc()) for i in range(25)]) hashfunc = lambda: int(hashlib.md5(uuid.uuid4().hex.encode()).hexdigest(), 16) b = '\n'.join(['%s %s' % (random_ascii(random.randint(5, 100)), hashfunc()) for i in range(25)])
results = { 'str_json': len(json.dumps(a).replace(' ', '')), 'int_json': len(json.dumps(b).replace(' ', '')), 'str_marshal': len(marshal.dumps(a)), 'str_pickle': len(pickle.dumps(a)), 'int_marshal': len(marshal.dumps(b)), 'int_pickle': len(pickle.dumps(b)),
'str_zlib': len(zlib.compress(a.encode())),
'int_zlib': len(zlib.compress(b.encode())),
'str_json_zlib': len(zlib.compress(json.dumps(a).replace(' ', '').encode())),
'int_json_zlib': len(zlib.compress(json.dumps(b).replace(' ', '').encode())),
'str_marshal_zlib': len(zlib.compress(marshal.dumps(a))),
'str_pickle_zlib': len(zlib.compress(pickle.dumps(a))),
'int_marshal_zlib': len(zlib.compress(marshal.dumps(b))),
'int_pickle_zlib': len(zlib.compress(pickle.dumps(b))),
'str_lzma': len(lzma.compress(a.encode())),
'int_lzma': len(lzma.compress(b.encode())),
'str_json_lzma': len(lzma.compress(json.dumps(a).replace(' ', '').encode())),
'int_json_lzma': len(lzma.compress(json.dumps(b).replace(' ', '').encode())),
'str_marshal_lzma': len(lzma.compress(marshal.dumps(a))),
'str_pickle_lzma': len(lzma.compress(pickle.dumps(a))),
'int_marshal_lzma': len(lzma.compress(marshal.dumps(b))),
'int_pickle_lzma': len(lzma.compress(pickle.dumps(b))),
} for k, v in sorted(results.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)): print(k + (' '(20-len(k))) + str(v) +'b' + ' '(14-len(str(v))) +str(float(v)/1000) + 'kb') int_marshal_lzma 1054408b 1054.408kb str_json_lzma 1069448b 1069.448kb str_marshal_lzma 1072200b 1072.2kb int_pickle_lzma 1081656b 1081.656kb int_json_lzma 1087072b 1087.072kb int_pickle_zlib 1102813b 1102.813kb int_marshal_zlib 1105033b 1105.033kb str_pickle_lzma 1147068b 1147.068kb int_json_zlib 1151364b 1151.364kb str_marshal_zlib 1176202b 1176.202kb int_pickle 1182889b 1182.889kb str_json_zlib 1188560b 1188.56kb str_pickle_zlib 1413080b 1413.08kb int_marshal 1423334b 1423.334kb str_marshal 2085514b 2085.514kb str_json 2115381b 2115.381kb int_json 2409579b 2409.579kb str_pickle 2592632b 2592.632kb
############### import bsdiff4 def random_ascii(length=5): return ''.join([random.SystemRandom().choice(string.hexdigits) for i in range(0, length)]).lower() a = bytes(100000 * b'a') b[100:106] = b' diff ' p = bsdiff4.diff(a, bytes(b)) len(p) len(zlib.compress(p)) len(lzma.compress(p))
a = b'' b = random_ascii(100000).encode() p = bsdiff4.diff(a, b) len(p) len(zlib.compress(p)) len(zlib.compress(b)) len(lzma.compress(b))
a = random_ascii(10000).encode() c = random_ascii(100).encode() b = a + c p = bsdiff4.diff(a, b) len(p) len(zlib.compress(p)) len(zlib.compress(c))
a = random_ascii(100000).encode() c = random_ascii(100000).encode() b = a + c p = bsdiff4.diff(a, b) len(p) len(zlib.compress(p)) len(zlib.compress(c)) len(lzma.compress(p)) len(lzma.compress(c))
import time, string, random def random_ascii(length=5): return ''.join([random.SystemRandom().choice(string.hexdigits) for i in range(0, length)]).lower()
now = time.time() a = [hashlib.sha256(random_ascii(512).encode()) for i in range(10000)] print('sha ' + str(time.time()-now)) now = time.time() a = [hashlib.md5(random_ascii(512).encode()) for i in range(10000)] print('md5 '+str(time.time()-now))
import zlib g = 0 l = 0 for line in open('/tmp/merda', 'r').readlines(): with open(line.strip(), 'rb') as handler: size = len(zlib.compress(handler.read())) if size > 400: g += 1 print(line.strip(), size) else: l += 1
print(l, g)