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Huobi Golang SDK (beta version)

This is Huobi Go SDK, you can install to your Golang project and use this SDK to query all market data, trading and manage your account.

The SDK supports RESTful API invoking, and subscribe the market, account and order update from the Websocket connection.

Table of Contents

Quick Start

The SDK is compiled by Go 1.13.7, you can install the source code in your Golang project.

The package main is the example entry point that you can run directly.

If you want to create your own application, you can follow below steps:

  • Create one of the clients (under package /pkg/client) instance by Init method
  • Call the method provided by client.
// Get the timestamp from Huobi server and print on console
client := new(client.CommonClient).Init(config.Host)
resp, err := client.GetTimestamp()

if err != nil {
} else {
  fmt.Println("timestamp:", resp)

// Get the list of accounts owned by this API user and print the detail on console
client := new(client.AccountClient).Init(config.AccessKey, config.SecretKey, config.Host)
resp, err := client.GetAccountInfo()
if err != nil {
} else {
  for _, result := range resp {
    fmt.Printf("account: %+v\n", result)


This section is useful for new Golang users, it describe the general guideline how to download and install this SDK.

Install Golang development environment

If this is your first time to develop Golang program, you should set up Golang development environment properly. The steps might be different for different operation system, here list the general steps:

  1. Download go SDK and unzip/install to one specific folder
  2. Set environment variable:
    • GOROOT: set as above installation folder
    • PATH: add $GOROOT\bin
    • GOPATH: set as another new folder
  3. (Optional) Choose a proper IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to help you writing Golang program easily

Download this SDK package

There are two ways to download this SDK

  • Simply run below go command to download to your GOPATH folder
go get
  • Manually use git to pull this SDK from this GitHub repository or your forked repository, then copy/move to your GOPATH/src/huobirdcenter/huobi_golang folder or your own project folder that you can import.

After that you can open the SDK folder in your IDE to run examples, or you can import this SDK package in your own project

Download third party package

This SDK depends on two third-party packages, you need to use similar step to install them:

  • This package provides better websocket connection management
  • This package provides the higher precision number than float64


Now you should already download all required Golang packages, this section introduce this SDK and use it correctly.


If you need to access private data, you need to add key.json into your solution. The purpose of this file is to prevent submitting SecretKey into repository by accident, so this file is already added in the .gitignore file.

Just create a key.json file and include it into your solution with below definition

    "SecretKey": "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx"

If you don't need to access private data, you can ignore this.

Folder Structure

This is the folder and package structure of SDK source code and the description

  • pkg: The public package of the SDK
    • client: The client struct that are responsible to access data
    • getrequest: The get request data model
    • postrequest: The post request data model
    • response: The response data model
  • internal The internal package that used internally
    • gzip: it provide the gzip decompress functionality that unzip the websocket binary data
    • model: The internal data model
    • requestbuilder: Responsible to build the request with the signature
  • config: it stores the common configuration, such as host, access key.
  • cmd: The main package is defined here, it provides the examples how to use client package and response package to access API and read response.

As the example indicates, there are two important namespaces: client and response, this section will introduce both of them below.


In this SDK, the client is the struct to access the Huobi API. In order to isolate the private data with public data, and isolated different kind of data, the client category is designated to match the API category.

All the client is listed in below table. Each client is very small and simple, it is only responsible to operate its related data, you can pick up multiple clients to create your own application based on your business.

Data Category Client Privacy Access Type
Common CommonClient Public Rest
Market MarketClient Public Rest
CandlestickWebSocketClient Public WebSocket v1
DepthWebSocketClient Public WebSocket v1
MarketByPriceWebSocketClient Public WebSocket v1
BestBidOfferWebSocketClient Public WebSocket v1
TradeWebSocketClient Public WebSocket v1
Last24hCandlestickWebSocketClient Public WebSocket v1
Account AccountClient Private Rest
RequestAccountWebSocketV1Client Private WebSocket v1
SubscribeAccountWebSocketV1Client Private WebSocket v1
SubscribeAccountWebSocketV2Client Private WebSocket v2
Wallet WalletClient Private Rest
Order OrderClient Private Rest
RequestOrdersWebSocketV1Client Private WebSocket v1
RequestOrderWebSocketV1Client Private WebSocket v1
SubscribeOrderWebSocketV1Client Private WebSocket v1
SubscribeOrderWebSocketV2Client Private WebSocket v2
Isolated Margin IsolatedMarginClient Private Rest
Cross Margin CrossMarginClient Private Rest
ETF ETFClient Private Rest

Public vs. Private

There are two types of privacy that is correspondent with privacy of API:

Public client: It invokes public API to get public data (Common data and Market data), therefore you can create a new instance without applying an API Key.

// Create a CommonClient instance
client := new(client.CommonClient).Init(config.Host)

// Create a CandlestickWebSocketClient instance
client := new(marketwebsocketclient.CandlestickWebSocketClient).Init(config.Host)

Private client: It invokes private API to access private data, you need to follow the API document to apply an API Key first, and pass the API Key to the init function

// Create an AccountClient instance with APIKey
client := new(client.AccountClient).Init(config.AccessKey, config.SecretKey, config.Host)

// Create a RequestOrdersWebSocketV1Client instance with API Key
client := new(orderwebsocketclient.RequestOrderWebSocketV1Client).Init(config.AccessKey, config.SecretKey, config.Host)

The API key is used for authentication. If the authentication cannot pass, the invoking of private interface will fail.

Rest vs. WebSocket

Rest Client: It invokes Rest API and get once-off response.

WebSocket Client: It establishes WebSocket connection with server and data will be pushed from server actively. There are two types of method for WebSocket client:

  • Request method: The method name starts with "Request-", it will receive the once-off data after sending the request.
  • Subscription: The method name starts with "Subscribe-", it will receive update after sending the subscription.


In this SDK, the response is the struct that define the data returned from API, which is unmarshal from JSON string. It is the return type from each client method. The Rest client also returns an error, you should check the error before read the response:

// Use 'err' to receive the potential error information
resp, err := client.GetTimestamp()

// Check error first
if err != nil {
} else {
  fmt.Println("timestamp:", resp)

For array struct, you can use for/range to iterate each element

// Check the status of response and print some properties
for _, kline := range resp {
  fmt.Println("High: ", kline.High, "Low:", kline.Low)

Init function

Golang is not a pure object oriented programming language, and there is no native constructor. In this SDK, every struct has an Init function for each struct, you must call Init function first, otherwise the member variables may not be initialized expected.

Request Examples

Common data

Exchange timestamp

client := new(client.CommonClient).Init(config.Host)
resp, err := client.GetTimestamp()

Symbol and currencies

client := new(client.CommonClient).Init(config.Host)
resp, err := client.GetSymbols()

resp, err := client.GetCurrencys()

Market data


client := new(client.MarketClient).Init(config.Host)
optionalRequest := getrequest.GetCandlestickOptionalRequest{Period: getrequest.MIN1, Size: 10}
resp, err := client.GetCandlestick("btcusdt", optionalRequest)


client := new(client.MarketClient).Init(config.Host)
resp, err := client.GetMarketDetailMerged("btcusdt")

Latest trade

client := new(client.MarketClient).Init(config.Host)
resp, err := client.GetLatestTrade("btcusdt")

Best bid/ask

client := new(client.MarketClient).Init(config.Host)
resp, err := client.GetLast24hCandlestickAskBid("btcusdt")

Historical trade

client := new(client.MarketClient).Init(config.Host)
optionalRequest := getrequest.GetHistoricalTradeOptionalRequest{5}
resp, err := client.GetHistoricalTrade("btcusdt", optionalRequest)

24H statistics

client := new(client.MarketClient).Init(config.Host)
resp, err := client.GetLast24hCandlestick("btcusdt")


Authentication is required.

client := new(client.AccountClient).Init(config.AccessKey, config.SecretKey, config.Host)
resp, err := client.GetAccountInfo()


Authentication is required.


client := new(client.WalletClient).Init(config.AccessKey, config.SecretKey, config.Host)
createWithdrawRequest := postrequest.CreateWithdrawRequest{
  Address:  "xxxx",
  Amount:   "1.0",
  Currency: "usdt",
  Fee:      "1.0"}
resp, err := client.CreateWithdraw(createWithdrawRequest)

Cancel withdraw

client := new(client.WalletClient).Init(config.AccessKey, config.SecretKey, config.Host)
resp, err := client.CancelWithdraw(12345)

Withdraw and deposit history

client := new(client.WalletClient).Init(config.AccessKey, config.SecretKey, config.Host)
depositType := "deposit"
queryDepositWithdrawOptionalRequest := getrequest.QueryDepositWithdrawOptionalRequest{Currency: "usdt"}

resp, err := client.QueryDepositWithdraw(depositType, queryDepositWithdrawOptionalRequest)


Authentication is required.

Create order

client := new(client.OrderClient).Init(config.AccessKey, config.SecretKey, config.Host)
request := postrequest.PlaceOrderRequest{
  AccountId: config.AccountId,
  Type:      "buy-limit",
  Source:    "spot-api",
  Symbol:    "btcusdt",
  Price:     "1.1",
  Amount:    "1",
resp, err := client.PlaceOrder(&request)

Cancel order

client := new(client.OrderClient).Init(config.AccessKey, config.SecretKey, config.Host)
resp, err := client.CancelOrderById("1")

Cancel open orders

request := postrequest.CancelOrdersByCriteriaRequest{
  AccountId: config.AccountId,
  Symbol:    "btcusdt",

client := new(client.OrderClient).Init(config.AccessKey, config.SecretKey, config.Host)
resp, err := client.CancelOrdersByCriteria(&request)

Get order info

client := new(client.OrderClient).Init(config.AccessKey, config.SecretKey, config.Host)	resp, err := client.GetOrderById("1")

Historical orders

client := new(client.OrderClient).Init(config.AccessKey, config.SecretKey, config.Host)
request := new(getrequest.GetRequest).Init()
request.AddParam("symbol", "btcusdt")
request.AddParam("states", "canceled")
resp, err := client.GetHistoryOrders(request)

Margin Loan

Authentication is required.

Apply loan

client := new(client.IsolatedMarginClient).Init(config.AccessKey, config.SecretKey, config.Host)
request := postrequest.IsolatedMarginOrdersRequest{
  Currency: "eos",
  Amount: "0.001",
  Symbol: "btcusdt",
resp, err := client.MarginOrders(request)

Repay loan

client := new(client.IsolatedMarginClient).Init(config.AccessKey, config.SecretKey, config.Host)
orderId := "12345"
request := postrequest.MarginOrdersRepayRequest{Amount: "1.0"}

resp, err := client.MarginOrdersRepay(orderId, request)

Loan history

client := new(client.IsolatedMarginClient).Init(config.AccessKey, config.SecretKey, config.Host)
optionalRequest := getrequest.IsolatedMarginLoanOrdersOptionalRequest{
  StartDate: "2020-1-1",

resp, err := client.MarginLoanOrders("btcusdt", optionalRequest)

Subscription Examples

Subscribe trade update

Authentication is required.

// Initialize a new instance
client := new(orderwebsocketclient.SubscribeOrderWebSocketV2Client).Init(config.AccessKey, config.SecretKey, config.Host)

// Set the callback handlers
  // Connected handler
  func(resp *model.WebSocketV2AuthenticationResponse) {
    if resp.IsAuth() {
      // Subscribe if authentication passed
      err := client.Subscribe("1", "1149")
      if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Subscribe error: %s\n", err)
      } else {
        fmt.Println("Sent subscription")
    } else {
      fmt.Printf("Authentication error: %d\n", resp.Code)
  // Response handler
  func(resp interface{}) {
    subResponse, ok := resp.(order.SubscribeOrderV2Response)
    if ok {
      if &subResponse.Data != nil {
        o := subResponse.Data
        fmt.Printf("Order update, symbol: %s, order id: %d, price: %s, volume: %s",
                   o.Symbol, o.OrderId, o.TradePrice, o.TradeVolume)
    } else {
      fmt.Printf("Received unknown response: %v\n", resp)

// Connect to the server and wait for the handler to handle the response
err := client.Connect(true)
if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("Client Connect error: %s\n", err)

Subscribe candlestick update

// Initialize a new instance
client := new(marketwebsocketclient.Last24hCandlestickWebSocketClient).Init(config.Host)

// Set the callback handlers
  // Connected handler
  func() {
    err := client.Request("btcusdt", "1608")
      if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Sent error: %s\n", err)
      } else {
        fmt.Println("Sent request")

    err = client.Subscribe("btcusdt", "1608")
      if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Subscribe error: %s\n", err)
      } else {
        fmt.Println("Sent subscription")
  // Response handler
  func(resp interface{}) {
    candlestickResponse, ok := resp.(market.SubscribeLast24hCandlestickResponse)
      if ok {
        if &candlestickResponse != nil {
          if candlestickResponse.Tick != nil {
            t := candlestickResponse.Tick
              fmt.Printf("Candlestick update, id: %d, count: %v, volume: %v [%v-%v-%v-%v]\n",
                         t.Id, t.Count, t.Vol, t.Open, t.Close, t.Low, t.High)

          if candlestickResponse.Data != nil {
            t := candlestickResponse.Data
              fmt.Printf("Candlestick data, id: %d, count: %v, volume: %v [%v-%v-%v-%v]\n",
                         t.Id, t.Count, t.Vol, t.Open, t.Close, t.Low, t.High)
      } else {
        fmt.Printf("Unknown response: %v\n", resp)

// Connect to the server and wait for the handler to handle the response
err := client.Connect(true)
if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("Client connect error: %s\n", err)

Subscribe order update

Authentication is required.

// Initialize a new instance
client := new(orderwebsocketclient.SubscribeOrderWebSocketV1Client).Init(config.AccessKey, config.SecretKey, config.Host)

// Set the callback handlers
  // Connected handler
  func(resp *model.WebSocketV1AuthenticationResponse) {
    if resp.ErrorCode == 0 {
      err := client.Subscribe("btcusdt", "1601")
        if err != nil {
          fmt.Printf("Subscribe error: %s\n", err)
        } else {
          fmt.Println("Sent subscription")
    } else {
      fmt.Printf("Authentication error: %d\n", resp.ErrorCode)
  // Response handler
  func(resp interface{}) {
    subResponse, ok := resp.(order.SubscribeOrderV1Response)
      if ok {
        if &subResponse.Data != nil {
          o := subResponse.Data
            fmt.Printf("Order update, id: %d, state: %s, symbol: %s, price: %s, filled amount: %s", o.OrderId, o.OrderState, o.Symbol, o.Price, o.FilledAmount)
      } else {
        fmt.Printf("Received unknown response: %v\n", resp)

// Connect to the server and wait for the handler to handle the response
err := client.Connect(true)
if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("Client Connect error: %s\n", err)

Subscribe account change

Authentication is required.

// Initialize a new instance
client := new(accountwebsocketclient.SubscribeAccountWebSocketV1Client).Init(config.AccessKey, config.SecretKey, config.Host)

// Set the callback handlers
  // Connected handler
  func(resp *model.WebSocketV1AuthenticationResponse) {
    if resp.ErrorCode == 0 {
      err := client.Subscribe("1", "1250")
        if err != nil {
          fmt.Printf("Subscribe error: %s\n", err)
        } else {
          fmt.Println("Sent subscription")
    } else {
      fmt.Printf("Authentication error: %d\n", resp.ErrorCode)

  // Response handler
  func(resp interface{}) {
    subResponse, ok := resp.(account.SubscribeAccountV1Response)
      if ok {
        if &subResponse.Data != nil {
          fmt.Printf("Account update event: %s\n", subResponse.Data.Event)
            if &subResponse.Data.List != nil {
              for _, b := range subResponse.Data.List {
                fmt.Printf("Account id: %d, currency: %s, type: %s, balance: %s", b.AccountId, b.Currency, b.Type, b.Balance)
      } else {
        fmt.Printf("Received unknown response: %v\n", resp)

// Connect to the server and wait for the handler to handle the response
err := client.Connect(true)
if err != nil {
  fmt.Printf("Client Connect error: %s\n", err)


Since each websocket client manage the subscription separately, therefore you can cancel each individual subscription.


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