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wizzy is a rich user-friendly command line tool written in node.js to manage Grafana entities. It can save you hundreds of clicks in a day when editing and managing your Grafana dashboards. It can also be used to store dashboards in a Github repo making Grafana dashboards version controlled.

Understanding the use case

We want/need to edit and modify dashboards everyday and managing tens and hundreds of dashboard becomes hard for a Grafana user and as well as an administrator. To manage Grafana dashboards on command line makes it easier for the users who prefer keyboard over hundred of clicks. wizzy brings you that power to change dashboards on your command line. Together we can make it better and rich in terms of commands it support.


  1. A user makes a local directory to store dashboards and initialize it with Git version control.

  2. Then the user imports and make a copy of the dashboard(s) in the local directory so that changes can be made on these imported dashboards.

  3. The user uses wizzy cli tool to modify dashboard or dashboards and export it back to Grafana to replace the old one.

  4. The user also can push it to a Git repo once he is done making changes to track what changed on a dashboard.

Getting started with wizzy


Install nodejs by downloading it from ( After installing nodejs, run following commands:

$ node -v
$ npm -v

Note: Please make sure node version is above 5.10.1.


There are 3 different ways you can install wizzy:

1 - Use docker image wizzy-docker

$ docker pull utkarshcmu/wizzy
	- pulls latest docker image

2 - Using npm (Stable release):

$ npm install -g wizzy
	- Use sudo if needed or permission was denied

3 - Using Github (from source):

$ git clone
$ cd wizzy
$ npm install
$ npm link


  • Check wizzy version
$ wizzy version
  • Create a Github repo for storing dashboards
$ mkdir grafana-dash
$ cd grafana-dash
$ git init
	- optional step to store dashboards in a github repo
  • Initialize wizzy
$ wizzy init
  • Set Grafana properties in wizzy's config
$ wizzy set grafana url GRAFANA_URL
	- a required setting to connect to Grafana installation
$ wizzy set grafana username USERNAME
	- if anonymous access to Grafana is disabled.
$ wizzy set grafana password PASSWORD
	- if anonymous access to Grafana is disabled.

Note: Add conf directory to .gitignore to avoid checking your credentials into git repo.

  • Test wizzy setup
$ wizzy status

You are ready to use wizzy. Import your first dashboard now!


  • local dashboard - a json dashboard file under dashboards directory on local disk
  • remote dashboard - a dashboard currently live in Grafana


Broadly there are two types of commands in wizzy. Remote commands, which interacts with external sources like Grafana, S3, etc, and local commands, which operate on local json entities like dashboards, datasources, etc.

Remote commands

These commands operates directly on remote dashboards in Grafana via API, so please use them carefully. Dashboard Context(which is explained next) is not supported by these commands currently as they will interact with Grafana API directly.

Dashboard commands

$ wizzy list dashboards
	- prints list of dashboards from Grafana in a tabular format
$ wizzy show dashboard DASHBOARD_SLUG
	- prints a remote dashboard from Grafana
$ wizzy import dashboards
	- copies all remote dashboards jsons and creates/replaces local dashboard jsons
$ wizzy import dashboard DASHBOARD_SLUG
	- copies a remote dashboard json and creates a local dashboard
$ wizzy export dashboard DASHBOARD_SLUG
	- exports a local dashboard to be saved as a remote dashboard and go live
$ wizzy delete dashboard DASHBOARD_SLUG
	- deletes a remote dashboard from Grafana
$ wizzy clip dashboard DASHBOARD_SLUG
	- makes a clip (gif) of dashboard's last 24 hours of data
	- Note: Pleas set all 6 clip configuration properties otherwise this command will not work
	- See at the bottom of the page to set clip configuration properties

Organization commands

$ wizzy import orgs
	- imports all orgs in JSON format and stores under orgs directory
$ wizzy import org ORG_ID
	- imports an org with ORG_ID
$ wizzy create org ORG_NAME
	- creates an org in Grafana
$ wizzy show orgs
	- shows all orgs from Grafana
$ wizzy show org ORG_ID
	- shows an org from Grafana
$ wizzy delete org ORG_ID
	- deletes an org in Grafana
$ wizzy export org ORG_ID
	- exports an org from local JSON to replace the one in Grafana

Datasource commands

$ wizzy show datasources
	- shows you all the datasources in JSON
$ wizzy import datasources
	- imports all datasources in JSON format and store under datasources directory
$ wizzy export datasources
	- export all local datasources to Grafana
$ wizzy import datasource DATASOURCE_NAME
	- imports a datasource in JSON format and store under datasources directory
$ wizzy show datasource DATASOURCE_NAME
	- shows you a datasource in JSON
$ wizzy export datasource DATASOURCE_NAME
	- exports local datasource JSON object to replace the one in Grafana

S3 commands

$ wizzy upload dashboards
  - uploads all dashboards to S3
$ wizzy download dashboards
  - downloads all dashboards from S3 to local
$ wizzy upload dashboard DASHBOARD_SLUG
  - uploads a single dashboard to S3
$ wizzy download dashboard DASHBOARD_SLUG
  - downloads a single dashboard from S3

Dashboard context

A user can set the dashboard context in wizzy by the following command so that the wizzy cli is aware about the local dashboard on which it should operate. This is an optional setting for some commands and mandatory for other commands, which makes wizzy cli more intuitive and user-friendly.

wizzy set context dashboard DASHBOARD_SLUG

Note: Once context is set, wizzy will use this dashboard as default if no dashboard is supplied. It will be mentioned in the documentation where setting dashboard context is required.

Local commands

These commands operates on local json file based dashboards and support Dashboard Context.

Dashboard commands

These commands impacts the dashboard wide changes

$ wizzy summarize dashboard DASHBOARD_SLUG
	- prints summary of a local dashboard
$ wizzy change panels datasource OLD_DATASOURCE NEW_DATASOURCE
	- changes OLD_DATASOURCE to NEW_DATASOURCE for all panels on a dashboard

Organization commands

$ wizzy summarize orgs
	- prints summary of all local orgs

Datasource commands

$ wizzy summarize datasources
	- prints summary of all local datasources

Row commands

	- copies a row from one position to another on the same dashboard
	- copies a row from one dashboard to another dashboard
	- moves a row from one position to another on the same dashboard
	- moves a row from one dashboard to another dashboard
$ wizzy remove row SOURCE_ROW_NUMBER
	- removes a row from the current dashboard

Panel commands

	- copies a panel from current row to another row on the same dashboard
	- copies a panel from current dashboard to another dashboard
	- moves a panel from current row to another row on the same dashboard
	- moves a panel from current dashboard to another dashboard
$ wizzy remove panel SOURCE_ROW.PANEL_NUMBER
	- removes a panel from current dashboard

Template variable commands

	- copies a template variable from current dashboard to another dashboard
	- moves a template variable from current dashboard to another dashboard
$ wizzy remove temp-var SOURCE_TEMP-VAR_NUMBER
	- removes a template variable from current dashboard
$ wizzy extract temp-var SOURCE_TEMP-VAR_NUMBER TEMP_VAR_NAME
	- copies a template variable from current dashboard to a json file under temp-vars directory for resuse
$ wizzy insert temp-var TEMP_VAR_NAME DASHBOARD_SLUG
	- copies a template variable from JSON file to the specified dashboard otherwise to the context dashboard, if not specified

Note: wizzy removes version field from the imported dashboard before saving it to the disk as version is something what Grafana takes care of for a dashboard. ROW_NUMBER and PANEL_NUMBER starts from 1.

Configuration commands

Grafana properties can be set in wizzy by running following commands, if you have not set already:

$ wizzy set grafana url GRAFANA_URL
$ wizzy set grafana username USERNAME
$ wizzy set grafana password PASSWORD
$ wizzy set grafana debug_api true
	- an optional setting to debug Grafana API calls, `false` by default
$ wizzy set context dashboard DASHBOARD_SLUG
$ wizzy set clip render_height 600
$ wizzy set clip render_width 600
$ wizzy set clip render_timeout 10
$ wizzy set clip canvas_width 800
$ wizzy set clip canvas_height 600
$ wizzy set clip delay 500
	- sets delay between each snapshot, lower delay means short video
$ wizzy set s3 access_key
$ wizzy set s3 secret_key
$ wizzy set s3 bucket_name
$ wizzy set s3 path
$ wizzy set s3 region

Help commands

Help commands lets you explore wizzy's info, health, configuration.

$ wizzy conf
	- shows wizzy configuration
$ wizzy init
	- only to be used while setting up wizzy for the first time
$ wizzy status
$ wizzy help
$ wizzy version

Project initiator

Utkarsh Bhatnagar, @utkarshcmu, [email protected]