Nutshell provider a lightweight dev/test environment base on the docker. Support request auto route between multi environments.
- Env discovery based on etcd (single env is also support with inner etcd)
- Simple configure to define the request between app
- Integrate goreman for process manage
docker run -d -p -v /Users/sunwei/go/src/nutshell/workspace -e "nutshell_env=env1" -e "nutshell_ip=" -e "nutshell_http_port=8001" -e "nutshell_grpc_port=8002" -e "nutshell_etcd=" --name test1.nutshell --hostname test1.nutshell -w "/workspace" --rm -it nutshell:latest bash
etcd path: /nutshell/envs/dev1
conent: {address:"", port:8082}
docker exec -it test1.nutshell zsh
app proxy:
- match the app with url prefix, then route the request to target address
- the app defined in local is
env proxy:
- all *.nutshell pattern host will be parsed to via local dns server on port 53
- then the request will be route into a grpc proxy on 80
- the proxy detect the url prefix (/shard.User) and host,
- use url prefix to match app
- use host to match env
docker build --tag=nutshell:latest .
sudo docker run -p 6701-6702:6701-6702/tcp -v /data/code/go_home/src/nutshell/workspace -e "nutshell_env=env1" -e "nutshell_ip=" -e "nutshell_http_port=6701" -e "nutshell_grpc_port=6702" -e "nutshell_etcd=" --name test1.nutshell --hostname test1.nutshell --dns= --rm -it nutshell:latest
sudo docker exec -it test1.nutshell bash