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How to Create an Active-Active Database (CRDB) in Redis Enterprise for Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

High Level Workflow

The following is the high level workflow which you will follow:

  1. Create two GKE clusters
  2. Create Redis Enterprise Cluster / Install Nginx ingress controller / Apply the activeActive spec on each GKE cluster
  3. Document the required parameters
  4. Formulate the CRDB creation JSON payload using the parameters from both RECs in a single JSON document
  5. POST the JSON payload to one of the REC's API endpoints. (Yes, just one; it will coordinate with the other(s).)

1. Build two GKE clusters:

./ glau-aa-us-west1-a us-west1-a
./ glau-aa-us-east1-b us-east1-b

2. Create Redis Enterprise Cluster / Install Nginx ingress controller in each GKE cluster

Deploy REC in "raas-us-west1-a" namespace of the GKE cluster in us-west1-a region:

./ raas-us-west1-a

You should see the following after you run "kubectl get all":

NAME                                             READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
pod/redis-enterprise-operator-7f58bd467c-5jdqk   0/1     ContainerCreating   0          2s

NAME                                        READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/redis-enterprise-operator   0/1     1            0           3s

NAME                                                   DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/redis-enterprise-operator-7f58bd467c   1         1         0       3s

Now create a Redis Enterprise Cluster named rec-us-west-1-a:

kubectl apply -f rec/rec-us-west1-a.yaml

Now you should see the following after you run "kubectl get all". It will take a few minutes to complete creation of the cluster:

NAME                                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/rec-us-west1-a-0                                  2/2     Running   0          8m13s
pod/rec-us-west1-a-1                                  2/2     Running   0          6m17s
pod/rec-us-west1-a-2                                  2/2     Running   0          4m6s
pod/rec-us-west1-a-services-rigger-5cc8877ff5-2qkr7   1/1     Running   0          8m14s
pod/redis-enterprise-operator-7f58bd467c-5jdqk        1/1     Running   0          13m

NAME                        TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
service/rec-us-west1-a      ClusterIP   None           <none>        9443/TCP,8001/TCP,8070/TCP   8m15s
service/rec-us-west1-a-ui   ClusterIP   <none>        8443/TCP                     8m15s

NAME                                             READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/rec-us-west1-a-services-rigger   1/1     1            1           8m16s
deployment.apps/redis-enterprise-operator        1/1     1            1           13m

NAME                                                        DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/rec-us-west1-a-services-rigger-5cc8877ff5   1         1         1       8m16s
replicaset.apps/redis-enterprise-operator-7f58bd467c        1         1         1       13m

NAME                              READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/rec-us-west1-a   3/3     8m15s

Install Ingress Controller (Nginx) in "ingress-nginx" namespace of the GKE cluster in us-west1-a region:

kubectl apply -f ingress/nginx-ingress-controller.yaml

You should see the following after you run "kubectl get all -n ingress-nginx". It will take a few minutes to complete the deployment.

NAME                                            READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
pod/ingress-nginx-admission-create-wbpb9        0/1     Completed   0          47m
pod/ingress-nginx-admission-patch-ltrfg         0/1     Completed   1          47m
pod/ingress-nginx-controller-6d95d4fc94-bswr7   1/1     Running     0          47m

NAME                                         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
service/ingress-nginx-controller             LoadBalancer   80:31456/TCP,443:32004/TCP   48m
service/ingress-nginx-controller-admission   ClusterIP     <none>        443/TCP                      48m

NAME                                       READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/ingress-nginx-controller   1/1     1            1           48m

NAME                                                  DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
replicaset.apps/ingress-nginx-controller-6d95d4fc94   1         1         1       48m

NAME                                       COMPLETIONS   DURATION   AGE
job.batch/ingress-nginx-admission-create   1/1           3s         48m
job.batch/ingress-nginx-admission-patch    1/1           4s         48m

Retrieve EXTERNAL-IP of the ingress-controller:

kubectl get service/ingress-nginx-controller  -n ingress-nginx

Apply the activeActive spec to rec-us-west1-a (Redis Enterprise Cluster): REC at rec-us-west1-a:

    apiIngressUrl: api-raas-us-west1-a.rec-us-west1-a.<EXTERNAL-IP>
    dbIngressSuffix: -raas-us-west1-a.rec-us-west1-a.<EXTERNAL-IP>
    method: ingress
    ingressAnnotations: "true" "nginx"

In our example, the spec looks like this:

    method: ingress
    ingressAnnotations: "true" "nginx"

You can validate that these were applied by describing the rec as follows:

kubectl get rec -n raas-us-west1-a -o json | jq '.items[].spec.activeActive'

The output should look like the following:

  "apiIngressUrl": "",
  "dbIngressSuffix": "",
  "ingressAnnotations": {
    "": "nginx",
    "": "true"
  "method": "ingress"

Check if ingress is created:

kubectl get ingress -n raas-us-west1-a

The output should look like this:

NAME             CLASS    HOSTS                                                   ADDRESS       PORTS   AGE
rec-us-west1-a   <none>   80      2m

This indicates that a route has been created to access the API endpoint externally. Grab creds for rec:

kubectl get secrets -n raas-us-west1-a rec-us-west1-a  -o json | jq '.data | {username}[],{password}[] | @base64d'

Query the cluster through the API endpoint:

curl -k -u <username>:<password> https://api-raas-us-west1-a.rec-us-west1-a.<EXTERNAL-IP>
Ex. curl -k -u [email protected]:<some password>

At this point, the Redis Enterprise Cluster named rec-us-west1-a is set up for Active-Active Geo Replication.

Now, deploy REC in "raas-us-east1-b" namespace of the GKE cluster in us-east1-b region:

./ raas-us-east1-b
kubectl apply -f rec/rec-us-east1-b.yaml

Install Ingress Controller (Nginx) in "ingress-nginx" namespace of the GKE cluster in us-east1-b region:

kubectl apply -f ingress/nginx-ingress-controller.yaml

Wait a couple minutes, then retrieve EXTERNAL-IP of the ingress-controller:

kubectl get service/ingress-nginx-controller  -n ingress-nginx

Apply the activeActive spec to rec-us-east1-b (Redis Enterprise Cluster): REC at rec-us-east1-b:

    apiIngressUrl: api-raas-us-east1-b.rec-us-east1-b.<EXTERNAL-IP>
    dbIngressSuffix: -raas-us-east1-b.rec-us-east1-b.<EXTERNAL-IP>
    method: ingress
    ingressAnnotations: "true" "nginx"

You can validate that these were applied by describing the rec as follows:

kubectl get rec -n raas-us-east1-b -o json | jq '.items[].spec.activeActive'

The output should look like the following:

  "apiIngressUrl": "",
  "dbIngressSuffix": "",
  "ingressAnnotations": {
    "": "nginx",
    "": "true"
  "method": "ingress"

Check if ingress is created:

kubectl get ingress -n raas-us-east1-b

Grab creds for rec:

kubectl get secrets -n raas-us-east1-b rec-us-east1-b  -o json | jq '.data | {username}[],{password}[] | @base64d'

Query the cluster thru the API endpoint:

curl -k -u <username>:<password> https://api-raas-us-east1-b.rec-us-east1-b.<EXTERNAL-IP>
Ex. curl -k -u [email protected]:<some password>

3. Document the required parameters

Required Parameters The following parameters will be required to form the JSON payload to create the CRDB.

Parameter Parameter Name in REST API Description How to get it?
Cluster FQDN name This is the name of the REC from the REC perspective curl -u <user>:<password> https://<rec_api>/v1/cluster | jq .name
API URL url This is the route the API endpoint as specified in apiIngressURL. Should be prefixed with https:// kubectl get rec -o json -n <namespace> | jq '.items[].spec.activeActive.apiIngressUrl'
Cluster Admin Username/password credentials Cluster Admin role username/password kubectl get secrets -n <namespace> <cluster_name> -o json | jq '.data | {username}[],{password}[] | @base64d'
Replication Endpoint replication_endpoint This will be <your_db_name><dbIngressSuffix>:443 where dbIngressSuffix is specified in your activeActive spec kubectl get rec -o json -n <namespace> | jq '.items[].spec.activeActive.dbIngressSuffix'
Replication TLS SNI replication_tls_sni This is the same as your replication_endpoint, but no port number required. As above.

Here is an example when creating a CRDB with database name glau-crdb:

Parameter Name in REST API Example value
name rec-us-west1-a.raas-us-west1-a.svc.cluster.local
credentials username: [email protected], password: something

4. Formulate the CRDB creation JSON payload

Create the JSON payload for CRDB creation request as in this example using the required parameters. Save the file as crdb.json in your current working directory.

  "default_db_config": {
    "name": "<db_name>",
    "replication": false,
    "memory_size": 10240000,
    "aof_policy": "appendfsync-every-sec",
    "shards_count": 1
  "instances": [
      "cluster": {
        "url": "<site_a_api_endpoint>",
        "credentials": {
          "username": "<site_a_username>",
          "password": "<site_a_password>"
        "name": "<site_a_rec_name/fqdn>",
        "replication_endpoint": "<site_a_replication_endpoint>:443",
        "replication_tls_sni": "<site_a_replication_endpoint>"
      "cluster": {
        "url": "<site_b_api_endpoint>",
        "credentials": {
          "username": "<site_b_username>",
          "password": "<site_b_password>"
        "name": "<site_b_rec_name/fqdn>",
        "replication_endpoint": "<site_b_replication_endpoint>:443",
        "replication_tls_sni": "<site_b_replication_endpoint>"
  "name": "<db_name>",
  "encryption": true,
  "compression": 0

5. POST the JSON payload to one of the REC's API endpoints

In this step you will make the Active-Active DB request to just one cluster member. Why just one? This request is coordinated among members: You request one member to initiate the coordination by including the list of, and credentials for, each Active-Active DB member.

Apply the following to the API endpoint at just one cluster API endpoint:

curl -k -u [email protected]:<some password> -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @crdb.json

Note: curl some users are having difficulty specifying the payload with the -d argument. Please consult your curl manual or try postman.

You should see a reply from the API as in the following which indicates the payload was well formed and the request is being actioned:

  "id": "9644de6c-1bef-4ebe-b010-3a4e6199138b",
  "status": "queued"

Note Did you get something other than queued as a response? Then proceed to the troubleshooting section of the document.

You can get the status of the above task by issuing a GET on /v1/crdbs_tasks/<id>. Here is an example of a successful task:

$ curl -k -u [email protected]:<some password>
  "crdb_guid": "805be1c6-0b27-47b1-8461-00b8465981c9",
  "id": "9644de6c-1bef-4ebe-b010-3a4e6199138b",
  "status": "finished"

Verify if a CRDB instance is created on the Redis Enterprise Cluster (rec-us-west1-a):

kubectl exec -it rec-us-west1-a-0 -n raas-us-west1-a -c redis-enterprise-node -- /bin/bash
Once you are inside the container:
rladmin status

You should see the database metadata like the following: rladmin status

Verify if the corresponding CRDB instance is created on the Redis Enterprise Cluster (rec-us-east1-b):

kubectl exec -it rec-us-east1-b-0 -n raas-us-east1-b -c redis-enterprise-node -- /bin/bash
Once you are inside the container:
rladmin status

rladmin status 2

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Symptom: API endpoint not reachable The API endpoint is not reachable from one cluster to the other.

    • Open a shell side a one of the Redis Enterprise cluster pods:

      kubectl exec  -it  rec-us-west1-a-0 -c redis-enterprise-node -n raas-us-west1-a -- /bin/bash
      $ curl -ivk
      WWW-Authenticate: ... realm="rec-us-east1-b.raas-us-east1-b.svc.cluster.local"

      It is expected that you will get a "401" response but check that the returned "realm" reflects the remote cluster's FQDN as in Required Parameters: name.

    • Perform the same step as above from the other site, to the former.

    • If one or both of these steps above do not result in "401" with the appropriate "realm" then investigate your Nginx ingress controller setup related to the REC API endpoint.

  2. API response 400, bad request:

    "detail": "None is not of type 'object'",
    "status": 400,
    "title": "Bad Request",
    "type": "about:blank"
    • Your payload is not being passed to the API or the payload is not valid JSON. Please Lint your JSON or try Postman with built-in JSON validate.
  3. The Active-Active DB request was accepted and completed, but replication is not taking place. This is likely the case if either or both DB ingress routes are not working properly.

Appendix A - Retrieving connection parameters for the two CRDB instances:

Grab the database endpoints for the CRDB instances:

curl -k -u [email protected]:<some password> https://api-raas-us-west1-a.rec-us-west1-a.<EXTERNAL-IP> | jq '.[0].endpoints[0].dns_name'
curl -k -u [email protected]:<some password> https://api-raas-us-east1-b.rec-us-east1-b.<EXTERNAL-IP> | jq '.[0].endpoints[0].dns_name'

Grab the database port:

curl -k -u [email protected]:<some password> https://api-raas-us-west1-a.rec-us-west1-a.<EXTERNAL-IP> | jq '.[0].endpoints[0].port'
curl -k -u [email protected]:<some password> https://api-raas-us-east1-b.rec-us-east1-b.<EXTERNAL-IP> | jq '.[0].endpoints[0].port'

Connect to the database:

kubectl exec -it rec-us-west1-a-0 -n raas-us-west1-a -c redis-enterprise-node -- /bin/bash
redis-cli -h <database endpoint> -p <database port>
kubectl exec -it rec-us-east1-b-0 -n raas-us-east1-b -c redis-enterprise-node -- /bin/bash
redis-cli -h <database endpoint> -p <database port>

Appendix B - Accessing REC CM UI:

For the cluster in us-west1-a region: Update & apply the ingress-us-west1-a-web-ui.yaml for your deployment. Then access the CM UI using the following URL along with the credentials for the REC in us-west1-a region:



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