QLBridge implements a few different Dialects: Sql, FilterQL, Expressions, json
- SQL a subset, non-complete implementation of SQL
- FilterQL A filtering language, think just the WHERE part of SQL but more DSL'ish with
AND ( <expr>, <expr>, <expr> )
instead of<expr> AND <expr> AND <expr>
- Expression Simple boolean logic expressions see https://github.com/araddon/qlbridge/blob/master/vm/vm_test.go#L57 for examples
- Json Lexes json (instead of marshal)
See example in dialects/example
folder for a custom ql dialect, this
example creates a mythical SUBSCRIBETO query language...
// Tokens Specific to our PUBSUB
var TokenSubscribeTo lex.TokenType = 1000
// Custom lexer for our maybe hash function
func LexMaybe(l *ql.Lexer) ql.StateFn {
keyWord := strings.ToLower(l.PeekWord())
switch keyWord {
case "maybe":
return ql.LexExpressionOrIdentity
return ql.LexExpressionOrIdentity
func main() {
// We are going to inject new tokens into qlbridge
lex.TokenNameMap[TokenSubscribeTo] = &lex.TokenInfo{Description: "subscribeto"}
// OverRide the Identity Characters in qlbridge to allow a dash in identity
ql.IDENTITY_CHARS = "_./-"
// We are going to create our own Dialect that uses a "SUBSCRIBETO" keyword
pubsub = &ql.Statement{TokenSubscribeTo, []*ql.Clause{
{Token: TokenSubscribeTo, Lexer: ql.LexColumns},
{Token: lex.TokenFrom, Lexer: LexMaybe},
{Token: lex.TokenWhere, Lexer: ql.LexColumns, Optional: true},
ourDialect = &ql.Dialect{
"Subscribe To", []*ql.Statement{pubsub},
l := ql.NewLexer(`
count(x), Name
FROM ourstream
k = REPLACE(LOWER(Name),'cde','xxx');
`, ourDialect)