spack install lbann
Here is an example of setting up the local build environment on x86_64 HPC system
cd lbann
mkdir spack_builds; cd spack_builds
../scripts/spack_receipes/ -c [email protected] -b openblas -m mvapich2
cd gcc-7.1.0_x86_64_mvapich2_openblas_rel/build
make -j all
[Spack Setup](
The script roughly does the following steps for this example:
spack setup lbann@local build_type=Release dtype=4 %[email protected] ^elemental@master blas=openblas ^mvapich2
spack setup lbann@local %[email protected] ^mvapich2
mkdir -p gcc-7.1.0_x86_64_mvapich2_openblas_rel/build
cd gcc-7.1.0_x86_64_mvapich2_openblas_rel/build
../ ../../..
cd examples
NOTE: Compilation is now done using cmake, please follow the instruction in doc/getting_started
Allocate nodes in SLURM:
salloc -N16 --enable-hyperthreads -t 1440 --clear-ssd
./ -t 2400 -v 10 -e 4 -n 5000,2500,1000 -b 192 -r 0.0001
cd tests
sbatch -N16 --enable-hyperthreads -t 1440 --clear-ssd ./
Allocate nodes in MOAB:
mxterm 16 256 1440 -A hpclearn