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The indexer is split into multiple fetchers. Each fetcher has its own supervising tree with a separate TaskSupervisor for better detecting of memory, message or blocking problems.

Most fetchers have their Supervisor module generated automatically using use Indexer.Fetcher macro.

There are different fetchers described below, but the final step of almost all of them is importing data into database. A map of lists of different entities is constructed and fed to Explorer.Chain.import method. This method assigns different runners from Explorer.Chain.Import.Runner namespace, matching key in map to option_key attribute of a runner. The runners are then performing according to the order specified in stages in Explorer.Chain.Import.Stage.


Some data has to be extracted from already fetched data, and there're several transformers in lib/indexer/transform to do just that. They normally accept a part of the Chain.import-able map and return another part of it.

  • addresses: extracts all encountered addresses from different entities
  • address_coin_balances: detects coin balance-changing entities (transactions, minted blocks, etc) to create coin balance entities for further fetching
  • token_transfers: parses logs to extract token transfers
  • mint_transfers: parses logs to extract token mint transfers
  • address_token_balances: creates token balance entities for futher fetching, based on detected token transfers
  • blocks: extracts block signer hash from additional data for Clique chains

Root fetchers

  • pending_transaction: fetches pending transactions (i.e. not yet collated into a block) every second (pending_transaction_interval)
  • block/realtime: listens for new blocks from websocket and polls node for new blocks, imports new ones one by one
  • block/catchup: gets unfetched ranges of blocks, imports them in batches

Both block fetchers retrieve/extract the blocks themselves and the following additional data:

  • block_second_degree_relations
  • transactions
  • logs
  • token_transfers
  • addresses

The following stubs for further async fetching are inserted as well:

  • block_rewards
  • address_coin_balances
  • address_token_balances
  • tokens

Realtime fetcher also immediately fetches from the node:

  • current balances for addresses
  • address_coin_balances

The following async fetchers are launched for importing missing data:

  • replaced_transaction
  • block_reward
  • uncle_block
  • internal_transaction
  • coin_balance (only in catchup fetcher)
  • token_balance
  • token
  • contract_code

Async fetchers

These are responsible for fetching additional block data not retrieved in root fetchers. Most of them are based off BufferedTask, and the basic algorithm goes like this:

  1. Make an initial streaming request to database to fetch identifiers of all existing unfetched items.
  2. Accept new identifiers for fetching via async_fetch() method.
  3. Split identifier in batches and run tasks on TaskSupervisor according to max_batch_size and max_concurrency settings.
  4. Make requests using EthereumJSONRPC.
  5. Optionally post-process results using transformers.
  6. Optionally pass new identifiers to other async fetchers using async_fetch.
  7. Run Chain.import with fetched data.
  • replaced_transaction: not a fetcher per se, but rather an async worker, which discards previously pending transactions after they are replaced with new pending transactions with the same nonce, or are collated in a block.
  • block_reward: missing block_rewards for consensus blocks
  • uncle_block: blocks for block_second_degree_relations with null uncle_fetched_at
  • internal_transaction: for either blocks (Nethermind) or transactions with null internal_transactions_indexed_at
  • coin_balance: for address_coin_balances with null value_fetched_at
  • token_balance: for address_token_balances with null value_fetched_at. Also upserts address_current_token_balances
  • token: for tokens with cataloged == false
  • contract_code: for transactions with non-null created_contract_address_hash and null created_contract_code_indexed_at


  • token_updater is run every 2 days to update token metadata
  • coin_balance_on_demand is triggered from web UI to ensure address balance is as up-to-date as possible

Temporary workers

These workers are created for fetching information, which previously wasn't fetched in existing fetchers, or was fetched incorrectly. After all deployed instances get all needed data, these fetchers should be deprecated and removed.

  • uncataloged_token_transfers: extracts token transfers from logs, which previously weren't parsed due to unknown format
  • uncles_without_index: adds previously unfetched index field for unfetched blocks in block_second_degree_relations
  • blocks_transactions_mismatch: refetches each block once and revokes consensus to those whose transaction number mismatches with the number currently stored. This is meant to force the correction of a race condition that caused successfully fetched transactions to be overwritten by a following non-consensus block: #1911.

Memory Usage

The work queues for building the index of all blocks, balances (coin and token), and internal transactions can grow quite large. By default, the soft-limit is 1 GiB, which can be changed by setting INDEXER_MEMORY_LIMIT environment variable

Memory usage is checked once per minute. If the soft-limit is reached, the shrinkable work queues will shed half their load. The shed load will be restored from the database, the same as when a restart of the server occurs, so rebuilding the work queue will be slower, but use less memory.

If all queues are at their minimum size, then no more memory can be reclaimed and an error will be logged.

Websocket Keepalive

This defaults to 150 seconds, but it can be set via adding a configuration to subscribe_named_arguments in the appropriate config file (indexer/config//.exs) called :keep_alive. The value is an integer representing milliseconds.




This is the default setup. mix test will work on its own, but to be explicit, use the following setup:

export ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_CASE=EthereumJSONRPC.Case.Nethermind.Mox
mix test --exclude no_nethermind

HTTP / WebSocket

export ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_CASE=EthereumJSONRPC.Case.Nethermind.HTTPWebSocket
mix test --exclude no_nethermind
Protocol URL
HTTP http://localhost:8545
WebSocket ws://localhost:8546



mix test --exclude no_geth

HTTP / WebSocket

mix test --exclude no_geth
Protocol URL
WebSocket wss://