- Create VPC
- Create EKS cluster (+ EKS-cluster role)
- Create EKS Kube context (AWS CLI)
- Create node group + role AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy AmazonEBSCSIDriverPolicy
- add EBS CSI storage class
kubectl apply -k aws-eks/storage/csi
kubectl apply -f aws-eks/storage/storage-class
Security Group
Generic reference
- High performance
Local Volume Static Provisioner CSI driver using Amazon EKS managed node groups and pre-bootstrap commands to expose the NVMe EC2 instance store drives as Kubernetes PV objects. This allows leveraging the local NVMe storage volumes to achieve higher performance than what’s possible from the general-purpose Amazon EBS boot volume.
General purpose EBS Disks
- Using
Container Storage Interface (CSI)
- Support dynamic provisioning, no need to create a PV beforehand
the Pod will only see a PVC object. All the underlying logic dealing with the actual storage technology is implemented by the provisioner the Storage Class object uses.
- Using